Tales Of A Fourth Generation Textile Executive: Happy Independence Day!

Happy Monday Folks!  It is the summer, so every chance I get to sneak away with a lazy boy blog, I take it.  Sorry folks, but happy boring Scott is also trying to enjoy his summer and the nice long weekend.

Anyway, we should all take a moment to relish the fact that we are now an independent nation.  This is a great country that we all live in and we should all be very thankful.  With that, please make sure to eat a lot of nitrates, red meat and sweets….bearing red, white and blue of course. Also, make sure to have a couple of cocktails to celebrate the special day…if that is what you are in to. Personally, I don’t drink much, except on days that end in Y.

Finally, I wanted to say that in spite of me being lazy this week, I do have lots of blogs in the cue.  I did realize that I never wrote a post quilt market Jaftex dinner blog and I need to post that among a lot of other stuff on my mind.  Stay tuned.

Be safe and be smart.  Don’t drink and drive.  And don’t drink and sew either.

Have fun!

Summer Scott

204 words

One Comment

  • Joanne Hubbard

    Happy belated 4th! We spent the long weekend with friends and family, but I did get a chance to sew a little. I decided to honor out great nation, and those men and women who serve to protect it, by working on some blocks for Tana Mueller’s American Honor block drive and a Quilt of Valor.

    I look forward the Market post!