Reflecting On Mistakes I Made In 2018
I believe everything happens for a reason. This past year I made some mistakes that I regret and hope to improve upon in the future. It happens. No one is perfect….besides my wife, my mom and, oh yeah, my dad, my brother and of course YOU!

It takes a man to admit his mistakes and I am all good with that because well….I am a man the last time I checked. So here are a few of the mistakes I made in 2018. I am sure you can think of lots more, but these are the ones that stick out in my mind and made me sweat a little.

Shortly after we bought FreeSpirit Fabrics, I was getting lots of requests for interviews and such. One such podcast interviewer was so unprepared for our call that I called her out on it. It was as if she did almost zero prep. It was really embarrassing and it didn’t make me feel very good about doing the interview at all. I mean, who does that?

In any case, I decided to use this story as an example in a blog post about being prepared for the things you do. Shortly after posting the blog, I was getting normal comments and most people were agreeing that it is important to be prepared. Then later that same day, I think the word got out to the podcast underworld and they wanted my head on a silver platter. When things started to get heated up, I did first edit the post and then totally deleted it. That was all fine and good until Abby Glassenberg had a screen shot of some of the comments and then she included it in her email newsletter to all her followers which included me too. Thanks Abby! It was all good though because no one mentioned it again. I guess I kind of dodged the podcaster wrath.

2018 has been a huge growth year for me social media-ly (I made that up.). The increase in followers on my @jaftexpresident Facebook page has been very invigorating. With that, I have had to post more and try a lot of new and different things which, of course, is a good thing. I don’t want it to be boring so I need to cover lots of material to keep things interesting. With that, there are probably several subjects that I will learn are off limits.

One of the off limits subjects in particular that I learned the hard way was not to discuss politics or our President. The crazy thing about this was that the story that I was sharing was totally innocuous. It was about the President’s efforts to help eradicate human sex trafficking which is totally deplorable. I thought this was a noble cause, but several readers felt otherwise. Quite frankly, under those circumstances, I thought this would fly. The point here is no politics no matter how innocuous.
The third mistake was one that I almost made and I am not sure if that counts or not. It was when I was going to do the Facebook live video to show the world all the Kaffe Collective skus that we were going to be retired. I got calls, texts, private messages and emails from several shop owners who were saying that this really wasn’t for consumers to see. The fear was that it would have negative repercussions on the value of their inventory. Thankfully, I took a step back, thought it out and decided that I agreed with the shop owners. It wasn’t the right thing for the world to see at that time. It was the time when I just started to get Facebook live crazy and in this case it was going to be a little too Facebook crazy. Because of this story, I will be starting a shop owner only Facebook page in 2019.

My favorite part about the last story was that I didn’t tell anyone that I wasn’t going to share the discontinued designs until I got deep into the Facebook live video. This was a good way to ensure that everyone would watch the entire video. I am sneaky like that :).
The last mistake I made that I am sharing in this blog post wasn’t the end of the world, but it did teach me something important. Early on in my Facebook career, I was kind of bribing people for likes and follows. I would say something like, “If I get to 2000 likes that I would give away more sewing machines.” Someone called me out on it. Again, like in the previous situation, I took a step back and decided that social media bribery was not the way to go. So I stopped doing that and now I just get likes, shares and follows the old fashion way….I earn them.

These are things that I regret, but can’t change now. We need to learn from our mistakes and I did just that. So onwards and upwards. I have a clean slate now….at least in my mind which works for me. I feel good having purged all that crap and poison. I feel lighter and ready to rock you when I have a fresh start in 2019. Stay tuned for my 2019 mistakes! LOLOLOL
Happy Holidays!
Clean Of Sins Scott

Patti Erikson Reynolds
It does take a big person to admit mistakes. And mistakes made on social media are there for all to see and sometimes for eternity. We all make mistakes. And I know I spend time wishing I could “unring the bell” when I make mistakes. That said we grow and learn. Congrats on a growing year. Looking forward to seeing what FreeSpirit does in 2019.
Scott Fortunoff
Hi Patti,
Well, the mistakes stay there until you delete them if you can catch them in time. So it isn’t always a total disaster. And yes, I will grow and learn. Happy New Year!
Scott Fortunoff
Hi Barb,
Always great to hear from you. Thanks for being such a loyal follower of my blogs. I am very lucky to know such great people like yourself.
Elria Collocott
Hi there Scott
Thanks for being a real mensch sharing that with everyone. Admire your spirit and drive. I don’t live in your country but appreciate all you are doing for us quilties. Mazeltov and keep doing what you do.
Elria Collocott, Auckland, New Zealand
Scott Fortunoff
Hi Elria,
Thanks for the nice message. It’s so amazing to meet people from all over the world just because of this little fabric journey. Merry Xmas and Happy New Year.
Constance I Pentzer
While saying that we all make mistakes may seem old hat, it is true. Unfortunately, while making mistakes is universal, actually looking at them and learning from them is not. I appreciate that you have taken the time to review your year and used it to improve yourself and your business. It speaks well for everyone and every business in your life.
I believe that some of us have been drawn to your blog and facebook page because of your engaging and entertaining presentation of the fabric industry. As consumers, we rarely get to see any of the faces of those responsible for the products we use other than our local shop owners. That an executive and owner of fabric companies is availing himself to us through social media is exciting and encouraging. You show us our other partners in creativity: the owners and manufacturers, the designers, the factory employees, the shop owners and vendors, the quilters and fabric artists—all of us who are dependent upon each other to inspire, motivate, teach, and build up, each playing an integral part in nourishing that special part of our humanness. And you seem to be enjoying your job, making your posts fun and interesting.
Thank you, Scott, for your honesty and your openness. Thank you for embracing new ways to connect with your consumers and vendors. May the coming year be your best yet.
Scott Fortunoff
Hi Constance,
You hit the nail on the head with this comment. For one, if we don’t self analyze and try to improve, what’s the point? Who doesn’t want to do better?
As for putting myself and my companies out there for the world to see, that kind of just happened. With that being said, it has been good and I have received lots of positive comments for what I am doing. Who knew that it would come to this? Not me. It just kind of happened, but I am absolutely enjoying sharing my fabric journey and world with all the consumers and shop owners that buy and sell the fabrics that my companies produce. Thanks for this lovely message. This is the stuff that keeps me going and keeps me trying new things to keep it interesting and exciting for all the fans. So thank you! Happy Holidays! Looking forward to an awesome 2019.
Joanne Wilshanetsky
I enjoyed your shop visits this year. I hope that you continue that.
What is new, what is current. I love hearing about that.
You do a great job.
All the best this Holiday Season.
Scott Fortunoff
Hi Joanne,
I too enjoyed the visits, but for all the travelling I had to do. With that being said, I really enjoyed the video challenge even more b/c that allowed me to watch the videos from my bed like everyone else. I promise to keep you up to speed in 2019 and I definitely have some surprises in store. Thanks for playing along. Hope you continue to hang in there with me. Appreciate you kind words.
Happy Holidays.
Trying to be perfect is a forever game….like a paper chase there is no ending..trying is the way to go..when folks stop depression begins,giving up cannot be a,be kind,forgiving and a warm heart,you have it all. happy New Year.
Scott Fortunoff
Hi Cari,
Yeah, I know I will never be perfect, but I can always be better and that is what is more realistic. Thanks for your kind words. Happy Holidays.
Kathleen Volling
If those are the worst things you did on social media in 2018, I don’t think you have anything to worry about! At least you didn’t ask the question I did!
Scott Fortunoff
Hi Kathleen,
It’s not that I am worried, it’s just that I want to continue to improve year over year.
I wouldn’t worry too much about your question b/c I can’t even remember what it was.
Happy Holidays.
Judy Deeter
Well Scott, I wouldn’t be too hard on yourself….yes maybe a few potholes in the 2018 road BUT you did SAVE a wonderful line of fabrics! You also continued the pay checks for many designers, shop owners, shipping departments, postal people etc. Now I haven’t even mentioned the generosity that you have shown to the people caught in unfortunate cercumstances, and of course to your Facebook followers! I was fortunate enough to be a winner of the 19 giveaway….but even without that I feel great that you have continued to produce for us Quilting crazy people some of the best designed and manufactured fabrics out there. With all the stuff floating around in everyone’s world these days……we NEED this hobby/sickness/obsession…….to keep our heads above water….to celebrate the creativity and perseverance of imagination despite the pitfalls. So….don’t beat yourself up for a few rookie errors, we are all in that circle, instead celebrate all the positives that have happened because of YOU and your decisions! Enough said…Merry Christmas to you and family! PS.if you ever want another adventure, come and visit all the fabric crazies up here in Canada! ?????❤️
Scott Fortunoff
Hi Judy,
Don’t worry, I am not being too hard on myself. I just thought it was important to reflect on this crazy year that will change my life forever. I like the way you put it as I never even thought about the impact of what would have happened had FreeSpirit not survived. With respect to the positives, I always say that the positives don’t need any help and that is why I focus on the negatives. No one ever complains about the positives. But I hear you loud and clear. Happy Holidays to you too. Eventually I will make it up to Canada….don’t forget that the journey has just begun. Happy Holidays.
Linda waldorf
Thank you Scott for all that you do. I think in this day and age we are presently in, there is so much anger and frustration and anonymity, that some people seem to have Velcro from their thumbs to their devices and common sense is nowhere to be found. Enjoy your time with your familia and Merry Christmas!
Linda W.
Scott Fortunoff
Hey Linda,
Unfortunately I am one with velcro attached to my thumbs too…lol. Thanks for following my blogs. Happy Holidays.
Reflecting on the past always makes for improvements in the future! If it were not for mis-steps – how would we know where we stand? I applaud you Scott, and cannot wait to follow you into 2019! This quote sits on my vision board…… “Honesty is the fastest way to prevent a mistake from turning into a failure” James Altucher.
Scott Fortunoff
Hi Sandy,
Exactly! I can’t wait for 2019 either. I do like that quote too. Happy Holidays Sandy.
Curious how announcing retiring skus would negatively impact shops. As a consumer, if I were a fan of a particular line, knowing something was going to be retired would entice me to go out and snap it up before it was gone. Sounds like that would be a good thing for shops – no?
Scott Fortunoff
I think everyone assumed that we were going to be drastically lowering the prices and this in effect would lower the value of the inventory on the shelves at shops. Or at least the perceived value of the inventory. That I didn’t want to do. I need to help shops and not cause them harm or grief. Does that make sense?
Polly Nicol
Hi, I felt the same way. If I knew a certain design was being retired, I would buy all I could find! My stash is priceless to me! I think I would be in the running for largest stash! Polly