Tales Of A Fourth Generation Textile Executive: Time Flies, Let’s Take A Step Back And Take A Deep Breath. Can You Feel It?


Life is flying by at a million miles per hour.  Do you feel the same way?  One day mushes in to the next and all of a sudden, here I am a 41 year old father with 2 young children.  The truth is that I still feel like I am in my 20’s and just can’t figure out where all the time went….elementary school, middle school, high school, college, law school, and several jobs are all faded memories.  Now, another Summer is more or less upon us, and the milestones are starting for my own children.


Just last week, I had the most special opportunity.  I got to see my kids graduate…..from nursery school and the 2 year old program.  Not exactly the biggest milestones for the kids, but for me it was nothing short of an emotional roller coaster.  Take a walk down memory lane.  Imagine yourself at your child’s school, sitting on the benches, waiting for your little one to walk across the stage to receive his/her diploma.  The pride and joy of this is overwhelming, but it isn’t easy to hold back the tears.  Believe it or not, I am tearing as I write this.  I am such a wuss.  Anyway, now that I have set the stage, so to say, imagine how I felt, and remember how you felt, when the kids crossed the stage.  Please watch this short video and put yourself in my shoes for a moment.  Can you feel that?  I sure can and it makes me so happy like a drug from the gods.




Now that we got past that, I would like to make my point.  The point being that life does fly by so fast.  As such, we all need to take a step back and smell the roses, kiss/hug a loved one, call an old friend, apologize to someone you hurt, turn your cell phones/pages, etc. off for a day.  Or, how about this?   Go find an old quilt and hang it up on the wall.  Stare at it for a while and just take it in.  Remember what was going through your mind when you made the quilt.  What was going on in your life at that time?   What fabric line was it from?  It better be Studioe E! Take it all in, breath and enjoy.  Repeat, repeat, repeat until complete elation.  Try it, you will be surprised.  Have a great day and an awesome Summer.


Signing Off,


Sappy Scott e

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