Tales Of A Fourth Generation Textile Executive: The Genius Behind It All Part 1: My Father

A couple of months ago, I awoke at some ungodly hour and couldn’t fall back asleep.  Rather than sit in bed rolling around thinking, I showered, got dressed, had breakfast and made a 5 am train.  I was in Manhattan by 6 am.

At 7 am, my cell phone rang and my mother asked, “where are you?” “I am in the office, believe it or not.” She said she was at the hospital with my dad.  My heart sunk.  He was having pains in his chest all night, but fortunately it wasn’t a heart attack.  She said everything would be ok and dad didn’t want anyone to visit.  That is just his way, he doesn’t really like to put people out, which is a trait I too possess.  So, I went on with my day, as best I could, staying in touch throughout.

At 3 pm, my mom called in a semi-panic insisting that my siblings and I come to the hospital immediately.  OMG!  Now I am freaking out, but in the back of my mind I keep thinking that nothing could ever happen to my dad…. he is invincible.  


My sister and I immediately ran to Penn Station to catch a train.  On the way over, she was an emotional wreck and kept eluding to death.  My head then started to fill up with morbidity.  My mind was now running out of control.  Not only could I be losing my amazing father, but I could also be losing my business partner and the brains behind the Jaftex Companies.

Could I run Jaftex on my own?  Was I up for the task?  These were questions I knew I would have to address one day…..I just didn’t think that day could come so soon. 

Stay tuned for part 2.

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