Tales Of A Fourth Generation Textile Executive: My Lucky Day….The Peppered Cotton Challenge In Full Effect

My Lucky Day….The Peppered Cotton Challenge In Full Effect.

Happy New Year Studioe Fans,

Today is my lucky day.  As I began my early morning workout, the light on my blackberry (yes, I still use a blackberry) lit up, signifying that I had a new message.  The fact that the light was blinking wasn’t a big deal since I get messages daily.  The big deal was the content of the message.  “Hallellujah!” I rejoiced.  What was the message?  Take a guess.  Come on.  I will give you a hint….it has to do with the Peppered Cottons (hopefully you are well aware of this fabric by now….if not I have a problem).  

Alright, enough of the suspense.  Drum roll please…the emailed message was the first submission to the Peppered Cotton Challenge.  Wow!  I was so very impressed with this first submission.  I can’t wait to see what the rest of you submit and I hope to start getting more submissions before the March 31st deadline.  

Time to stop procrastinating people.   Come on folks, it has been super cold around the US, so what better thing to do than to hit your sewing room and work on your Peppered Cotton Challenge project?  Don’t you know that the cold weather really gets your creative juices going.  I just made that up, but it sounded good.  Just go with it.

In any case, as long as this one person has submitted a project for the contest, the contest will not be a total flop.  With that, it is my lucky day someone is participating in the contest.  I am happy.  Oh, the simple things in life.  Good luck and let those submissions start rolling in.  Amen to that!

Talk soon,


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