Book For A Cause
Happy Monday To All,
I am very excited, proud and relieved to announce that my second blog book is finally complete and for sale on Yay! The book is a compilation of several of my blogs posts over the past 4 or so years plus some bonus material. With that, there are a few important things to tell you:

1. The most important thing is that all the money raised from the book sales will be used to buy more sewing machines for my sewing machine giveaway. I hope you know about my giveaway, but if not, it is where I give away machines to people suffering through tragedy or hardship in their lives. If the book is a hit and the sales go crazy (yes, wishful thinking!), I am hopeful that perhaps I can upgrade to an even better machine to giveaway for those who are going through hard times.
2. This Friday October 18 at 5 pm eastern standard time, I want to invite you to a virtual launch party of my book at my @jaftexpresident Facebook page. I will have bells and whistles. I will have prizes. I will have champagne. I may even read you a couple of excerpts. I hope you can join me for the celebration.
And that’s basically all I have for you this week. Happy Columbus Day!
As always, thanks for your support.
Theresa Cooper
you are a wonderful person, the world needs more people like you who continue to make others happy through your words and kind deeds. when do you rest? ?
Scott Fortunoff
Awww…thanks Theresa Cooper! You are too kind. Rest is overrated.
Have a great day.
Gina Olive
Scott, I think the sewing machine giveaway is a fabulous project! One idea however – instead of giving away more expensive machines, can you reach more people by staying with the same lower cost machine (which is great in its own right)? What you’re giving away is a great quality unit that anyone would be proud to receive. I’m thinking quantity over quality I suppose.
Scott Fortunoff
Hi Gina Olive,
By the way, I love me some olives…lol. With respect to your suggestion, let’s see what happens. Maybe I will sell 2 books, maybe I will sell 2 million. The jury isn’t out yet.
Barbara Esposito, TheQuiltedB
Wow Scott! So.much.good! You do SO much good! Thanks for being the good and kind example for so many of us. Well done!
Scott Fortunoff
Thanks Barb. I can always count on you for some kind words and encouragement. It’s all greatly appreciated. You rock.