All Good Things Come To An End
As Jim Morrisson of the Doors said, “This is the end, beautiful friend.” The end that I am referring to is the end of my Tales Of A Fourth Generation Textile Executive weekly blogs. By the way, in hindsight, that was the worst name ever. Although it was a descriptive title, it was a mouthful to say and a challenge to spit out the whole title on command from memory. Nonetheless, it worked out just fine for 12-plus years.

I remember my first 2012 blog like it was yesterday. It was the longest blog I ever wrote. It took me the longest of any blog I ever wrote. It was so long that I broke it into a part A and part B. The subject of the blog was, “Where Did This Fabric Come from?” It tracked fabric from its creation to its delivery to quilt shops. It was then that I learned that blogs should be shorter, way shorter.
I made it a long way from there over the next 12 years. The blogs ran the gamut of subjects. I even had 2 books of my blogs published to earn money for charity. We made it through a few Jaftex acquisitions….remember that company we bought in 2018? FreeSpirit! We made it through lots of contests. We made it through many releases of new lines. We made it through many blogs about my favorite lines. We made it through lots of blogs about social media. We made it through lots of blogs about helping our customers. We made it through lots of blogs about sewing machines and charity. We made it through lots of informative blogs. We made it through blogs about my family. We made it through blogs about my employees. We made it through blogs about consumers. We made it through a few boring blogs. We made it through Quilt Markets. We made it through travels. We made it through blogs about food. Remember when I wrote a bunch of blogs about the foods from my travels? What about all the blogs through Covid? We made it through blogs about lots of the amazing Jaftex designers. We made it through blogs about industry gossip. We made it through blogs about my various companies. We made it folks! And I made it too! Way to go Scott! Here’s a pat on the back.
It’s now time for me to refocus my energy on other things. That’s not to say that this will be my last blog ever, as I will be sure to chime in about the things people “really want to hear about.” I can’t help myself. Not only is this a time for me to refocus, but it’s a time for me to reclaim all that time that I spent writing blogs. As much as it would have been awesome if I wrote the blogs during business hours, it never worked out that way so it often came at the expense of my family. Let’s just say that there were lots of Sunday nights with me on the computer while the rest of the family hung out. That won’t happen again.

With that folks, I would be remiss if I didn’t say thank you. Thank you to everyone who encouraged my blogging. Thanks to all my avid and loyal readers. Thanks to all of you who took things a step further and participated in comments that I enjoyed reading and replying to. Thank you all.
Without further ado, “This is the end, beautiful friends.”
Please continue to follow me on Facebook at @jaftexpresident or on Instagram under #JaftexCorp.
I have enjoyed your blog. I got to meet you at Bernina We’re in Stitches in Greenville SC
I’ve enjoyed the four years I’ve followed your blog. Enjoy the days with your sons. All good wishes to you & your family.
More than any part of leaving Jaftex work life and moving into retirement this announcement makes me sad. A large part of my work and so many conversations with you were about the blog. So it feels like I am saying “good-bye” too. But don’t worry, I will still text and call you up at random to check on you.
Scott Fortunoff
It’s been a long run. Who would have thought we would have made it this far?
xoxo V
Stephanie Freud
It’s been a great ride! I have enjoyed all the fabric knowledge and enthusiasm you have shared with us all! You can never replace time you have with family, go and enjoy them.
It’s been a great ride! Family comes first and you have a beautiful family! Thanks for all the fabric knowledge you have shared with so many of us.
beth Christoffel
I am sorry to see you go. However, I do understand why.
My question is how Can I follow you when I am disconnecting from Facebook? (The last weeks have indicated to me that it is not trustworthy and worth any time.)
Thank you!
Scott Fortunoff
Try me at instagram under #JaftexCorp.
Rhoda Johnson
I will miss your blogs but yes life goes on. Maybe every few months send one out. Thank you to your family for sharing you with all of us and the beautiful fabrics. I look forward to may more fabrics.
Peace out dude!
Kathleen Fey
Not leaving Jaftex, right? I’ve enjoyed your blogs. Fun. Interesting and I won a box of fabric a few years ago.
Scott Fortunoff
LOL! No, they won’t let me go!
Buffie L
Thank you for years of informing us all. With that being said, family first! Always!
Viviane Manevitz
I have so enjoyed your blogs Scott and will miss them as I felt part of your adventures whether It be at Quilt Market in Houston or you just challenging us to name some of Kaffe Fassett fabrics. I also enjoyed watching your children grow in front of our eyes especially Brettie 5th generation. Taking us to your factories where fabric is put on boards to ship to stores. I have enjoyed all of it. I also understand that it took time from enjoying your family. Life demands that we balance as much as we can work and family and sometimes we sacrifice one for the other. Enjoy your family Scott. Your boys are growing older and one day will leave the nest.
Thanks for the memories that I will cherish forever! You are a good neshuma!
Scott Fortunoff
Awww. Thanks Viviane. That’s very kind. I will still be around.
That’s a new word from me, but I like it.