Tales of a Fourth Generation Textile Executive: The Results Are In

You remember when I did that April fools blog where I said I was fired from blogging by my dad and brother? I know that was so long ago, but I just found this blog and it makes me laugh and hope it makes you laugh too. I also don’t want to waste it.  Hopefully all my readers caught that it was an April’s Fools joke. Hopefully! Omg, is nobody reading my blogs anymore? Hello! I think I just heard a pin drop.

Did you hear that?

Anyway, to those who are still reading, at some point, I eluded to the fact that I didn’t really know if many people were reading my blogs. So you wouldn’t believe this. This is crazy. Nuts! There are actually more than 100 people reading my blog. Yes, well over 100. No freakin’ way. Actually, hold on a minute, it’s in the 1000s and not just like 1000, sometimes it’s 3000 or 4000 and more recently it is way more like 5k because of the free sewing machines that I am giving away to those in need. Omg, all for my crappy blog! I just can’t.  WTF? (F for fabric of course) I mean, how stupid is that moniker…Tales Of A Fourth…blah, blah, blah, dork?  Someone please rename my blog.  It takes five minutes for me to just type that nonsense in to the title bar and then I need to type in an actual title too.  How about some suggestions for a new moniker to replace Tales Of A Fourth Generation Textile Executive and be nice please?

This is hysterical though. Who knew? And who are all these readers? I think it is bots. Maybe it’s a conspiracy to make me think I am cool or people actually care about what I am saying.  Maybe it was the Clintons.   I hate to be political, but I couldn’t resist.  Or maybe it was the Russians.  I think the people of Word Press are messing with me and the stats are all lies.  Anyway, the internet is crazy.

Can someone please pinch me? Can someone please say something? Time for my loyal readers to come out from behind your fabric and sewing machines to say anything in the comments section. Pretty please already. We need to get all the cards out on the table here.

Anyway, I gotta go now before I die of laughter.  I think I am going to celebrate my blog fame. Want to join me for a little soirée?  Table for 5000. LOLOLOLO 😂.  Have a great week, a happy Thanksgiving and be thankful for being alive.  And most of all, thanks for following my blogs.

Cynical Scott

PS….I want to thank 2 amazing English professors from the University of Michigan: John Rubadeau and Eric (spacing on the last name right now, but he knows who he is). I also want to thank my law degree.   What a difference good teachers can make.

PSS….dad and bro will be giving me a raise real soon.

PSSS…Please follow my Executive Facebook page

PSSSS… Also, please subscribe to my blog and get notifications when new blogs are posted.  Look up on the right side of this blog to register.

532 words including these.  PERFECT!


  • Lynne Hannant

    Hey Scott!

    I was playing around with an abbreviation (being ex military we abbreviation everything!!) and I wasn’t wild about TFGTE, but I rooted around in the letters to see if I could come up with something catchy. I finally come up with something that rolls off the tongue but is absurdly more difficult than what you have already. All the same… try saying TaFroGenTexEx a few times and see if it doesn’t flow. Lol!!! Amusing, huh? Ah well, back to sewing. Xo

  • Mary Bakke

    Keep the name. It is unique and draws people in to know more about your fabrics and the family business. The blogs are very interesting and there are probably a lot of lurkers reading your blog without commenting. I’ve learned may new things recently such as the term “Big Macher,” “fabric yenta” and loved the Quilt Market blogs. Did you know that the modern usage of “yente” means gentle and noble man? Thank you for your generosity and kindness and I have been inspired to join your revolution. Have a blessed Thanksgiving.
    Best wishes,

  • Barbara Esposito, The Quilted B

    Nice to see so many comments, huh? No suggestions, only best wishes for a peaceful, thankful Thanksgiving to you and yours.

  • Dominique Wielgosch

    Scott, love your blogs, I follow pretty faithfully, from my little hometown in the middle of the bush in northwestern Ontario. I’m pretty sure it was the moniker of the blog that got me started reading it…
    I was very impressed with the sewing machine giveaway. Generosity and a grateful heart speak volumes about a person and the company they represent.
    Best wishes, Dominique

  • Laura GC

    Another vote for leaving the title! I think your family’s history in the industry is incredible and keeping that in your title gives weight to your perspective for people who are new here.

    • Scott Fortunoff

      That is definitely a legit statement Laura. Are you at NYU MANHATTAN? Didn’t know anyone in New York read my blog. FYI they just opened a quilt shop across from my office on 38th street. Happy holidays.

  • Joanne Hubbard

    Happy Monday and Happy Thanksgiving!

    Now that you are such a successful blogger and FB participant, I totally understand the need to shorten the blog title so you have more of time to reply to all your followers. 🙂

    I too like the idea of keeping the concept of the family/generations in the title. It adds a very different perspective than what’s out there for the average quilter/sewist to read. Here are a few suggestions from the peanut gallery in Ohio: Four Generations of Textiles, Textiles Through the Generations, Textiles – Family Style, Textile Talk. You know that I’ll keep thinking about this, right? It’s like the machines. I just can’t stop! 🙂

    • Scott Fortunoff

      Hi BFF
      Seems like everyone wants me to keep it. Don’t waste too much of your brain power finding a new name. Your energy is better used for stoking the sewing revolution flames. Have a great holiday. Xxoo

  • Joyce Jones

    Tell your Dad and brother there is nothing wrong with you blogging and your readers do not want you to stop. Answered your email today with my address and phone number. Wishing you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving.
    Joyce Jones

  • Linda Swanekamp

    How about 4G Fabric Head? Or will you get sued by the phones? Enjoy musings from someone who makes fabric. Most everyone else I follow uses, collects, or lusts for fabric. I do all three. Love your fabrics.

  • Kaholly

    I have to agree with Laura, and to apologize for not leaving comments. Sometimes life gets tough and just gets in the way, you know? That said, I have been enjoying your posts and find them refreshing. Have a good day, a great week, and Happy Thanksgiving!

  • Kathy Schmidt

    Just found out about you/this blog from someone’s FB post last week. Maybe that kind of stuff is why your followers have jumped to 5000! You are very entertaining–probably why you are going to get that big raise from dad! You could try 4th Gen Textiles for a title, now that everyone has gotten to know the longer title. See, even I found a way to not type out the whole thing! Keep up your good work and thanks for sharing!

  • Laura T

    Hi Scott,
    The name of your blog is what caught my attention. It was different and piqued my interest to keep reading. I wouldn’t change it. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

  • Pattie Mahler

    Tales of a funny 4th Generation Textile Executive…. Simply Scott.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. Lots to be thankful for this year…. and every year.

  • Teri Lucas

    Scott, leave your blog name just as it is, you’ve established this as a brand, just like Blank, StudioE, etc. Changing it now as you’re really developing your readership isn’t the best thing ever.


    • Scott Fortunoff

      Thanks a million for sharing this Sharon. This is what it is all about. I cannot wait for the day when some of these kids reach out to tell me how the machine changed their lives or how they became the next big famous designer or quilter. Great job Red Barn!