We are in the process of unpacking our big ‘ole suitcases from the Houston Quilt Market. You probably are doing the same, right? It turns out that our suitcase is now full of new ideas, inspiration and tricks. There is so much to discover at the quilt market and while there is just NO WAY to absorb it all, there are some very important take-away ideas that we want to share with you.

Most importantly, we hope you noticed that Studioe has an entirely NEW presence that created a buzz at the Houston market!  Did you hear it? We are essentially brand new in our management, our designs, our marketing and our aggressive Free Freight sales promotion for our quilt shop owners.

First the new management: Scott Fortunoff, the fourth generation of a long-standing New York textile family, is at the helm of Studioe as the new president and sales manager. The vitality of the Fortunoff family is no secret to the fabric world, having seen the success of Henry Glass Fabrics, A.E. Nathan Co., Inc, Jaftex Corp., The New Stylemaker and Fabric Editions, Inc. (This Fortunoff family has no relation to the retail chain on the east coast).

Scott’s ambition for the lines, the designs and the promotion of Studioe is a force as strong as the winds of Hurricane Sandy, but a lot kinder.  Scott’s personality is such that he tries to meet and talk to all our customers whether in person, on the phone or by email.  Did you get a chance to meet him yet?  If you didn’t see him in action at School House, Sample Spree or at the Studioe booth, you should make an effort to meet him as he would like to get to know each and every one of you.Second the designs: Megan Downer, a lovely soft spoken woman and thoughtful designer is leading the new team in New York. She coordinates designs from the talented bevy of licensed designers on Team Studioeand is looking to build her team.  Her first major acquisition was to sign Pepper Cory up to design a taupe inspired line called Town & Country.  Megan is on the prowl for more designers so expect more promising additions. The eight lines introduced at market are the result of Megan’s dedication to getting the design team in high gear, in spite of having a major surgery in the midst of it all.


Finally, but certainly not all….the spirit of Team Studioe is strong with the many talents of people like Laura Gilvin and Vanessa Denniston (“V”) in marketing, advertising and social media.  They work to get the quilt patterns made by our outside pattern designers, they design all of the advertisements, they are working to build our social media presence, they built our new website and so much more. They are the behind the scenes workers who bring the fabric to life and to market and are keys to the success of Studioe. There are a lot of hands and minds that touch the Studioe name and we are all dedicated to bringing the Studioe brand into a new era, with all things new for you.  We hope you like our new direction and appreciate your support.

Happy Quilting!

Team Studioe