Good morning!   How are you today? I hope you are withstanding all the crazy storm madness which has thankfully slowed down a bit it seems. This too shall pass, so hang in tight and don’t forget to breathe.  Can you hear me alright? Okay then, let’s get this contest going.

People keep asking me what I am doing about helping those in Texas, Florida and surrounding areas who have been adversely affected by the storms. That is a great question that I too keep asking myself and I think I have finally found the answer. Yeah, I could make donations as I have already done. I could send blankets and food which I have already done too. But most anyone could do those sort of things. But you know me, I like to beat to my own drum and do my own thing. With that, I am going to go out on a limb and try something, well…..unique. Call me crazy, but here goes.

As I mentioned in a very recent blog post, I was going to give away the sewing machines that my good friend Joanne Hubbard donated. By the way, Joanne is my BlogFF (BFF). I digress. So yeah, the sewing machines. Aside from offering the machines from Joanne, Brewer is generously donating a machine for the giveaway from their Eversewn brand. But that just isn’t enough for me.  You know what I am saying? That would be around 5 machines and I want to do more….way more. Why the heck not? People are suffering and I want to do what I can to ease the pain, even if it is just a little bit and helps to put a smile on someone’s face. I am sure you are wondering what am I going to do. So let me tell you already and stop blabbing away.

I called my new friend Philipp Ueltschi, the Brand Manager of Sewing Machines at Brewer (his brand is EverSewn), and he kindly agreed to sell me machines at a special discounted price for my self proclaimed great cause. These are machines that retail for $200-$400. After I give away the 5 or so machines that I already have, I am going to start giving away BRAND NEW machines on a weekly basis for an indefinite time period. Yes, you are hearing me correctly. Now hear this one more time! I am going to buy machines, a lot of machines, and give them away for F—R—-E—-EEEEEE to people that lost their machine in the storms, never could afford to buy their own machine in the first place or a young person that wants to learn how to sew. I am open to other reasons as to why someone should earn a new machine. One more time, let’s say it together because it sounds soooo freaking good. Free. I can’t hear you. You can do better than that. One more time. FREEEEEEEEEE. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!  Now you got it!

For starters, I am seeking requests from people in Texas, Florida and surrounding areas who have been adversely affected by the storms. I would like the pleas to be short and to the point. Maybe 200-250 words maximum as to why I should gift you a machine. I unfortunately don’t have time to read a novel so keep it tight. Or, you can even send me a photo with a caption that you think demonstrates why you OR SOMEONE ELSE should earn a free machine. Please enter all pleas into the comments section of this blog post. If you could figure out how to attach a picture to the blog, please do so. If not, email me the photo in some form with the caption. The top pleas will be selected by me and I will reach out to that person to confirm all the details and make sure all pleas are legit….no offense of course, but the scams are endless these days. By the way, this is not a scam, joke or trick. Make sure to include your city, state and email address so I can contact you for other info.  This contest is for people in the US only.  Make sure to be careful to enter all the info into the computer correctly because if your email address is wrong by even a single letter….NO SOUP FOR YOU! (Seinfeld Reference)

In addition to the free machines, I will be sure to include some other goodies…..maybe some fabric, maybe some notions, maybe some batting, it will be a surprise, but it will be “beast” as my son likes to call it and that is a good thing no doubt.

With that, let the requests start flowing in. And yes, please have fun when submitting your requests. Send any and all questions to, but please don’t drive me crazy because I do have a regular full time job and it isn’t President Of Giving Free Sewing Machines Away if you know what I mean. No phone calls. You will be sure to know through our social media venues and my blog who the winners are as I announce them. Please know that this is my contest and I make the rules and all the final decisions. That’s just how it needs to be.  I am also giving myself permission to post details of all requests and pleas so if something is very private or you don’t want your name used, please make sure to let me know.

Good luck! Please make sure to share this with anyone you know who might be eligible to win especially in Texas, Florida and surrounding areas.  The last thing I want to say is that I can’t wait to see the faces of the winners when they find out that they are getting a new machine from me. That to me is priceless. Therefore, if you happen to be a winner, make sure to post a picture of your smiley face and your new sewing machine on any or all of my company’s (Studioe Fabrics, The Blank Quilting Corp. or Henry Glass Fabrics) Facebook, Instagram or other social media arenas.

Sewing Machine Scott

1024 words (did the best I could)


  • Susan Bischoff

    Hello. I am writing because I would love for my sister-in-law to have a sewing machine. Her husband (my husband’s brother) is very controlling with the money in the family, and he has not allowed her to get a sewing machine. She doesn’t know much about sewing, yet, but I think she would be very good at making quilts. I know they can be complicated, but it is basically sewing strait lines, right? Anyway, I have an abundance of fabric and tools, and I could help her get started, but I don’t really have a sewing machine to give her. She has been doing lots of card making, but how many cards does a person really need? I would really like to get her started on quilting, and I know there are so many tutorials on youtube, etc. that she could watch to learn, as well as me giving her some pointers and starting her out. I realize this may be a strange request, but this is my request. I personally have a Destiny that I am still making payments on, so I don’t need one myself, but I would really like my sister-in-law, Christine to have a sewing machine. Thanks for your consideration. Also thank you so much for helping all of these people. It is so amazing of you!!

  • Danielle Flynn

    Hello, it’s so heart warming of your generosity, however I’m not pleading for myself but my mom. We had just moved in March of this past year and not even 6 months got hit with hurricane Irma (we live in ft Myers) my mom and I are so close we actually moved right next door to each other and we both decided to have a dedicated “craft room” in our new homes…however she loves to sew and quilt but just couldn’t afford a sewing machine. So she made her craft room all set up but has never used it because she couldn’t afford a sewing machine, she even has the table for it and everything. But with the hurricane and expenses to repair certain things it took a huge toll and stress on her shoulders, as a daughter seeing my mom who gave me everything and anything I ever need in life I would love this opportunity you are offering to give back to her! She’s is such an mom and I’m so lucky to be her daughter. Thank you for this loving opportunity and to all who have had this tragedy we are all this together and need to help each other any help I could provide! Thank you again!

  • Linda Coleman

    This year started off as the worst year of my life I think from the VA taking my husband disability checks for 4 months , saying i was not a dependent, got paper work showing them i was . after that it still took them 3 more months to repay us and by that time we were in the rear of all of our bills except for house and car over $8000.00 by then, we had to make a decide to go bankruptcy we have just started the whole process and in the mean time my husband had a stroke from all the stress. it was in the brain stem. he lost his speech and the use of his right side. It is getting better now with therapy for speech and physical therapy. In the mist of all of this i have hurt myself trying to do everything while he was gone for over 3 months. i have sewing machines i can’t use cause they need to be fixed and not money and i can drive to get them over 25 miles to the nearest repair shop; I am an avid sewer, and it is driving me crazy not to be able to sew. i am retired and disabled and i do alot of sewing at christmas time for the needy. I make baby quilts for the needy babies, christmas stocking and then we fill them for the needy children, and i make mittens and hat for them also. My machines are my lively hood and when i heard you telling your story it was like a dream come true. Please just keep me in your thoughts .

  • Jeannie Zimmerman

    I was most fortunate to come through Irma with little damage beyond power outage and some tossed food. My machine survived as well. But I would like to ask for a sewing machine for PIllowcases4Smiles here in Jacksonville. Our coordinator is up to her ears at work in an insurance office post Irma. So I would like to ask for one to gift to the local coordinator, from both of us. Our local chapter supplies colorful (novelty print materials) pillowcases for kids taking treatments at local hospitals in JAX. Hers are pretty old. If you can help out, I’d appreciate it. Thanks for this great project you guys are having. I’m sure the machines are going to good homes.

    • Scott Fortunoff

      Thanks Jeannie, but as you will see in most of my comments that I am trying to focus on those without machines first. Don’t give up though because things can change down the road.
      Have a great weekend.


    Scott- the new machine is sitting here in my home studio (aka dining room) patiently waiting for the meeting with the members at the local library the first Monday in Oct. – since this is a group of charity quilters I wanted them to be involved in the un-veiling… Kathy, Rene, Cathy, Frances, Liz, Sharon, Pat and I will be opening the machine together (Pat is in a wheelchair right now from falling and breaking her ankle in 3 places- so hubby and I will be retrieving her for the meeting) Kathy is on a walker (We are obviously a lot older than YOU) and the head of the Center for Hope is on vacation while FEMA has taken over the bldg to distribute water and food for the refugees – hope you understand why I have not opened the sewing machine… we are all excited and wanted to share the moment – God Bless you !! Mary Nell

  • Lynn

    Nancy Ferveda of the Lakeview Quilt Guild in the Clear Lake Area lost her Juki to Harvey. She isn’t looking for a new machine rather she would like her Juki looked over and repaired. Will you please help her?

    • Scott Fortunoff

      Hi Lynn,
      I am sorry, but my mission is not to pay for people to have their machines fixed, it is to get people machines that don’t have them. Sorry, but I won’t be able to help out Nancy with her Juki. I would try going to a store and see if they will fix it out of the kindness of their hearts. Good luck.

  • Bridget Bircher

    My two sewing machines are in the shop to see if they can be saved but I have 2 sergers that were under flood and sewage water for 9 days. I know they are not usable. I used my sergers a lot. We’ve had it rough this past 2 years. My husband fighting throat cancer, it’s not in remission yet. I had a stroke this last November and now our house has been destroyed and the entire inside needs gutted and rebuilt, including plumbing, air vents, electrical and some wall boards. My sewing is my refuge. It helped me sustain my sanity when my husband was going through all his chemo and radiation treatments. All my wearable fabrics as well as 90% of my quilting fabrics had to all be trashed. Every single spool of thread ended in the water. I had a lot. Over 300 embroidery threads, multiple quilting threads and cotton threads. My husband is unemployed and I’m on Social Security, we have a VERY limited income.

    • Scott Fortunoff

      Thanks for your request. I am sorry about all that you are having to go through right now. At this time, I am trying to only give sewing machines away to people that don’t have a machine at all. Seems like you have something or you might have something soon. Why don’t you see how it goes with the repairs and let me know. If the machines cannot be fixed, I will reconsider your request. Hang in there. I am thinking of you.


      Oh my- I feel so badly for you ! my husband and I have been thru Rita- Katrina- Harvey- we had terrible damage to our home from Rita- I totally understand your frustration ! Will add you to my prayer list for patience and calmness- I wish I could do more ! God Bless you

  • Jessica Karigan

    I’m posting this plea for my mom. My mom lives in Dickinson, TX, one area that was hit very hard by the storm. My mom lost everything, all furniture, most of her fabric stash (some was high enough to stay dry), she lost her fabric cutting boards and misc other tools. My mom is such a selfless person and her stress reliever is making baby quilts for anyone and everyone she knows who is having a baby. She is extremely talented. She no longer has her little sewing corner and there is no telling how long it will take to rebuild. She had 5 ft or water and through a bunch of confusion, somehow her mortgage company canceled her flood policy with no notice. Please help my mom by donating a machine to her and help her find some stress relief in this trying time.

    • Scott Fortunoff

      Hi Jessica,
      How nice of you to submit this plea for your mom. I am sure she will appreciate it…whether you win or not. I am curious whether or not she has a machine or did she lose that too? Anyway, I am thinking of your mom and hope things improve for her. Thanks.

  • Trish Jurkowski

    Hello. I live in Orlando Florida and just went through Hurricane Irma which left us with drywall damage in our home and several days with out power. I would LOVE a sewing machine for my 13 year old daughter bc she is the craftiest kids around (if I could attach a picture I would send you the dress she made out of an old sheet for a school history project that she hotglued together because we don’t own a sewing machine). We can’t afford a sewing machine our finances have always been tight after raising my sister’s kids (in addition to my own 4) after their parents were killed in a car accident. A few years ago I got really sick and my husband thought I was going to die so he kinda freaked…quit his job, sold just about all our belongings and went back to school. He is now a hospice chaplain as well as working as a chaplain for the VA. He gives and gives to others which is great, but has also left us unable to afford a lot of extras like extra curriculars for our kids, etc. Our 13 year old spends her free time on pinterest pinning craft projects as well as cooking projects and I swear one day she will be a designer bc it is in her blood. She also helps me cook a lot as my son has a rare disease caused by food allergies and she wants to one day open a bakery that specializes in foods for those with food allergies. She is the most creative kid I’ve ever seen & she will go far. We’d love to have you be a part of our/her journey by receiving a sewing machine

    • Scott Fortunoff

      Hi Trish,
      This is very compelling and there is no better gift than to give a young person a machine. What is her name anyway? Please email me your phone number. Your plea is under consideration. My email is Also, while you are at it, please send me the picture of the dress she made. Keep your head up….things will hopefully get better for you really soon.

  • Marilyn Puffer - Webster, TX

    What a wonderful thing you are doing! It is three weeks since Harvey started its destructive path in Texas. The destruction is still evident. Many neighborhoods still have huge piles (in the yards) of sheetrock, furniture, appliances, and everything else that was flooded waiting for removal. Our customers are slowly coming into our store. Some were fortunate to be in a neighborhood that did not flood, and many have lost everything. Quilting is a stress reliever and ‘safe place’ for many quilters. Being without their machine makes it hard. I will be posting your generous offer on our facebook page as well as giving out the information in our store. God bless you for generosity.

  • Jana Koelzer

    I live in Dickinson Texas on the Bayou where we got 53″ of rain and the Bayou rose 8 ft in 2 hours in the middle of the night. We had 15 minutes to get out. We have lost everything. My sewing room was a horrible slimy mess. All of my stash was floating in the water. My friends gathered together and tried to save stuff and wash fabric etc but most of the colors ran on to others and the slime spots just won’t come out. I saved what I could and I want to someday make a hurricane quilt using those pieces if the smell doesn’t come back. When you lose everything it is hard to justify spending money on a machine when the necessities of life like cars and home are looming over you. I would be so blessed if I am chosen and I would continue to make for others using my “Made especially for you using His gift” label.

  • Lisa E Jones

    Good Day Mr. Scott Fortunoff,

    My name is Lisa E. Jones and I wanted to before hand thank you for your kindness and generosity to gift a sewing machine to those effected by the recent hurricanes. I’m sure your act will help to rebuild lives even if it’s at one stitch at a time.

    Let me start by saying I was NOT affected by the Texas or Florida hurricanes. The reason I chose to participate is because I’m not a young individual, but instead I am a 49 year old woman who sleeps and ponders over her future. Over the course of the past few years due to my own health and taking care of others, I had to put any pursuits on the shelf until it was possible to have the time to do so. With my health better and those I have care for on a higher path, I can now jump into uncharted waters with all the strength and knowledge within my myself.

    This sewing machine that your offering will propel me closer to becoming a small business owner. I’m alone when it comes to capital and resources and I know I can’t do this alone. So I’m asking Mr. Scott Fortunoff to believe in me and in turn down the line I too can help others with gratitude and care as I pay it forward.

    Thank you for taking the time to read my story.

    Best Always,

    Ms. Lisa E. Jones

  • Gayle Simon

    Hi Scott,
    I would like to be considered for a new machine. I was directly effected by Harvey. I am in Vidor, Texas. I had a project runway by brother. Due to small car, i could not bring it. I would be thrilled to have a new to me machine. Does not have to be brand new. I would take a refurbished, used one. I was devistated when I returned home to find mold already on it. I haven’t taken it to any one to see if it could be repaired.

    • Scott Fortunoff

      Morning Gayle,
      Sorry to hear about what you have had to go through. Your plea will be considered, but I think you should see about getting it repaired as my main goal is to try to get people machines that don’t have one at all.

  • Phylis Muennink

    I am a 74 year old lady and have worked hard al my life. We never had alot but got by just fine. Well Harvey came along and totaled my house and with 49 inches of salt water everything was ruined. Refrigerator, washer and dryer, stove, T.V. and everything else. Starting from scratch again. I would appreciate having the sewing machine to replace the I lost. Thank you so much for your generous acts of paying it forward.

  • Shirley Sullivan

    My name is Shirley Sullivan. I’m 63 years young and live in Kingsport, TN. I, along with other ladies, make and donate items to our local hospitals, cancer centers, schools, etc. Any where we hear of a need, we try to help. I have 2 cabinet model sewing machines; however both are at least 40-45 years old and both went on the blink this summer. Due to multiple health issues I’m having (now on my 4th hospital stay in 6 weeks), there is no way I can afford to purchase a machine. I really want to continue helping others but without a machine, I can’t. Would you please consider my request. I had family volunteer in Texas last week and took some lap blankets we made so they could share with others. I really need a machine and give you the glory for what you are doing.

    • Scott Fortunoff

      Hi Shirley,
      Thanks for your note. Since you have a machine, even though very old, please understand that I am trying to give to people with no machine at all before people that already have machines. Your request is received and will be considered after I deal with those that have no machines at all. Keep up the good work.

    • Shirley Sullivan

      Just now saw this reply after 2 more stays in the hospital. Believe there was a misinterpretation in what I posted. Both of my machines quit this summer. I do not have a working machine. After 6 hospital stays and a surgery, I can’t afford to purchase a machine either. Pray you rethink.

  • Katie OGIMACHI Coventry

    Hi SCOTT, I volunteer teaching kids and women in recovery to sew and quilt. They share the 3 used machines we have as a way of putting the pieces of their life back to together. They make a quilt for someone else as a way of making amends or giving back. They donated Thier quilts to the Houston Hurricane Quilt Guid to give to those in need. They could use another swing machine. Thank You. Katie Coventry. Team Challenge. Eureka. CA

    • Katie OGIMACHI Coventry

      Thanks. For the reply. I will continue my work. My friends banded together and we recently sent 100 quilts and tops to the Houston quilt guild to distribute. Many of the quilts are sewn and quilted by hand and some are even over 60 years old. I love ❤️ your generosity. Maybe later I can receive a machine so I can teach more to sew and quilt. Giving a quilt is giving a hug from the community. Keep up the good work!

  • Jo Heuer

    I lost all of my machines in the August floods in Louisiana last year. My house got 4 1/2′ of water and had no flood insurance because it had never ever flooded in my area. I lost 2 embroidery machines a serger and 2 sewing machines. My house is 80% finished and I’m living in it. I’m looking forward to sewing again. I have curtains and bedspreads to make but no machine.
    A sewing machine would be greatly appreciated, new or otherwise.

  • Susan Korpi

    Your thoughtfulness is refreshing! With 6 children and 13 grandchildren my 1940’s model Singer gets a workout. ( My Grandmothers machine ❤️ ). My SSD income doesn’t allow me to think about upgrading. The younger ones are expressing interest in learning to quilt. I would love to start donating quilts ❤️ Thank you for your time.

    • Scott Fortunoff

      Hi Susan,
      Thanks for your note. I would love to help you out, but I really trying to focus more on giving machines to people that don’t have as opposed to people that are looking for an upgrade. Sorry.

  • Kaholly

    This is awesome! My daughter lives in New Braunfels, TX. Her unique approach to helping victims of Hurricane Harvey was to actually go down to Rockport and adopt a family who lost everything. She assessed their immediate needs, then launched a campaign within her community to collect donations. The following weekend, she and her husband loaded up a pick up truck, a box trailer, and their own camper, and delivered the goods. They will also return to help with the rebuild. Because replacing this mother’s sewing machine was not an immediate need, one was not on ‘the list’. To win one for her would be incredible. Thank you!

    • Scott Fortunoff

      Hi Kaholly,
      Well God Bless your daughter for her extreme kindness. People never cease to amaze me under extremely difficult circumstances. This is a legit request in my book. Please email me your phone number or your daughter’s at You are definitely in the running.

  • Lynne

    Thank you sooo much for thinking about people in Texas. St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church in Houston (about 500 member church?)not only cooked, barbecued, and roasted 5000 meals for first responders but the sewing circle made over 40 baby blankets to hand out to folks that were displaced. Our church could sure use a new sewing machine so we could make more. Thank you for considering our sewing circle.

    • Scott Fortunoff

      Hi Lynne,
      What a great organization. Nice job! As I have mentioned to others, I am really trying to supply machines to people that don’t have any machines before those that are looking for upgrades or additional sewing machines (that does not include the first machine I gave away b/c that was really more to show people that I was ready to give machines away and that person happened to be the first and only request at that time, but now I am getting a large number of requests and need to draw some lines). At this time, I am going to focus more on those needs. Sorry. Keep up the good work.

  • Rachel

    This is so generous of you. My home flooded last August, in Denham Springs, Louisiana. It was a good 7 months before we had a place to store anything but necessities since rebuilding requires your home to remain mostly empty for many stages of construction. And all the construction companies are swamped with long waiting lists due to the size of the disaster. We had insurance, many people in our area did not and are still working on their homes. It may be a while before people effected by Harvey and Irma are looking for new machines / able to receive them, but I’m sure they will be appreciated. I know I was excited to receive a replacement foot pedal for my machine from my mom since the original had flooded, but the machine survived.

    • Scott Fortunoff

      Thanks for your message Rachel. You are spot on. I imagine most people are focused on more essential needs over the need of a new sewing machine. That being said, for some the sewing machine is high on the list too. LOL.
      Take care.

  • Brenda Bixler

    Hello Scott;
    I was not in the hurricane area and What you are doing is a Blessing to all. I am a senior citizen and do to a very invasive back surgery in 2013 am now handicapped and sewing is my Happy Place now. I am on a very limited income bracket. I had been sewing on my moms old Kenmore machine and it finally bit the dust so to speak. I have been looking for a machine at thrift stores etc. when I can but I live in a small town and I haven’t been able to find one . I love to quilt and I give all my quilts away to those who need them. I would love to receive one of your machines and it doesn’t matter what kind it is as long as it sews, but please give to the ones who need it the most before me if I am one of the chosen ones. God Bless you from the bottom of my heart weather I am chosen or me quilts tell a story to those of us who make them and to those who receive them. I pray for all those in need to get the the strength to get thur all their troubles soon and with people like you I am sure they will. Gods Love always be with you.

  • Patty Johnson

    Hello, my name is Patty. I could really use a sewing machine for the non-profit organization I am a member of. I need it only if you have any left after giving to Texas and Florida. I have been sewing for 40 years and I want to teach other people to sew, male or female. Project Worth is the non-profits name. We are a learning center and food pantry. Thank you for reading this.

    • Scott Fortunoff

      Hi Patty,
      Thank you for your comment. Your message is well noted. Very proud of your non-profit work as that is very admirable. I will consider your plea, but I too think I am going to focus on the people that are dealing with tragedy right now. Have a great weekend.

  • Linda Yarrow

    There is a place called Freedom House here in Conroe, Texas (l hr. north of Houston which has had some flooding in area) which is the first place young women are placed after being rescued from the slave trade. Right now they have 20 young girls with a capacity for 30. I belong to a quilting group and right now I have two machines which will be donated to them to start teaching sewing skills. The director tells me that they are in need of activities for the girls. I thought this would be a fun way to teach a few basic skills. Would love to receive more machines. Thanks

    • Scott Fortunoff

      Hi Linda,
      That is truly an amazing organization and I am so saddened to hear that people are suffering through slave trade. I think this organization could have the potential to be worthy of a machine. Please email me your phone number to
      Have a great weekend.


      Hi Linda- I am north east of you about 45 miles- we have our Center for Hope here that my charity group and I will be teaching the same kind of students.. my facebook group is “polk county texas quilts for comfort”.. right now our center of hope is closed and has been commandeered by FEMA as a distribution center- we hold classes at the local library on the 1st monday of each month until we can get the center up and running… I won the very first machine and it has arrived but being the leader of my group I wanted all of us to open it together, and since our center is closed until Oct. it is sitting in my studio (my dining room) waiting patiently. I dont drive much any more due to lots of health issues but thankfully everything i do is within 10 miles of me… May God Bless you.. over in Conroe-Scott- the machine is sitting here in my home studio (aka dining room) patiently waiting for the meeting with the members at the local library the first Monday in Oct. – since this is a group of charity quilters I wanted them to be involved in the un-veiling… Kathy, Rene, Cathy, Frances, Liz, Sharon, Pat and I will be opening the machine together (Pat is in a wheelchair right now from falling and breaking her ankle in 3 places- so hubby and I will be retrieving her for the meeting) Kathy is on a walker (We are obviously a lot older than YOU) and the head of the Center for Hope is on vacation while FEMA has taken over the bldg to distribute water and food for the refugees – hope you understand why I have not opened the sewing machine… we are all excited and wanted to share the moment – God Bless you !! Mary Nell

    • Bridgette 'Giddy' Stein

      Hey Mary! I wanted to let you know there is a new quilt shop in coldspring with great prices on fabric! It’s called material girls quilt shop. And awesome customer service! We will be organizing some Quilts of Valor classes soon! Congrats on the machine!!

  • Sue Parks

    I live in Palm Beach County Florida, we recently felt the impact of hurricane Irma. I am a member of the Florida Sewing Sewciety Palm Beach Chapter. A small group of our chapter meets once a month to sew clothing for children in need. We work with local outreach organizations that are committed to helping children. Some of the ladies don’t have a machine but would like to help. We would love to have the gift of a sewing machine enabling us to do more. Many of the surrounding counties have been impacted out in the migrant farming areas, they really need our help now.
    Your concideration would be greatly appreciated.
    Sue Parks FSS member

    • Scott Fortunoff

      Hi Sue,
      That sounds like an awesome organization. I would really like to help you and everyone else, but at this time I am trying to focus on people that do not have a machine at all and that doesn’t seem to be the case for your group. Sorry.
      Keep up your good work.

    • Have a good evening all!

      Sue Parks, would you multiply your efforts to sew clothing for the small (and scared) children? Ask Mr. Scott again. He has the biggest heart I’ve ever seen. Just whisper your plea for his loving help. Mr. Scott will hear the cries of the broken-hearted. Whisper…we want to teach others that don’t have the tools they need… a sewing machine. Teach a man to !

  • Lori Noe

    Hi. I would love a machine. I was using a old Singer sewing machine that was 20 yrs old. Mine broke during our move from Houston. I had it looked at and the guy said it would cost over $250 dollars to fix and wasn’t sure how long it would take to get parts. He suggested to me purchasing a new machine. At the moment we cannot afford to purchase a new one.

  • Delores Gillson

    Wow, how kind, I am borrowing church one because mine skips stitches. I would love one. I have made hundreds of easy quilts for newborns and a few very sick friends. Am learning how to do piecing quilts. It would be fantastic if you could help me out, after you help the forlorn., hurricane survivors. Have been watching tutorials, trying to figure out techniques. Thanks for your sweet kindness to all!!!

    • Delores Gillson

      I have donated hundreds of quilts to newborn babies, now I am trying to figure out paper piecing and have tried a few quilts for some very sick friends. My machine skips stitches, it’s old, and I have borrowed the one from church. I could really use a new machine, like a dream. Have taught youngsters how to sew too, through 4_H. Please. Thank you for your kind heart.

    • Scott Fortunoff

      Hi Delores,
      Thanks for your request. I you might have seen in my other comments, I am trying to focus on giving to people that don’t have a machine at all. In spite of the skipping stitches, you fortunately have a machine. Sorry.

  • Bev Johns

    Its heart warming in so many ways to see someone offering to help in this way. Schools are not teaching sewing skills like they us to. I find working with my children, grandchildren and other about sewing is a bonding time for us and also helps them later on with skills and to be creative. Thank you Scott. You have a large caring heart.

  • Brenda LaCroix


    I am not in TX or FL and my heart goes out to them. If I would not be taking a machine away from someone in those states, please consider me. I have an older machine that is not working well, and probably for not much longer. I am disabled cannot work and I have been waiting two years for approval of my disability claim and have no money to repair my machine or purchase a new one. Thank you for this wonderful gesture. God Bless you!

    • Scott Fortunoff

      Hi Brenda,
      As you can see from my other comment replies, I am trying to focus on the people with no machine at all. In spite of your machine being broken, you are still lucky to have something. I know you would like a new one, but I do need to focus on others before you….no offense of course. Thanks for understanding. Have a great weekend.

  • Jennifer Essad

    Hello Scott, I’m new to your blog and have followed on social media. We came home from our family reunion in Michigan, a family wedding and visits with friends early to prepare our home and help our neighbors before Hurricane Irma blew in. I don’t fly, we drove and as we got closer to Atlanta the traffic going north was growing heavy. I was really praying we weren’t making a mistake because this would be our first Hurricane after our move to Florida 8 years ago. I realize now more than ever not having the ability to keep my mind off of what is going on in my life (or those around me I love) causes me so much un-needed stress. Our power went off during the storm, my parents power came on tonight. If I could have had the chance to sew during this time I would have been concentrating on my project at hand and not think about what was going on out side our home. Your gift of a sewing machine would mean so much to me, to my family. I had a basic machine that my husband gave me for our first Christmas in 1981. Having one that is up to date with the capabilities to let my creative juices flow would be an honor. Having not sewn much in recent years, 2 years ago I made my Mother of the Bride Gown, for my nieces wedding this past Labor Day I designed my own pattern for a floor length skirt. I think my abilities came from our Mom who at 82 is still sewing, she taught us 3 kids to sew in the early 70’s. Thank you so very much for your generous gift to those who know the joy of making something and gifting it to others. Best, Jennifer ps. I can post a picture to Facebook but I can’t figure out how to do it here

  • Robbie Meadows

    I would like to ask on behalf of my very best friend, Jamie. I have seldom met people as selfless and giving as she is. She has always wanted to sew, and I have taught her some, but not having a machine is unable to practice or sew more at home. She is the kind of person who would give another person the last dollar she has and the shirt off her back if they ask. If I had ever been able, I would have bought her a machine myself. Please consider her.

  • Kellie Roberts

    I am a helper for a charity group located north of the flooding here in Texas. We are a drop off point for donating quilts to help along with sewing up donated fabrics and quilting donated tops. We have so far delivered over 200 quilts and have about 500 or so in the works right now. We have taken dozens of quilts donated from all over the country. The outpouring of love in the quilting community is amazing. We have a few of our angels that use machines have seen a few more miles that they were built for. I’d really like to be able to surprise them with a new machine that would make their work much easier.

    • Scott Fortunoff

      God bless you! This is exactly the sort of help I am looking to give help to. Help will be on the way really soon. Please email with you contact info and I will contact you as soon as I can. I am just out of town on business now. Keep up the good work.

  • Hadassah Warren

    Hi! My name is Hadassah Warren and I was born and raised in Houston, TX. I’m 19 and about to start college. I’ve always found sewing and quilting to be very interesting. I first got interested when my friends who owned a quit shop needed help at the quilt show. I was 14, and amazed at not only the size of the show but the complexity of the quilts. Years later they invited me to a ” sewing day” and they taught how to sew and I really enjoyed it. I do a lot of volunteer work that requires having modest and appropriate clothing, so I think making my own clothes would be of great benefit. I really appreciate your generosity in being willing to give the machines away. I promise you it will get good use by me haha.

  • Shirley Clark

    I’m checking with a friend/couple that run the Baptist encampment in Clara Springs, LA. You can find them on FB.
    She may know someone in S. Louisiana that needs help with getting a machine. They have lots of contacts, and some of the quilting groups come to their camp for retreats.
    I think this is a wonderful gesture. I don’t know anyone personally that needs a machine. I have machines, and I make a lot of drawstring bags for the Domestic Abuse Houses in my area. What I need is people who sew! LOL

    • Scott Fortunoff

      Hi Shirley,
      Thanks for the comment. I really need this to spread by word of mouth and based on requests. I can’t go seeking out people looking for machines as that would be a job in and of itself to say the least. Nowadays, these sort of things spread like wildfire. Let’s hope someone at the Baptist encampments gets the memo. God bless you for your efforts in making bags for Domestic Abuse Houses. You are a good person. Keep up the kindness.
      Scott Fortunoff

  • Elna Marsh

    Thank you for giving Mary Burnett a machine for Center of Hope in Livingston, TX. We are doing our best at the Center to teach classes on different things that our clients need to learn or things that would help them make their lives better. If you have extra machines, it would be nice to have some more. Again, thank you for your generosity to the people who have lost so much. God bless you.

    • Scott Fortunoff

      Hi Elna,
      Allow me to giveaway some single machines before I start giving away multiples please. Your request is well noted and I think what Mary Burnett is doing is extremely honorable. I will do my best to get you some more machines. Thanks for your patience.
      Scott Fortunoff

  • Tiffanie Dougal

    I have five daughters and I’m always hemming, fixing or mending something! In Houston suburb of Spring we got 3+ feet. Look forward to seeing again maybe this time without cussing because I will have an awesome new machine!!!!

  • Ima Houston Quilter

    If we are not skeptical and negative in Houston, what do you have to be so negative about.? All of the restaurants and conveniences you need are up and running. The city is already beginning to return and today is only September 12. Conventions planned for this weekend are going on as scheduled. If there was ever a time to support each other and support the Quilt Market it is now. Stop whining and being negative. Have a little faith. Come to the Market and Festival as usual. It will be ready, and we need and want you to be here. Thanks to everyone for your support.

    • Scott Fortunoff

      I am not trying to be negative at all. I am trying to be realistic. In my humble opinion, I think people are just going to use this as another excuse not to come. Oh trust me, I hope they do come, but I need to be realistic since my company invests a lot of money in going to market and we are in business to actually make money and not lose it. I don’t know if faith is going to save the day. I guess we will just have to see and one of us will be able to say “I told you so” in November. I hope it is you saying it to me, but I am just not sure. Stay tuned.


    I am posting to all the facebook pages (quilting) that I frequent. Texas Quilters, misfits, etc. your gracious contest… There will be others applying I feel certain..
    Thank you Scott. I am spreading the word.



    Hi all- I think I am the First one to request a machine ! Thank you Scott for the phone call and the offer of the machine ! This is what I posted on my facebook page

    “NEWS Flash! I entered a contest for some sewing machines.. got an email today!! Called Mr Fortunoff with Blank Fabrics… he is sending US a machine! Praise the Lord.. we can teach more people.. and the Center for Hope will benefit !! Tana Mueller you are a big reason for this blessing- Thank you !”

    Love being felt in Soggy Texas !!

    Mary Burnette

    • Scott Fortunoff

      That’s right Mary. Nice job! We can’t waste any time getting those machines moving to where they need to be. God bless you and everyone at the Center For Hope. You and your girlfriends keep up the great work you are doing helping others. Send pictures.

  • Pat DeVore

    Wow Scott this will be an amazing way for those in need to receive a very special gift that wouldn’t be on their list to replace at first with all they have lost!

  • Mary D

    What a generous and thoughtful gesture. Hopefully once those Texans and Floridians that were impacted will be able to take full advantage of your offer once they have permanent residences.

    I continue to keep all effected by Hurricanes Harvey & Irma in my thoughts.

    • Scott Fortunoff

      Thank you Mary. I am trying my best. I hope to hear from people really soon when the dust settles, but I will be patient as I know people are working on getting more essentials things in order before emailing me. Take care.

  • Brenda Buddenhagen

    That is a really great surprise. Can’t wait to see the happy faces. Great to work for a company that has a way to help. Such a fun way too.

  • Quirky

    You never cease to surprise us – Thank you Mr. Scott and Mr. Philipp!
    So very proud!
    Thank you and have a great day!

  • Toni Gambino

    It’s wonderful that God sent us Angels such as yourself. Devastation isn’t strong enough to describe our experience in Texas. God bless you.

  • Mary burnette

    I would appreciate the machine (s)…i teach and have been asked by the local center of hope to teach moms at their facility . we had horrible flooding here in texas and it brought the needy in from the woods and low lying areas… trying to make a difference with what little we have.

    • Scott Fortunoff

      Hi Paige,
      I am trying to do just a little something. Now let’s just hope we get a lot of submissions b/c i am ready to giveaway machines. Have a great day.
      Hopefully you are not in any of the areas affected by the storms. God bless!

    • Dawn Larsen

      I don’t understand how to sign up for this. My house had over 5′ of water in it, we lost everything we had, including 5 cars, and my Janome 6600, and my Janome Jem Platinum. My quilting studio is gone with almost everything in it. My husband was so sweet, and too such good care of my fabric. Dry went on one table, wet on another, then we called a team of friends to wash the wet fabric. Saved about 70% of it, but everything else I need to sew with is gone. They keep saying it’s just stuff, no big deal. But when it’s the stuff that you spent 25 years making a house a home with, and it’s destroyed in 3 hours, it’s more than just “stuff”. It’s your life, and your children’s lives, heartbreaking isn’t even a strong enough word to describe what it feels like to lose everything, and be completely helpless, feeling useless. I just want to go home, now here come the waterworks again! Just want my family whole again. This storm made my son and his wife move to Belton, TX, because it was the only place that had FEMA hotels at the time. Now they are moving there, and I am missing my grandbabies that I saw every week with fun grandma dates. This storm completely turned my life upside down, and I don’t feel whole. I miss my family and my normal life, along with the quilting, so badly, it hurts. Every. Single. Day. God Bless You for trying to help some of the quilters that have been hit ny Harvey as well. Thank You, Dawn Larsen

    • Doni Blair

      I’m so sorry for what you’re going through. My prayers are with you and your family. Y’all will be whole again. God Bless you Mrs Dawn.
      <3 Doni (Magnolia)

    • Lynn Delay

      I so would love a sewing machine as I make quilts then give them to be auctioned of for cancer,Cystic Fibrosis,and babies in needThat is so very thoughtful of u to do this giveaway.

    • Doris Anderson

      This request is for a friend in southern Alabama who had severe roof damage in January due to a tornado. As they were, and still are, struggling to get the deductible of $4,500 together on a social security livelyhood her only embroidery machine played out. She uses it to earn extra monies for Christmas expenditures. I’ve loaned her a little inexpensive machine. I so wish you could consider her for a good machine. Thank you. The Neighbor

    • Marjorie Webb

      Hi Scott! I realize that I am very late in asking to be considered for one of your sewing machine but if at all possible, I would like to be among the ones considered. My reason for this request is, on August 28, 2017, the River Authorities decided to released tons and tons of water from the dams and surrounding reservoirs due to Hurricane Harvey, suddenly flooding my addition and home with over 6 feet of water. My husband and I were rescued by the Cajun Navy and evacuated by boat to West Lake, Louisiana, then to Lake Charles, Louisiana, then to Crockett, Texas, Austin, Texas, and finally to Georgetown, Texas. We lost everything in the flood, even our cars. Being unable to return for almost 3 months, we were finally able to visit our home for 2 days to evaluate our situation. We’ve decided to rebuild, and hence, the reason for my writing and my request are that during stressful times, sewing was always my solace. Due to the flooding, I no longer have a sewing machine, and it will have to be way down on the list of priorities on what to purchase first to restore our home. Thank you for time and consideration.

    • Stacey Alexander

      Hi Scott, my name is Stacey Alexander, I sent out a post on a pay-it-forward app and a lady responded and referred me to contact you. I first want to thank you for the opportunity to be apart of this to even be considered. I am not young but I have been sewing and creating clothes and purses out of any kind of material that I can find and I have done it all by hand of which people constantly want to purchase but of course to keep duplicating the item wears me down and takes forever and then I lose out on a wonderful creation that people want and I want to bless them with. I loooove going different places finding things to recreate and add a splash or a whole new look and then wear it and next the people want to purchase. I neeeed this sewing machine, my very first sewing machine and I am 50, to finally produce on a larger scale what I LOVE to do, design and recreate clothes and purses. Thank you

    • Sharon knickman

      I lost my sewing machine my knock it off the table I use my machine to make doll cloth for my grand daughter and I made things for my kids and my sister and brother S I don’t have the money to get it fix

    • Kimberly Dearth

      I would love to have a sewing machine. I am on disability and can’t afford one. I would love to make things for my grandkids and I would also love to makr things for homeless people and also for people who are in hospice to make their days a little brighter. I would love to give back to the community. Thank you for your consideration and God bless you in what you are doing for people. 740-656-8481

    • Jan Wattigny

      Fabulous gesture. Wish you’d been around after Katrina. We lost whole house. Couldn’t replace sewing machine right away as there were other more urgent needs. Thank you for what you’re doing

    • Scott Fortunoff

      Thanks Jan. I was around then, but just not giving away machines…lol. Hopefully your life is back in order and you are fortunate to have a machine. You have a great weekend.

    • Stephanie gammons

      I am an art teacher at a small Christian school in Charleston,SC. I am in the process of teaching my entire middle school art class how to sew with only three very run down sewing machines. We are making dresses that will go in Operation Christmas Child boxes that will be donated to children in need all around the world . We would be thrilled to have a new sewing machine so that we can continue this project every year. Right now I have several 4 students share 1 machine so the process of sewing a dress takes a long time. Please consider me and my school a place that your sewing machine would be such a tremendous blessing for some many children for years to come. 843-532-6998

    • Scott Fortunoff

      Morning Stephanie,
      Your request is noted, however, please note that I am trying to get machines to people that don’t have one at all first. Your cause is definitely worthy and what you are doing is great, but please understand that people without any machine are my priority right now. Have a great weekend. This doesn’t mean that you can’t get a machine, it just means that you are not on the top of the list at this time. Thanks for your understanding and say hello to all your great students


    • Evelyn Robinso

      Hello i was not involved in the flooding but im self taught quilter with alot of passion im a caretaker of my husband of 27 yrs kidney diasylis failure. Just about 5 weeks ago i fell and broke my ankle. My hysband was in process getting me a new one this happen. I appreciate your genorsity if would get good use. Sincerly Evelyn Robinson 502-302-9422 be blessed in your giving

    • Patty Cramer

      Hello Scott – I don’t need a sewing machine as I’m truly blessed with several. I wanted to say Thank You for being so generous and giving back to those in need!! Quilting/Sewing is such great therapy and helping those in need is absolutely wonderful!! God Bless you in your efforts!!

      Patty in Cali!!!

    • Lisa sweeney 109 randy lane burlington vt 05408 802 540 0547

      I could help a llot of people and donat a lot of things. That would help tx and fl.
      And so many people thank you.

    • Clevie Evans

      Hi Scott. First let me say I LOVE THIS! Thank you so much for what you are doing to help! I am retired, and in the past year started making small pillows with pockets, and cozy lap blankets with pockets. I give them away to friends, family and complete strangers who need something to hold close for comfort &/or support. They may also need to have near them a phone, a tissue, chap stick, or something sentimental. Hence, the pocket. I cannot afford on my income to buy a sewing machine, so I make everything my hand. Although I live in N.C., I have been thinking since Irma hit, about making pillows for Florida & Texas. But, WOW, a sewing machine would help me crank out my donations SO MUCH FASTER!! Please consider me! I am happy to send you pictures if you’d like!

    • Vick Stowe

      Ning, your a blessing. The reason I need a machine is for the schools in Haiti we ( our church and several business) have just completed the building of a very large compound in Port-au-Prince which includes a large worship/community center, a orphanage and a school. We are trying to teach them in all areas so if or when disaster stricken again they will have the tools and equipment to go on. The sewing machine will be a great asset for women and men alike who are learning how to sew from the very young grades all the way up to the elderly who know how to sew but have no machines. Thanks for this opportunity

    • janice

      God Bless You for the wonderful news to any of the people that needs to replace their machine after the hurricans

    • Debi Holley

      I am the leader of Creative Hands Sewing Ministry at The Woodlands United Methodist Church. We meet once a month on the 2nd Thursday and have various sew a ton Saturdays and I teach a sewing class at least twice a year to anyone willing to learn. We have several machine that have been donated over the course of our ministry, now in it’s 8th year in total, but they are very old and in various needs of repair. I try to keep them cleaned and oiled and adjusted, but some are just beyond my self taught knowledge. We are currently working on homemade pillowcases for those affected by Hurricane Harvey which I am distributing as fast as I can. I am proud to say there are ladies that have also answered my call for help and have sent them to us from all over the country. To date we have 350 in various stages of distribution and I have 130 to deliver this Friday. Instead of a new machine, what I could use is someone willing to help me get some of these other machines going. This may not be feasible, but I thought I might give it a shot. God bless you for what you are doing.

    • Scott Fortunoff

      Hi Debi,
      It is great that you and your group are doing such kind things. I am not in the sewing machine business so I unfortunately can’t help you. Moreover, I am trying to first give machines to those that have no machines at all. Try calling your local sewing machine repair shop and see if they will help you out for free b/c you are working for a charity.
      Good luck and keep up the good work.

    • Debra Deroche

      I no longer have a machine, and I would truly be blessed if god was blessed me with a new machine.ty Scott

    • Debra Deroche

      Hi my name is Debra Deroche, my daughter lives in Highlands county and lost everything, I was able to get my grandchildren the laptops they needed for school, and send them a little money, but they lost all their belongings in their home as it was destroyed They haves with friends now until they can find something they can afford or they can help out down there, as you know and seen it was wiped out, no electricity, water, food, blankets needed, whatever that we can send I would so much to have this machine to see and make blankets and quilts, even my grandchildren don’t have any So I would be very blessed thank you Debbie Deroche 906-396-4948 825michael avenue Kingsford,Michigan 49802 God bless

    • Bunyenyezi Ali Saava

      Hello am Saava Ali from Kampala Uganda working with reach the children Uganda.
      We looking for donation of sewing machines for training children in schools and communities on rewashable sanitary pads. Most girls in Uganda Buvuma district don’t go school when they are in their menstration periods thus affecting their performance in class.
      On that will be very grateful for such big opportunity “one child at time”
      Saava Ali
      Reach the children Uganda
      Program manager

    • Sheena molina

      I can’t seem to reply to the mass post but what a wonderful thing you’re doing! My friend and I run Operation Comfort Case, we make pillowcases for people in need of comfort and we were lucky enough to get a brother sewing machine to get us started. If it wasn’t for people like you, we wouldn’t be able to do what we do!