Tales Of A Fourth Generation Textile Executive: 62 Reasons

Today I am on the road and the hotel that I am staying at has the most amazing gym.  It has spectacular views of the beach and ocean and all the beauty that goes with it.  It is 620 am, I had a great night sleep and feel amazing so that I am going to start out with a short 6.2 mile run.  I know I am going to be eating a lot over the holidays so I have to step up the exercise to battle the bulge.  I realize that exercise only does so much vs the food, but I am doing what I can as there is nothing worse than when January arrives and all my clothes are super tight….it makes it hard to think.  I digress.

About 6.2 minutes in to the run, I gaze into the beautiful view and just melt in.   I think I have a runner’s high going and I feel like sixty two million bucks.  As I gaze outside, I notice a tumult and crowd of people right outside the hotel.  They are a little too far away to decipher what they are doing or saying . The people have signs and are chanting something.  I am really in to my workout so I don’t even want to mess with my runner’s high to take off my headphones to figure out what they are yelling about.

6.2 miles is in the history books and I feel even better than when I woke up.  The power of exercise for the mind is just unreal…something to think about as we head in to 2018 and none of us is getting younger.  I leave for my room to shower and get dressed for the rest of my day.  I go to the elevator and head down from the 62nd floor.  It starts to get very loud as I get closer to the lobby.  Those same people I saw from the gym were still there with their signs and yelling. Wtf (fabric) is going on?

The signs and people were all facing East and my breakfast spot was West so I didn’t have to deal with all that nonsense.  Lucky me!   As I head west on 62nd Avenue, I hear a big roar and look back to see what happened.  This is crazy.  Someone screams out, “There he is!”  I wonder, who is HE they are talking about?   I turn around and realize that I am the “HE” and the signs say 62 more.  62 more?  What are they talking about?  OMG, they want 62 more of Scott’s Free Sewing Machines for 2018.  As they start chasing me, I trip and fall on the sidewalk.  I am lying there with all these crazy quilters standing over me.  They start to poke and prod me in a nice way and then I hear a whisper,  “Scott, Scott, it’s 6:20, you gotta get up for work.”

I hope you enjoy a made up story every so often.  I have fun making them up.  Wishing you an amazing end to the year and a great 2018.  I greatly appreciate your support of me, my family, my companies and my self-proclaimed Sewing Revolution.  Please know that I will begin giving more machines away starting in January 2018.  If you haven’t heard already, I purchased a pallet more of machines that I can’t wait to give away to those people who are suffering life tragedies.  Spread the word!

With Love,

Scott Fortunoff

P.S.  In my effort to help the Sewing Revolution along, I am willing to offer people some misprinted fabric rejects that can be used for the sole purpose of teaching people to quilt (I have white on white western prints and I have a 36″ book panel with a typo).  Price would be 50 cent per yard plus freight and all proceeds would go to buying more sewing machines to give away.  Minimum would be 100 yards as these are on large rolls.  If interested, post a request in the comments and I will be in touch.  First come, first served,  while supplies last.

P.S.S.…Please follow my Executive Facebook page.

PS.S.S… Also, please subscribe to my blog and get notifications when new blogs are posted.  Look up on the right side of this blog to register

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