Tales Of A Fourth Generation Textile Executive: A Blog About Blogs (Blogoblog)

Happy Summer Studioe fans and followers! 


In anticipation of my school house speaking engagements at the Shipshewana Show this week, I have been scouring my past blogs (blogsweep) for inspiration (blogspiration) and ideas (blogcepts).  In doing so, I have learned a couple of things (blogifacts) and have made up some new blog words (bloginology) to describe these concepts. 


 Blog Letters

Long blogs stink.  I pledge to keep my blogs shorter (microblogging) as no one wants to read a long and boring blog (blogasleep).  Going forward, long blogs will be separated into more bite sized pieces (blogobites) so as to avoid the fear of blog disease (bloganoia).

I crack myself up which is funny in itself.  While reading my past blogs in bed (blogsomnia), I have broken out in hysterics (blogsteria), so much so that my wife is wondering what in the blog is wrong with me.  I guess I am my own best audience which is kind of funny because I probably am the only one that reads these blogs anyway.  I hope other people are laughing too as laughing is healthy for you, just like quilting.

More photos.  Blogs are so boring without more pictures.  Therefore, going forward, I promise to have more photos (blogcandy).  Ironically, I can’t think of any good photos to go with this blog, but so blog it.


This is what I learned from my bloganalysis.  Please let me know if you have some bloggestions as I always love to hear from my blogees.

Blogging off!

Scott Blogunoff

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