Where Did You Learn To Quilt?

These past few weeks we have really been getting to know the fans following Studioe on Facebook. We recently shared some wonderful quilt tips that were shared by the followers here on the blog. Were your tips included? This week we wanted to share how some of you learned to quilt or sew. It was wonderful to read the stories that go along with learning to quilt.


Keep reading and see if anyone learned to quilt the same way you did, and leave a comment telling us how you were taught.


How did you learn to quilt


Darcy Lewis, “My mom taught me when I was 4!”


Beth Sebastian, “Self-taught!”


Nancy Rothschild Bird, “I learned sewing in home ec, quilting self-taught.”


Kim Sherrod, “I learned in Home Ec.”


Janie McCombs, “Self-taught. I am still learning.”


Cecilia Young, “A class at the community college.”


Kim Loar, “I took a beginner quilt class and have never looked back.”


Janet Monahan, “I was self-taught. My mother had a purple Necchi machine and I just made it my own!”


Kathy Uhley-Till, “Sewing started by Mom and home ec in school. Quilting started for me in my 50’s so now it has been 10 plus yrs of learning things about that.”


Suzanne Bake, “From my mom!!”


Vicki Hill, “My mom and grandma taught me basic sewing skills at about 10. I started quilting by myself at about 35.”


Barb Quilts, “Went to a local shop for lessons with my sister.”


Jessica Powers, “Technically, I learned to sew in a home ec class. However, it really didn’t teach me much. Many years later, I decided to try to learn to sew. I would say that I am self-taught (if that is what you would call it, as I really learned to sew from a lot Youtube videos).”


Joyce Carter, “My Mother taught me when I was about 5 years old.”


Lynn Damewood, “My mother taught me when I was 10.”


Nancy Donovan, “I learned in 7th grade home ec class.”


PK Solberg, “My home ec techer taught me to sew. I’m grateful!” 


Christi Scheffel, “My grandmother taught me when I was very small.”


Cheryl Ryan, “My mom sewed, but I remember teaching myself.”

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