Good morning!   How are you today? I hope you are withstanding all the crazy storm madness which has thankfully slowed down a bit it seems. This too shall pass, so hang in tight and don’t forget to breathe.  Can you hear me alright? Okay then, let’s get this contest going.

People keep asking me what I am doing about helping those in Texas, Florida and surrounding areas who have been adversely affected by the storms. That is a great question that I too keep asking myself and I think I have finally found the answer. Yeah, I could make donations as I have already done. I could send blankets and food which I have already done too. But most anyone could do those sort of things. But you know me, I like to beat to my own drum and do my own thing. With that, I am going to go out on a limb and try something, well…..unique. Call me crazy, but here goes.

As I mentioned in a very recent blog post, I was going to give away the sewing machines that my good friend Joanne Hubbard donated. By the way, Joanne is my BlogFF (BFF). I digress. So yeah, the sewing machines. Aside from offering the machines from Joanne, Brewer is generously donating a machine for the giveaway from their Eversewn brand. But that just isn’t enough for me.  You know what I am saying? That would be around 5 machines and I want to do more….way more. Why the heck not? People are suffering and I want to do what I can to ease the pain, even if it is just a little bit and helps to put a smile on someone’s face. I am sure you are wondering what am I going to do. So let me tell you already and stop blabbing away.

I called my new friend Philipp Ueltschi, the Brand Manager of Sewing Machines at Brewer (his brand is EverSewn), and he kindly agreed to sell me machines at a special discounted price for my self proclaimed great cause. These are machines that retail for $200-$400. After I give away the 5 or so machines that I already have, I am going to start giving away BRAND NEW machines on a weekly basis for an indefinite time period. Yes, you are hearing me correctly. Now hear this one more time! I am going to buy machines, a lot of machines, and give them away for F—R—-E—-EEEEEE to people that lost their machine in the storms, never could afford to buy their own machine in the first place or a young person that wants to learn how to sew. I am open to other reasons as to why someone should earn a new machine. One more time, let’s say it together because it sounds soooo freaking good. Free. I can’t hear you. You can do better than that. One more time. FREEEEEEEEEE. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!  Now you got it!

For starters, I am seeking requests from people in Texas, Florida and surrounding areas who have been adversely affected by the storms. I would like the pleas to be short and to the point. Maybe 200-250 words maximum as to why I should gift you a machine. I unfortunately don’t have time to read a novel so keep it tight. Or, you can even send me a photo with a caption that you think demonstrates why you OR SOMEONE ELSE should earn a free machine. Please enter all pleas into the comments section of this blog post. If you could figure out how to attach a picture to the blog, please do so. If not, email me the photo in some form with the caption. The top pleas will be selected by me and I will reach out to that person to confirm all the details and make sure all pleas are legit….no offense of course, but the scams are endless these days. By the way, this is not a scam, joke or trick. Make sure to include your city, state and email address so I can contact you for other info.  This contest is for people in the US only.  Make sure to be careful to enter all the info into the computer correctly because if your email address is wrong by even a single letter….NO SOUP FOR YOU! (Seinfeld Reference)

In addition to the free machines, I will be sure to include some other goodies…..maybe some fabric, maybe some notions, maybe some batting, it will be a surprise, but it will be “beast” as my son likes to call it and that is a good thing no doubt.

With that, let the requests start flowing in. And yes, please have fun when submitting your requests. Send any and all questions to, but please don’t drive me crazy because I do have a regular full time job and it isn’t President Of Giving Free Sewing Machines Away if you know what I mean. No phone calls. You will be sure to know through our social media venues and my blog who the winners are as I announce them. Please know that this is my contest and I make the rules and all the final decisions. That’s just how it needs to be.  I am also giving myself permission to post details of all requests and pleas so if something is very private or you don’t want your name used, please make sure to let me know.

Good luck! Please make sure to share this with anyone you know who might be eligible to win especially in Texas, Florida and surrounding areas.  The last thing I want to say is that I can’t wait to see the faces of the winners when they find out that they are getting a new machine from me. That to me is priceless. Therefore, if you happen to be a winner, make sure to post a picture of your smiley face and your new sewing machine on any or all of my company’s (Studioe Fabrics, The Blank Quilting Corp. or Henry Glass Fabrics) Facebook, Instagram or other social media arenas.

Sewing Machine Scott

1024 words (did the best I could)


  • Scott Fortunoff

    Hi Angela,
    Please send me her address and phone number and I will add her to my pile of requests. Hope you are well. Maybe I will see you in Portland. Have a nice weekend.

  • Debbie Jackson

    I would like to nominate my co-worker Cindy Simon for a free machine. During Harvey she and her husband got 4’ of water in their home. This was in an area that never flooded. They were rescued in the middle of the night with their daughter by boat. Two weeks later they received the news she had breast cancer. So while being displaced for 6 months she went through surgery, chemo, and now radiation the entire time with a smile on her face, thinking of others more than herself and continuing to work. They just got back in their home last week. She has been a crafter for the 30 years I have known her. She lost her sewing machine and entire craft room in the flood. I helped her save some things but the machine was destroyed. They can’t afford a new one with all the rebuilding and medical expenses. We work at NASA and it is like a family. We all would like to give back to Cindy. Some of us are making her a quilt now! Please consider her. Thank you for all you do.

  • Mary Beard

    I have an online friend who makes crazy quilts (like I do) and she and husband lost their entire house in the California fires. I sent her supplies for embellishing crazy quilts and would like to nominate her for a free machine! and your generosity is fantastic and over the top!! her name is Linda Paladino and she is on facebook – she is from Santa Rosa California. Thanks – Mary Beard in the great State of Texas!! Is this enough information for you to find her? if not let me know

  • Sandra Jimenez

    Dear sir, my name is Sandra Jimenez I am a mother of 4 and a car pooler to 10 kids. I don’t have a regular job but a stay at home mom is a job on it’s own. I signed up to a sewing class on the one othet Sunday that i don’t take any of my kids to taekwondo, guitar, gymnastics, piano or any other activities that come up. My friend who you spoke to Karen Benavides is my teacher is letting me use her sewing machine during her class told me to write to you about a sewing machine. I would greatly appreciate it. I don’t know where to go or how to sign up for it. I had a really nice brother sewing machine i used it once but i saw someone that loved to sew but didn’t have a machine so i gave it to her but now i can’t afford one. Please let me know if i qualify. My number is

  • Dedee Morales

    I am writing for my sister in law, Elizabeth Morales, who could certainly benefit from your kindness. Elizabeth lives in Chaparral, NM and cares for her elderly mother. She does not work. Times are very tough for everyone in that area. She would really like a sewing machine to make quilts, sew clothing for herself and the needy in her area, and help her church with their sewing needs. This gesture would certainly be a “gift from God” for her to receive a new sewing machine. I truly hope you find in it your heart to help her out.

  • Patty

    Hi Scott
    I want to thank you my sister told me yesterday that she is one of your winners I could not tell you how much I appreciate this my sister has always invited anyone and everyone to what ever she has and to say that she doesn’t have very much but anyone is welcome to it I can’t tell you how many times she has bought me groceries gave me money and she really doesn’t has much since she’s on disability so I just wanted to thank you for your gift to a person who truly deserves it. You are a awesome person with a giving heart you are an example we all should follow

  • Linda D.

    I have been so touched reading your Facebook and blog posts about this giveaway. My name is Linda Doerfler and I live in Keizer, Or, near Salem. A few months ago my adult son started dating a beautiful woman with lots of challenges. She suffers from a serious type 2 diabetes and lives alone in a city where her parents lived but have now moved away due to their age and need to be near health services. Peggy is a single mom who has put herself out on a limb financially to enable her son to attend college in The Netherlands. She misses him desperately, but delights in the experiences he is gaining. A few weeks ago Peggy went through a very emotional time when her only living brother, who was 21 years older than her, passed away. That leaves her with sole responsibility for her aged (89 and 94) year old parents and making sure her mother gets to dialysis three days a week. One week later, 3 days after the brother’s funeral, her father passed away. She has managed her grief and helping her Mom with all the legal issues of her father’s death while still grieving for her brother and giving the necessary attention to her full time job. I gifted Peggy with a comfort quilt as she always admires and comments on the quilts in my home. It would be so good to see the light come back into the eyes of this remarkable 48 year old woman. Her name is Peggy Kimbro and I am not telling her that I am writing this.

  • Dawn MacVeigh

    Good morning Scott,

    I just heard about your give away. I am not looking for one for myself. I am looking for a machine for my 76 year old mother. Who has recently expressed a desire to learn to quilt. However she doesn’t have a machine. She is on a fixed income so she really doesn’t have a lot of extra money. She does a lot of charity work with her campground that she stay at in North Carolina. She always comes home from the south in the spring. They can’ t afford to pay someone to plow them out in the harsh winters we get here in the north. That is why they go south. Cheaper to live.

    Some of the work they do is pack 100’s of lunches for as the group calls them “kids in the woods”. These families are the forgotten families that you don’t here about on the news. Some live in tents, trailer with no doors or windows. Nothing to cook on but a campfire outside. The kids have nothing. There is a religious group that bags lunches, donates clothing, shoes, socks. At Christmas they try to make sure each of these children get a gift. She has now gotten her family to help with the donations. Easter they make up little pails of candy. Pails so the kids have something to get water with or play with depends the the family. I think my mom could do great things. She goes to quilt shows admires the fabrics and talents. I think if she had a machine she too could be a great quilter. You are never to old or young to learn a great gift.

  • Tammy Webber

    Hi Scott,
    Thank you so much for such a wonderful idea. I know everyone has such needs and are incredibly blessed by your generosity. The home my late husband and I bought the ear before he died flooded in May 2016 with no forewarning so we were unable to rescue much. We moved back into our home in November of that year and with a lot of help from friends and family, I was able to begin sewing again. It was with a sense of disbelief that I realized Harvey was going to once again flood the house. We thought we were getting things high enough to be safe before we evacuated, but the water kept rising another six feet over the predicted levels. We hope to move back in within the next few weeks and I will try to put a sewing room back together!

  • Lynn Wentworth

    Scott my request is for a wonderful woman who not only raised her children but then had to raise 2 grandchildren when her daughter passed away. In a few months the youngest grandchild will start college, but as life has it, her husband’s health has deteriorated. She has now become his caretaker. She dreams of affording a sewing machine and supplies to start quilting. With help from you, we can fulfill that dream, thanks.

  • Cheryl jones

    hi scott well here I am I am a veteran and just had knee surgery. ouch ouch ouch. the swelling. the pain. wow unimaginable. I am walking but just barely with a cane. can’t really do too much right now. I have to have the other knee done soon. I can sew but my machine is broken unable to be fixed. so I’m hand sewing my little lap quilts I donate to the veterans in the va hospital. here’s hoping you have a wonderful day. hugs

  • Wood

    Hi Scott, First let me tell you how happy it makes me to see you helping others! Great job! My daughter was diagnosed with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. I know a lot of jokes come with having this illness but believe me it’s torture! After nine hours of hand washing, shower, screaming and crying you would never joke about it again. This is everynight for months. Since I could not leave the house my son and husband bought me an embroidery machine which has saved my sanity during this crazy time in my life. I loved it and was way cheaper than therapy! I don’t have a sewing machine but see so much that can be done. I stare at the quilts in awe and someday want to jump into the fun! I would love to have a sewing machine and someday will get one just not at this time. Thank you for all you do! If at possible can you make this comment private?

  • Sandy Appl

    Hello, Scott,

    I have been volunteering in a beginning sewing class sponsored by World Relief Seattle for newly arrived Afghan women. Their husbands all supported the US military in Afghanistan as interpreters and/or guides, but as our armed forces have withdrawn, the lives of these men and their families were in grave danger. Under a special visa program, these families are being resettled here in the USA. Due to cultural strictures and Taliban oppression, many of these young women have had little opportunity for education and are preliterate in their own language. This has made learning English and navigating basics like transportation and shopping a daunting experience. I have been inspired and energized by these women and their thirst for learning. Using electric sewing machines is a new experience for all of the women, but they have learned and thrived in so many ways. As this sewing cohort is nearing the end, I am saddened that the students will have little chance to continue sewing without access to machines. After reading the immigrant story in your grandfather’s memoir and reading the article you shared on Facebook about the refugee sewing program in Kansas City, I was hopeful that you might have an interest in donating sewing machines. We currently have nine students in the class (and plan to teach new cohorts again in April and September). Any number of machines that you might be able to donate would make a lasting impact in the lives of these families by empowering the women to contribute to their family income. I would welcome the chance to tell you even more. Thank you so much for your consideration!

  • Roycee Graves

    Dear Scott Fortunoff,
    I am a single mother on a fixed income trying her best to provide for my family. My daughter is special needs and I’m homeschooling her at the moment. Reading is very hard for her but she tries her best. About a month ago she discovered a YouTube video of a girl making Barbie doll clothes out of socks, she was so aww struct by that that she instantly wanted to learn more. So I saved up some funds and signed her up for sewing a class at a local store. The passion and excitement she has shows makes me wish I could do more for her. Because her reading skills are very low and she has special needs the only thing that helps her and calms her down is sewing. I bought her some needle and thread so she hand sews some thing but I would love to get her a sewing machine as a present to help motivate her and encourage her reading skills. It makes me feel sad cause I cant afford one for her this would really help me out . Thank you so much for reading my entry.

  • Elizabeth Otto

    Just an update on the need for a sewing machine. I recently had a few individuals donate a large quantity (approx. 40 pairs)of used jeans. Currently in the process of washing and cutting into pieces to make into childrens quilts. The problem is I cannot sew the jean material by hand. Would love to post pictures of the quilts that will be donated. Thank you for your generosity.

  • Hannah Jordan

    Hi Scott,
    Hope this isn’t too late to enter but I just found out about this amazing opportunity. I would love to be considered for this generous give away! My husband is a Police Officer and I fairly recently found out about Quilts for Cops, I’m here in Oregon. I didn’t know how to sew but was so interested in learning and being involved in such a neat organization. These incredible women put their time, love, and skill into making beautiful quilts for injured police officers and then sending them out with letters for a quick recovery all over the US. They keep track of all the injured officers, get the quilts completed and then sent out. We’ve received an incredibly generous donation of Blue Line fabric from you and it is being used to bless many injured officers during their time of recovery! I am learning how to quilt with Quilts for Cops and have loved every second of it. I plan to continue learning and improving with sewing, but I don’t have a sewing machine at this time. I would love to continue making these quilts and it would be a huge help for Quilts with Cops. What a huge honor it would be to be considered for and possibly receive a sewing machine. It would be put to extremely good use! Thank you so much!

  • Sheryl Ramsey

    I would be honored and grateful to be one of your recipients of one of your sewing machines to finish my quilting projects. I make quilts for family and friends as gifts. I have made a few that I have given away to people that I have met and don’t even know. It gives me great pleasure in making these quilts. Also it’s great therapy for me.

  • Lynn Hoy

    Hello. My sister, Linda Kaye Allen, lost her husband two months ago. She can’t afford a sewing machine but I would love for her to have one to help take her mind off of things. She and I both would be so grateful!

  • Christina Bergeron

    I have been looking for another sewing machine. I say another because I have 2 teenage daughters who are both learning to quilt but I only have one sewing machine so we all are taking turns which in turn makes it very time consuming to get anything done.
    My oldest daughter is T1 diabetic, we go to children’s hospital in New Orleans, LA. There the doctors are wonderful and my daughter and I want to give back to them by making small quilts for the children hospitalized and just coming out of surgeries. Hence why we need a second sewing machine.

    I think what you are doing is wonderful. Have a blessed day.

    • Scott Fortunoff

      Good Morning Christina,
      As much as I would like to give you a machine, you are a lot more fortunate than others in that you have a machine already. I am sorry, but my mission is to give machines to people that have no access at all. Thank you for understanding.

  • Tammy McDuff

    Hello. My name is Tammy. I’ve been sewing since I was a young child. I picked up quilting when my children were teenagers – and found a love that fabric and quilting like none other. I was able to make their bedrooms look like something that was a dream. As they grew up, I
    learned I could bless others with a special gift – something that was truly some of a kind. There is nothing better than making others smile and feel loved – which is exactly what a quilt can do. On August 30th of 2017 – Hurricane Harvey destroyed all of the happiness I had for quilting. He took years of collecting special fabrics and my prized sewing machine as he filled our home with flood waters. My heart is truly saddened and I feel lost because of what that storm took from us. I lost what few quilts that I had kept for myself as the dirty water destroyed them. I would love to start sewing again – but without a machine it is difficult. I would love to be able to make my granddaughters – who also lost their homes, a quilt for their new bedrooms. My four year old granddaughter has only asked for a new quilt – she knows hers was ruined. Please consider me when machines are available if possible. I would be ever so grateful.

  • Susie Walker

    Hi Scott!!

    I just saw this and figured I would give it a whirl! I teach a 10 year old girl by the name of Shayla. Her mother, grandmother and father are all deaf. This girl is hearing as well as her brother. Her mom and I communicate via text…thank heavens for cell phones. Her sewing machine is over 30 years old and is not currently working. I have tried to repair it but not sure what it needs. She has been using our Janome Magnolia machine during her lessons. She is doing wonderful! She comes every Wednesday after her homework is completed and we sew for an hour. I don’t charge her any lesson fees and normally give her the fabric. The family is a dream and I know this machine would be well used and would be a fabulous surprise.

    Well….that’s the tail……I hope we can make something happen for her!!

  • Jennifer Seifert

    I’m just starting out on my sewing journey. I have 5 kids and rarely have time to myself. My husband and I send our children to private Christian school because the school district we are in is one of the top worst and dangerous in the US. Our funds are limited by paying tuition and having 7 people to feed. I would love to be able to sew and make my family clothes to save money and also to make doll clothes for my girls. I just can’t afford the start up money to purchase a new machine. I have been looking around for free ones online or used ones but have not found any in my price range yet.
    Thank you.

  • Florence Talbert (missy)

    I am requesting this sewing machine for a teen girl named Sydney that lives in central Florida! She is amazing and so talented. She is daughter to one of my best friends and I am one of her leaders in youth group. Sydney has really been struggling this year with feelings like she doesn’t belong or fit in. This young lady has such an amazing heart and I would love to help feed her passion. For the last few years Sydney has been sewing furbies of her own design by hand. It takes her months and months to do this. I can only imagine how quickly she could get the job done with a machine. Her character Battle has even made local appearances at vacation bible school. I know if she were one of the recipients of your sewing machines, she would put it to good use and maybe, just maybe it would help her to feel edified and encouraged where she is! Please consider this sweet girl, that has a piece of my heart!❤️

  • Beverlee Provan

    I would so appreciate a sewing machine for my niece who will be 26 tomorrow. She has social anxiety and and does not leave the home she shares with her parents. I would so love to teach her to sew, and maybe this could be an outlet for the pressures within her mind. I did teach her how to knit last Christmas, which she now loves. She lives in Florida and I live about 5 hours away from her.
    Mental issues (anxiety) are so sad for anyone to have. I love her and would like to help her in any way that I can.

  • Jill Cleveland

    Dear Scott, I am new to sewing, and could use a nice used machine so that I can make quilts, for those who are less fortunate and cannot afford a quilt. I am blessed to have free fabric, but want to give back to all, even though I am on a very low fixed income. God Bless

  • Judy

    I’m on disability now and started to craft and want to sew, mainly for my grandkids and to keep myself busy. I’m thankful for the opportunity and want to thank you for doing this for others!
    Judy in NE Texas

  • Theresa Rodrigues

    I am fortunate to have several machines. My thought would be for the quilters in California affected by the wild fires this year. Maybe the local Quilt Guilds in the areas could help identify those in need. Merry Christmas.

  • Heidi Gore

    I hit send before actually completing my thoughts. I am teaching a young mom at our church how to sew so she can help with this project as well. The machine would be a great tool to have in teaching her as well as anyone else who wants to learn how to sew.

    • Scott Fortunoff

      Hi Heidi,
      As per the email that I sent to you, the machines are for people that don’t have machines whatoever. Although your cause is good, it seems like you do have machines. Keep up the good work. Merry Xmas.

  • Heidi Gore

    What a generous, thoughtful and wonderfully useful giveaway. My church, Harvest Baptist Church of Salisbury, MD is in the midst of a huge sewing project for young girls and new moms at Chifundo clinic in Zambia. We are making (hopefully) 300 to 500 hygiene kits with washable sanitary pads. The simple things we take for granted are not available to these poor girls who miss up to two months of school each year because of their monthly period. These kits will allow these young girls to get their education without missing days of school, empowering them and hopefully keeping them out of poverty, human trafficking and/or prostitution. The new Moms who give birth at the clinic will also get kits to help them after giving birth. We are in the discussion stages of trying to get machines and supplies to Zambia through Missions Heart (mission board) to teach women to sew, giving them a trade to help them earn a living.

  • Elizabeth

    Love that you are giving away sewing machines. I personally have not been affected by the storms but, since I love to help children have been making quilts for children. My sewing machine broke down and then discovered it had been discontinued by Singer and the needed parts could not be replaced. Live in Texas on disability and have no way to buy a new machine(have been trying to save for a year). Luckily for me I have been working through material stashed before my disability decided to keep me from working. Still making quilts just a little slower by hand. Thank you for taking the time to read this and have a wonderful Merry Christmas.

  • Konnie Osborne

    I heard you help with sewing machines. I put my machine in front of a heater for the holiday dinner and it melted the frame. I’m on disability from an injury at work, plus husband on disability from cancer. I’m just sick that my sewing machine is ruined, it’s only a $500 machine but it’s my life. Someone from my quilting fb page said to ask you…so here I am asking! Thank You For The Consideration

  • Mary Kratzke

    We are a small group of ladies, VFW Aux., who sew lap robes for veterans. We would like to receive a machine to help us with our donations. Thank you.

  • Janet L Davidson

    Hi Scott. I writing on behalf of my son. He is in his 19th year of service in the Air Force. When he retires next October he is thinking of starting a custom upholstery business.while the machines you are giving away aren’t industrial strength, having one would give him the opportunity to learn sewing…fabric, zippers, techniques, etc. Being a disabled vet myself, I am not able to get a machine for him and he is going throu a divorce, so money is tight on his end as well. Thank you for considering him, I know he would be very grateful.

  • Donna Sigler

    Hi Scott, I would love to receive a machine on behalf of our 501(c)(3) non-profit, Network For Youth. We serve youth aging out of the foster care system, by helping them transition from dependence to independence. Part of that transition includes classes for basic home making skills such as cooking and sewing. We do not have a sewing machine yet. Thank you on behalf of Network For Youth for this opportunity to receive a machine.

  • Raven Davis

    Free sewing machine request: Hi, I am a 20 year old mama to now three little girls. The youngest of which is 5 days old and was born with congenital amputation of the lower left arm. I want to be a part of the sewing revolution so that I can modify and design clothing to give my new daughter the ability to participate in all the adventures life offers her. She should feel proud of who she is and be able to express that proudness through her clothing. I never want her to feel ashamed or have to hide her body in anyway. Growing up is rough by itself however if I can make this a little less difficult for her and make her confident in herself than that would make me a wonderful mother. We are from Westminster, South Carolina.

  • Jordan A. Roschke

    Hi, Scott! I’m from Texas, but thankfully my home was damaged, though surrounding areas were. Ms. Jenny Kelley, who you chose to win a machine(!!!), was teaching me who to sew before she lost hers in the storm. I’d absolutely love to have a sewing machine of my own so that I wouldn’t have to bother Me. Jenny while she rebuilds, and I’d teach myself simple crafts until she could teach more.
    PS. I absolutely love that you’re doing this for everyone!!

  • Meri Howard

    Hi Scott,
    A huge thank you for what you are doing. I to was affected by Irma like so many others. We are still waiting on our insurance company decision for the repairs of our roof. Thank goodness no one was hurt. I dont own a sewing machine but i would love to start up learning again. Its been years since my mother tought me and now im retired due to my disabilitys. It would be a great way to help me to stay busy and make things for my grandbabies. I do hope you consider me. Have a wonderful day.

  • Dawn Davis

    Hello Scott, what a wonderful thing you are doing. You are a true blessing to the world of sewing. I live in the Florida Keys, actually in the area that was hardest hit area from Irma. I am the current President of Paradise Quilters. We are a small guild that meets on Big Pine Key (we lost our meeting space at the local Senior Center). A few of the members lost everything in their sewing stash, fabric, machines, quilts… I would love to see one of these fabulous quilters receive a machine. Next month our guild will be holding it’s annual Christmas party. This year in lieu of our regular gift exchange, those of us that were fortunate to come home to an undamaged stash are gifting new items from our own stash to those in our guild who lost everything. I will private message their names and contact information.
    My contact information is: Dawn Davis, 27366 Cayman Ln. Ramrod Key, FL 305-923-0699

  • Janet Cunningham

    I would love for you to consider my oldest daughter for the blessing of a sewing machine. Like many others, she had lived in a not good situation. She went several years not working, convinced she was incapable. She just got a job a few weeks ago and is trying to get on her feet. She is wanting to get back to sewing but doesn’t have a machine. It would be so wonderful for her to have her own machine. With me on disability, it’s not possible for me to get her one. Thanks for reading my request!

  • Giovonnia Vaughan

    Dear Scott:

    I am a disabled woman living in Queens NY. I would like to know if I could have a sewing machine? I sew to help with my PTSD and Major Depression. I am a fourth generation quilter descended from a woman who was a Gee’s Bend quilter. I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you

  • Holly Jones

    Way to go Scott! I do not need a machine but I am still relieved you are doing this. I live in Fort Worth, Texas and since Harvey hit I have thought of many things I own that would or could be lost if something like that had happened to me. My sewing machine is on that list! It made more of an impact to me than my computer even. Computer is backed up to the cloud, so it’s just a thing. But my sewing machine is sentimental to me, and it’s still just a thing that can be replaced but it would be far down the list of necessities. I thought of all the sewists in Houston and what they were doing without their machines and fabric. Thank you for covering this niche!

  • Scott Fortunoff

    Hi Alyssa,
    As we already spoke this morning, you will be getting a sewing machine from me as long as you promise to send pictures of your dress made with your new machine. Can’t wait to see it. Good luck to you and your fiancee.

  • Jessica Shoop

    Im not sure I posted on the correct page so I’m going to repost here to be on the safe side.
    Hello Scott, I wanted to put myself in for possibly receiving a new machine. I was not affected by any of the natural disasters but I am in desperate need of a machine. I recently began making dresses, reusable menstrual pads, shorts and stuffed teddies for Operation Christmas Child boxes that I am putting together. The machine I had recently broke (on the 21st) of this month and I have absolutely no way to complete these items. My original machine was a birthday gift from my father years ago. My husband and I can not afford to buy another machine because I can no longer work due to having peripheral neuropathy and fibromyalgia and we have to live off of my husband’s income alone. We have five children to support and a new machine can’t come before food and other needs of my children. We simply don’t have the expendable income for such a cost. Making the items for occ was a blessing for me as I was able to feel I was once again contributing to something worthy and now it’s been taken from me. If you would consider me for a machine please call me at 240-714-1923. I live in Hagerstown MD. Thank you for reading about my desire to get back to sewing

  • Toni Anderson

    Dear Scott,

    What a sweet outreach! I am just coming up for air from the NorCal Wildfires that claimed thousands of homes in my sweet town of Santa Rosa, CA. We lost our home and everything we own. The thing I miss the most is working in my beautiful quilt studio where I (ironically) was in the process of making a Habitat for Humanity Quilt, to be given to a 14YO girl who will be moving into her first home in 2018. In addition my 2 YO granddaughter would have been gifted a monster quilt, that I was rounding the corner on completing. Those are only 2 of the multiple projects that I was working on. Quilters gotta quilt, and I am itching to get back to it, as I know that my skills will be useful to countless others in my community who have lost their homes also. A quilt gives comfort like nothing else! Thank you for your consideration!

  • Judi Roth

    I live in No. Ft. Myers and did sustain damage (roof has a tarp on it and needs to be replaced due to bad leaks) but was denied by FEMA. I have need of a lightweight machine so I can attend quilting classes when I am able (recovering from hip replacement and have MS) and cannot manage a heavy one. Thanks for your consideration. Judi @2392239421.

  • Diane sanchez

    Hi Scott, this is a wonderful, kind and thoughtful thing you are doing. I am a single grandmother (3 grandchildren at home) that was diagnosed with breast cancer a year and a half ago. I had surgery, radiation and now doing chemo. I had to retire for health reasons and am now living on very limited income. I would love, love to teach my 3 grandchildren who live with me how to sew. I am from a sewing/quilting family but my grandmother and mother are gone now. I really would like to carry my families tradition of making quilts and sewing with love. I do miss sewing! I used to make my families clothes and would to be able to that again .Thank you for your time and kindness for others. Diane sanchez 6023738816

  • Danielle Henry

    My name is Danielle and I am from Houston, Texas :).
    I am 15 years old, and I am trying to learn how to sew. No one else in my family sews much, so outside of a few sewing classes, I’m self-taught. I have a sewing machine that I love to death, but it’s so old that it can’t do much. It was my grandma’s machine (who has since passed away), and while I am very emotionally attached to that machine and will probably never get rid of it, it can only do a straight stitch and a zig zag stitch. It’s difficult to sew zippers, and almost impossible to do buttonholes.
    I would really love to get a new, operational sewing machine! I was not personally affected by Harvey (yay), but my cousins were, so I’ve been trying my best to fix up their affected clothes or tailor the new clothes that they had to buy. Also (on a less serious note), I could finally hem my brother’s pants faster, which he seems to constantly grow out of.
    I’m really sorry if this is a little long haha and I really appreciate your generosity. I really really hope that you consider me!
    Thanks Much!