15 Days Of Christmas & Hannukah With Uncle Scott
Happy Monday Familia,
I hope you had an excellent long Thanksgivnig holiday weekend. I also hope that you are excited for all that I have up my sleeves in December. I want to make sure you could finish the year off with a bang thanks to me and all my Jaftex Companies (A.E. Nathan, Blank Quilting, FreeSpirit Fabrics, Henry Glass Fabrics, Studioe Fabrics & 3 Wishes).

For starters, I hope you heard about my newest challenge called #SantaScottSentMe2019. If you haven’t heard, you can read up on that in my last blog which you can see here. In addition, you can find a few other details here. It’s the holiday edition of my #scottsentme2019 challenge.

Now that I got that out of the way, let’s jump to the 15 days of Christmas & Hannukah with Uncle Scott (that’s me!). This is similar to the 19 days of Christmas/Hannukah that I hosted last year on my @jaftexpresident Facebook page if you were around for that.

In a nutshell, I will ask questions Monday-Friday for the next three weeks on my @jaftexpresident Facebook page. With each question, I will offer fabric prizes to those who I feel have given the most profound and touching answers. I will put the post up on my page at 6 am Monday-Friday for the next three weeks.

At around 8 or 9 pm each night, I will pick a winner or winners. I will ask you to email me your address or the address of the person who will get the fabric prize. My awesome associate, Kenisha, will ship the prizes out as quickly as possible so all prizes will be received in December and will act as real Christmas or Hannukah gifts.
When you go to my Facebook page (@jaftexpresident) on Monday morning, it will be pretty clear what you need to do to try to win. Just follow the instructions and give a thoughtful response. Then, later that evening you need to see if I selected you as one of the winners. If I do select you, you will then have to email me your info at scott@jaftex.com asap.
Please note that Friday December 20 will be the last day of this Facebook fun. After that, I am peacing you all out and heading to Florida to rest.
You all are a tiring bunch. But seriously, you guys are awesome and I am very thankful for each and everyone of you. I so appreciate my fans. Your contributions to all my social media efforts are amazing and that is what keeps me going.

With that, I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas, a Happy Hannukah and a Happy New Year! I so look forward to what lies ahead in 2020 and beyond. Don’t forget that my parent company, Jaftex Corp., is turning 90 years old very soon so you can expect some more fun in 2020. I am really proud to be able to say that we have been in business for 90 years and I am part of the fourth generation. Hence, the moniker that I use for my blogs: Tales of a Fourth Generation Textile Executive.
Thank you!
Uncle Scott

P.S. If you don’t get email reminders letting you know when I post new blogs, please register here so you don’t miss any of my tales.

P.S.S. If you order my blog book and anything else on Amazon from using the link below, I will get a commission from Amazon and that money too will go towards my sewing machine giveaway. Stated the proper way, “As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. ”
Scott Fortunoff
Hi Barb,
Yup 90! Yeah, but I don’t like to brag. I am hoping to get some relaxing time too. Hopefully the weather will cooperate. Happy Holidays to you too!
Robert Raymond Tucker
As a professional artist and quilter Free Spirit fabrics are always on the top of my list. I am enjoying your holiday giveaway and questions. Thank you for all you do to promote local quilt shops and quilting in general.
Scott Fortunoff
Hi Robert,
Thanks for your comment. Glad that FreeSpirit is on the top of your list. Hopefully you can add my other brands to that list too…hint hint. LOL. Glad you are enjoying the giveaway. Glad you could be on this crazy fabric journey with me and my fabric family. Happy Holidays!
Renee Bednarczyk
Scott, you do so much good for people and it is very appreciated. Just wanted to share my thoughts and say thank you and Happy Hanukkah to you and yours!
Scott Fortunoff
Hi Renee,
How are you? I hope you had a nice holiday. You are so very welcome. Glad you can be here with me on this crazy fabric journey. Happy Holidays to you too. Have a great week.
Lisa Giebink
Your enthusiasm for the fabric industry and those of us who sew is infectious!!! Thanks!
Scott Fortunoff
Good Morning Lisa,
That’s sweet of you to say. I try to make it fun and fabric-tain you as I like to say. Have a great week and enjoy the holidays!
Maree Whitley
Thank you so very much, Uncle Scott, for everything that you do! ☺ You’re the absolute BEST!!! ♥
Scott Fortunoff
Hi Maree,
Thanks! You rock! So glad I was able to meet you and your husband. You make me smile.
Happy Holidays!
so cool. I bet it ‘s fulfilling that you make people smile just by spreading your uplifting,infectious personality. 90 years,that is really great!!
Scott Fortunoff
Hi Lynn,
It is amazing to help people to smile. Thanks for your nice note. Yup, 90 years and going strong. Have a great week.
Happy Holidays!
Rhoda johnson
Just simply: Thank you. You help inspire me and thousands of others everyday with the fabric that your company puts out. Your generosity is amazing.
Thank you again, for all you do.
Scott Fortunoff
Hi Rhoda,
Just simply: you are very welcome. Thanks for being an active participant. Happy Holiday to you and yours.
Sharon Lowy
Are you a member of the Fortunoff family that had stores in Manhattan, Westbury and Wayne, NJ? We loved those stores.
Scott Fortunoff
Good Morning Sharon,
We are very distant relatives as there are not that many people with that name.
Looking forward to your question.
Scott Fortunoff
Morning Nancy,
A question is posted now. Go get’em if you haven’t done so already. Have a great week.