Tales Of A Fourth Generation Textile Executive: Mish Mosh Of Info

Hi All,


I truly had an awesome trip to Indiana and promise to tell you all about it soon. However, today will not be the day for me to tell you all about it because I have some big things going on.  For the past couple of weeks, my father and I have been putting together a deal to buy another company in the quilt shop only arena.  It seems like we are going to be closing the deal by the end of this week….fingers crossed.  So I can’t tell you much more than that because I don’t want to jinx it and I don’t want to tell the world about it until it is fact and I have signed on the dotted line.


This is going to be a great opportunity and I am hoping that all my Studioe & Henry Glass customers will also be customers of the new company as well….if you aren’t already.  So wish us luck please!  I look forward to telling you more of the details really soon.  So stay tuned.



 In the meantime, if you can guess the name of the company that we are buying, I will send you a free bolt of Peppered Cottons.  All entries need to be in by 6 pm eastern standard time today.  One reply per person.  US customers only.


If I happen not to put a blog together before the weekend, please have a great and safe July 4th and understand that I am completely swamped right now.





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