Tales Of A Fourth Generation Textile Executive: Choo Choo Quilt Guild Here I Come

It has been a long time since my last speaking engagement in front of a quilt guild.  Recall my trip to speak in Jackson Hole Wyoming in late 2014.  Well, I am back.  This time I am staying a little more East where I am heading to Chattanooga, TN to speak with the Choo Choo Quilt Guild thanks to an invite from my sales rep in that territory.  Here is the announcement about the event.  If you are near Chattanooga, please come on down and hear what I have to say.  Maybe you will learn something or maybe I will learn something which wouldn’t be so bad either.

Way back in 2014 was when I was still having glossophobia issues (fear of public speaking), but since then I have been working hard to put this fear behind me.  Like anything else, practice makes perfect.  I am not perfect, but a lot more comfortable.  So I am ready for you Choo Chooers.  The one thing that I am sure going to want to find out is why they are called the Choo Choo Guild.  I will also want to pick the member’s brains to find ideas for future lines and business in general.  The knowledge gained from trips like this is invaluable because I don’t often get the chance to be in front of so many fabric consumers at one time.  I am very excited about the possibilities and the opportunity to meet all the Choo Chooers.  I sure hope that the members get a lot out of my visit.  

So what am I going to talk about?  I am not totally sure.  I hate to come to these events with prepared statements because that could get boring and I certainly didn’t travel all this way to bore everyone.  I could do that in New York!  What I really like to do is give a brief intro and then let the questions from the members help to form the discussions that we have.  Not only that, but I like the conversations to be interactive because aside from hearing what I have to say, I like to hear what everyone else has to say.  This brings me back to my joyous days in law school with the Socratic method…note the sarcasm.  I will certainly come bearing fabric gifts.  So stay tuned for my future blog when I discuss what went on at the event.  Hope to see you there!  Chattanooga here I come!  Choo Choo!

Wish me luck!


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