Tales Of A Fourth Generation Textile Executive: Introducing…..

The last 365 days have proven to be transformative for me and my family business.  Last summer I started the free sewing machine giveaway which has been life changing for me….for the better of course.  Any day now, I will reach the 100 machine mark and there is no stopping there.  I am very proud and, quite frankly, surprised at how far I have gotten in such a short timeframe.  I plan to continue this effort indefinitely so please keep submitting requests and supporting this great cause.  I just ask for patience as it isn’t always easy to find the time to contact people submitting requests.

The free sewing machine giveaway was the perfect segue into what has become the #sewrevolution.  The #sewrevolution being my self-proclaimed effort to help strengthen the entire fabric industry.  The concept here was to encourage people to spread this amazing art so it could withstand the test of time and be around for future generations of Fortunoff’s and enthusiasts alike.  Recently, I teamed up with FabShop Network and Karen Montgomery of The Quilt Company to create the first #sewrevolution event called #sewdays.  Hopefully, this will be the first event of many and the #sewrevolution will march on thanks to industry-wide efforts, your help and corporate sponsors.

Then there was the social media conference in San Diego.  It opened my eyes to the importance of social media and I recognized that social media would be an integral part of the business forever.  The conference proved to be invaluable.  The 2 key takeaways from the conference were (pay attention!):

  1. I learned that in the future, 80% of what we consumed on social media would be video related.  As such, I have stepped up my video efforts with many more Facebook live videos.  The statistics from the videos are positively shocking and have confirmed that video is of the utmost importance.  You can expect many more live videos from me. I am making all efforts to improve upon the the quality and content as I gain more experience and get all the proper tools in place to create live quality videos.
  2. I learned the importance of transforming fans into superfans by giving them special attention and by allowing them to be an integral part of my fabric journey.  I invited them in to my world and they have gladly embraced it, enjoyed it and contributed to it.

And then there was FreeSpirit acquisition.  This was the opportunity of a lifetime for me and my family.  This helped to put us on the proverbial map and gain some serious credibility in the industry as an important supplier.  It confirmed our dedication and commitment to the industry too as if four generations wasn’t enough to prove that.

All the various items discussed above helped to elevate the exposure of the Jaftex fabric brands (Studioe Fabrics, Henry Glass Fabrics, Blank Quilting, FreeSpirit, A.E. Nathan & Fabric Editions) and my social media platforms (Tales Of A Fourth Generation Textile Executive Blogs & my Scott Fortunoff Executive Facebook Page).  So, with that, I have a big announcement to share with you my valued readers:  My Tales Of A Fourth Generation blog is moving to a new home, introducing:


The Studioe Fabrics website is no longer the appropriate place to house my blogs.  My content needs to have its own home and not get mixed in with the Studioe business of selling fabric.  The new website will be where we can continue to share this fun textile journey together.

All existing subscribers will be happy to know that they don’t need to re-register to receive notifications about new posts as we have taken care of that for you.  That being said, if you aren’t registered, you now can register to receive notifications about when new blogs are posted.  Or, you can expect a blog from me just about every Monday and you can visit the new website easily by adding it to your favorites list.

I do want to tell you what you can expect to see here:

  • Blogs.  Obviously, all my blog posts will be housed there.
  • YouTube Videos.  All my Facebook live and other videos will be added to a YouTube page and you can view all of them from one location.
  • Sewing Machine Giveaway Info.  You can learn about my sewing machine giveaway, submit requests and see the gallery of winners.
  • All Company Social Site Links & Websites.  There will be links to all the Jaftex Company websites and their social platforms.
  • Executive Facebook Page.  There will be a direct link to my executive Facebook page so you can see what’s going on over there.
  • Contact.  You can easily contact me or send cookies.

On the new site, I promise to:

  • Continue to give you an inside track to what goes on behind the scenes.
  • Tell you what’s going on with all the Jaftex companies.
  • Show you exclusive video content and let you see things through my eyes that you normally wouldn’t have the opportunity to see for yourself.
  • Provide frequent corporate updates.
  • Share my little secrets with you.
  • More free giveaways and contests.
  • Support charitable causes and the sewing machine giveaway.
  • Encourage people to keep quilting and sewing.  #sewrevolution.
  • Tell you about my travels and store visits.
  • Share my knowledge of the industry with you and teach you about the textile industry and the lingo.
  • Let you meet all the great people that I work with on a daily basis.
  • Introduce you to important players in the industry.
  • Allow you to be by my side on this textile journey for many years to come.

I guess that’s all I need to tell you.   Welcome here!  Considering that it is a new site, if you have any suggestions on how to make it even better, please do share with me because I always strive to be the best I can.

As always, thanks for your continued support of the Jaftex companies and my mission.  I am so thankful for my supporters and I truly look forward to what lies ahead.

Have a great week!  Hope to see you in Portland.


So long www.studioefabrics.net., hello www.scottfortunoff.com !


P.S……Here is where you can find my Executive Facebook page

1095 words including these and those below.

This is the sewing machine I give away for free. Please feel free to purchase one, and give it away too! Or Recommend it! Or love it!


  • Joyce Jones

    You are not only a generous man but an extremely busy one. Good luck in your endeavors and also wishing you quality time with your family. Following your progress.

  • Scott Fortunoff

    Don’t wow me barb, you know this is all Vanessa.
    Thanks for your kind words as always. And most of all, thanks for your friendship.
    Thanks for being a superfan.

  • Darlene Cunningham

    I love your personability. You make everyone truly feel that they are a part of what’s happening in this industry we all love so much. Thank you. I look forward to reading /seeing more.

    • Scott Fortunoff

      You are too sweet! Your personality isn’t so bad either 🙂 The mission is to take everyone on the journey in my textile spaceship. Hold on tight, it’s only getting better. Have a great week.

  • Kim Carron

    Love it. AWESOME!!! Can’t wait for all the new things coming from here. Still waiting for my sewing machine to get here to give to my sister in law hint hint… lol.

    • Scott Fortunoff

      Hi Kim,
      Glad you like my new spot. I am way behind on the sewing machines and promise to get back after quilt market when the dust settles. If i asked for an address and phone number you are still in the pile. Thanks for your patience.

  • Clare Neff

    Thanks, Scott. I appreciate your honesty and integrity in an industry I want to help flourish. I look forward to your blog updates and facebook live videos and I appreciate your sharing – and your sense of humor. Keep up the good work!

    • Scott Fortunoff

      You are too nice to me and I appreciate it. Glad to have such nice fans and followers. There is so much more to come.

  • Kara Benavides

    Good morning. Well done. Still need to work on that site name though. 🙂 Thanks for the Fabulous Inside Fabric Info.

    • Scott Fortunoff

      Thanks Kara. Of the choices that we had, this was the best site name of all. Get used to it kiddo!