Forget The Resolutions

As we kick off a new year called 2022, like many of you, I am of course thinking about New Year’s resolutions and hoping for a good year ahead. However, right now, I am struggling to put my resolutions onto paper. Like most, I have enough on my plate already just dealing with Covid, life, work, family and getting by.

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In years past, I vowed to stop drinking soda, work out more and not eat red meat among other forgettable resolutions. With the exception of a few, most resolutions have faded to black and have become nothing more than failures. Who needs that nonsense? The thing is, we don’t need any more failures, headaches or stresses in our lives. We have that area covered really well at this point.

In light of the latter, I am forgetting the resolutions this year. Instead, my focus is going to change. The first thing I want to focus on is reaching the age of 50 in December. I absolutely can’t believe that I am really turning 50. I have so many great memories from my past, but just can’t believe that 50 is around the corner and I have really been alive this long. Where did the time go?

As I continue to age, I realize more and more that I am no longer a spring chicken. Things are starting to hurt. I am having problems I never knew existed. I can’t do a lot of the things I used to be able to do when I was younger. In short, I am starting to understand what people mean when they say that it sucks to get old.

Skaciety is dead! Long live The Long Game! – Warrington Ska Punk

Getting old does stink! As such, my second focus is on my long game. Right now it is about the long term and I hope you are thinking about the same thing. What I mean by the long game is that everyone needs to be in survival mode. Each of us needs to do what we need to do to protect ourselves from getting Covid and potentially not surviving. That is my focus because that is the reality we are living with. Who would ever have thought that it would come to this? Not me!

As such, I am triple vaxxed, wearing a mask as much as possible, avoiding being indoors in busy places, avoiding travel, staying out of the office, getting tested often and the list goes on. That is my long game and you are free to do yours how you want or think it should be. My long game is to make it through these very scary times to see another day when things “get back to normal or something close to it.” To me, that is a great resolution that would benefit everyone and keep us all focused on what is important right now.

While I aim to not get Covid and focus on my long game, we would all be remiss if we didn’t focus on our short game too. With that, I just mean that we can’t think that we are invincible. People are dying all the time from Covid and that is a possibility for all of us. It’s a scary thought, but planning for the worst should be on our minds too as we don’t want to leave a mess behind if we don’t make it. With that, I suggest getting your affairs in order. I hate to be so morbid folks, but this is real as so many have died already. This is our new new….and it sucks!

I am going to try to take 2022 one day at a time while being very careful, cautious and thoughtful. I need to do me and you need to do you. We need to make our own decisions and choose our own paths. Every decision matters.

As such, I will continue to work as hard as I can to supply quilters around the world with the most beautiful fabrics. I will continue to focus on selling fabric, servicing my customers and helping to drive consumers to quilt shops to help my customers thrive. I will also try to keep making fabric fun and funny. Those tasks will keep me focused too in the New Year. And again, who needs resolutions when we have all this to think about?

The rule books are out the windows and this is my plan. What’s yours?

Be safe folks and have an amazing 2022!

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