Tales Of A Fourth Generation Textile Executive: On The Road Again, Pitfalls & Benefits Of Business Travel (part 2)

Last week’s blog focused on the pitfalls of business travel. This week, I am going to focus on some positive aspects. Here goes:

There is nothing more beneficial than seeing customers face to face, especially in this world where everything is now a text, email, bbm, iMessage, etc.  Some of the insights I have gained on the road directly from my customers have been real game changers. 

If you like making a living, you need to actually go see customers to get orders.  I am sure others have figured out ways to sell customers without visiting them, but for us, face to face is still critical.

There is so much to learn being on a customer’s turf.  It helps you to better understand their business, how they think and it allows you to tailor your selling to their needs.  Know your customer!

When I am on the road I like to take customers out for a meal. That way I can actually learn about them and hear more than just about business.  Business, business, business makes Scott a very dull boy.

Traveling with professional sales reps helps me see a variety of different selling approaches.  Some of which I use, and others that I tell the reps to not use ever again.

I learn about all the regional differences in fabric tastes.

When I visit our warehouse, I get in touch with my inventory.  I find things I didn’t know I had. I also get to spend time talking to the hardworking laborers to try and help them solve problems to improve our business and make them more efficient.  

When I go to our office in South Carolina I often tape my YouTube video for the next big fabric releases.  This helps a lot in marketing and selling our products.

At quilt market, I have the unique opportunity to work with our international distributors.  This is the most critical aspect for me.  I also learn about what is going on with fabric in other parts of the world.

As for the guilds and customer shows, it helps to show my support of customers and get exposure for the Jaftex brands.  This goodwill goes a long way with customers and they appreciate the support.  Not only that, but it puts a face behind the company which not a lot of companies care about.  But I do!  

In the end, travel is a necessary evil.  You just have to try to make the best of it and not make it all about work.  Something as simple as pulling over in your car and chilling out for a couple minutes is nice too.  Close your eyes, take a deep breathe and relish the moment in this beautiful country we live in, you earned it.  I am off to the airport!

Safe travels,


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