Good morning!   How are you today? I hope you are withstanding all the crazy storm madness which has thankfully slowed down a bit it seems. This too shall pass, so hang in tight and don’t forget to breathe.  Can you hear me alright? Okay then, let’s get this contest going.

People keep asking me what I am doing about helping those in Texas, Florida and surrounding areas who have been adversely affected by the storms. That is a great question that I too keep asking myself and I think I have finally found the answer. Yeah, I could make donations as I have already done. I could send blankets and food which I have already done too. But most anyone could do those sort of things. But you know me, I like to beat to my own drum and do my own thing. With that, I am going to go out on a limb and try something, well…..unique. Call me crazy, but here goes.

As I mentioned in a very recent blog post, I was going to give away the sewing machines that my good friend Joanne Hubbard donated. By the way, Joanne is my BlogFF (BFF). I digress. So yeah, the sewing machines. Aside from offering the machines from Joanne, Brewer is generously donating a machine for the giveaway from their Eversewn brand. But that just isn’t enough for me.  You know what I am saying? That would be around 5 machines and I want to do more….way more. Why the heck not? People are suffering and I want to do what I can to ease the pain, even if it is just a little bit and helps to put a smile on someone’s face. I am sure you are wondering what am I going to do. So let me tell you already and stop blabbing away.

I called my new friend Philipp Ueltschi, the Brand Manager of Sewing Machines at Brewer (his brand is EverSewn), and he kindly agreed to sell me machines at a special discounted price for my self proclaimed great cause. These are machines that retail for $200-$400. After I give away the 5 or so machines that I already have, I am going to start giving away BRAND NEW machines on a weekly basis for an indefinite time period. Yes, you are hearing me correctly. Now hear this one more time! I am going to buy machines, a lot of machines, and give them away for F—R—-E—-EEEEEE to people that lost their machine in the storms, never could afford to buy their own machine in the first place or a young person that wants to learn how to sew. I am open to other reasons as to why someone should earn a new machine. One more time, let’s say it together because it sounds soooo freaking good. Free. I can’t hear you. You can do better than that. One more time. FREEEEEEEEEE. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!  Now you got it!

For starters, I am seeking requests from people in Texas, Florida and surrounding areas who have been adversely affected by the storms. I would like the pleas to be short and to the point. Maybe 200-250 words maximum as to why I should gift you a machine. I unfortunately don’t have time to read a novel so keep it tight. Or, you can even send me a photo with a caption that you think demonstrates why you OR SOMEONE ELSE should earn a free machine. Please enter all pleas into the comments section of this blog post. If you could figure out how to attach a picture to the blog, please do so. If not, email me the photo in some form with the caption. The top pleas will be selected by me and I will reach out to that person to confirm all the details and make sure all pleas are legit….no offense of course, but the scams are endless these days. By the way, this is not a scam, joke or trick. Make sure to include your city, state and email address so I can contact you for other info.  This contest is for people in the US only.  Make sure to be careful to enter all the info into the computer correctly because if your email address is wrong by even a single letter….NO SOUP FOR YOU! (Seinfeld Reference)

In addition to the free machines, I will be sure to include some other goodies…..maybe some fabric, maybe some notions, maybe some batting, it will be a surprise, but it will be “beast” as my son likes to call it and that is a good thing no doubt.

With that, let the requests start flowing in. And yes, please have fun when submitting your requests. Send any and all questions to, but please don’t drive me crazy because I do have a regular full time job and it isn’t President Of Giving Free Sewing Machines Away if you know what I mean. No phone calls. You will be sure to know through our social media venues and my blog who the winners are as I announce them. Please know that this is my contest and I make the rules and all the final decisions. That’s just how it needs to be.  I am also giving myself permission to post details of all requests and pleas so if something is very private or you don’t want your name used, please make sure to let me know.

Good luck! Please make sure to share this with anyone you know who might be eligible to win especially in Texas, Florida and surrounding areas.  The last thing I want to say is that I can’t wait to see the faces of the winners when they find out that they are getting a new machine from me. That to me is priceless. Therefore, if you happen to be a winner, make sure to post a picture of your smiley face and your new sewing machine on any or all of my company’s (Studioe Fabrics, The Blank Quilting Corp. or Henry Glass Fabrics) Facebook, Instagram or other social media arenas.

Sewing Machine Scott

1024 words (did the best I could)


  • Cheryl Kiser

    I live in Jacksonville, Fl. My home was not affected by the hurricane besides tree limbs down and no power for days, For which I am thankful.

    However, I am working 60-70 hours a week now, helping 300 storage customers with our company, who have lost so much in the flooding of their storage spaces, and often their homes and cars, too.

    My respite from the stress of work is packing shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child. A sewing machine would allow me to help so many more children across the world.

    Thank you for your consideration.

  • Katie Hoversen

    What a blessing. We were involved in a flood in late April of this year in southern Missouri. Our house and all contents were washed away. I had just purchased a new embroidery machine. The only thing that was saved was our travel trailer which is where we live now. We did not have insurance to cover any of our lossesour losses. When you must replace everything a sewing machine is low on the list. 727 271 7573

  • Nadia

    I just sent this link to a friend in the Houston area, so hopefully some legit flood/hurricane victims that lost their machine will get in touch with you and maybe replace their lost one. Just wanted to say, I will be buying some Studio E fabric and thank you for what you are doing for those affected. Sewing and creating is such a wonderful way to de-stress and also do something normal after going through so much.

  • Carrie Grafton

    I bought a used machine off a sale site on facebook…now that I have it running, my 11 year old daughter has taken a huge interest in sewing. We have started sewing reusable sanitary pads for Operation Christmas Child…she is so eager to sew, but if I let her do all of it, we won’t get our goal for this year. If chosen, she will be the owner, user and happiest girl in the area! Her goals are to make her own barbie doll clothes and to make some to give away as well. I can be reached at 724-681-6056, Leechburg, PA. Thank you so much for the opportunity and God Bless those who are chosen!

    • Scott Fortunoff

      Morning Carrie,
      This is a good thing. However, at this time I am focusing on people that don’t have access to machines at all before others that have no access whatsoever. I hope you can understand. Please consider sending in another request some time next year after I got some machines to people with nothing.

    • Carrie M Grafton

      Understood completely…after I posted, I re-read and felt greedy! Please continue your giving! I will continue to teach my daughter and hope someday she will have a machine of her own.

  • Sue Csiszer

    I was high and dry during Harvey. Many of my neighbors were not so lucky. God bless you and your mission to get machines to the sewists that lost theirs. May your gifts be appreciated and used.

  • cheri Hill-Kramarczyk

    It’s for my Niece. Shayna Humphrey. 7079265487 is her line she’s s mommy, a wife and a full time student of nursing. Has voiced interest in me teaching her but she doesn’t have a machine. Mine is fine for me would love to pass on what I’ve learned to the next generation. My name is Cheri Hill-kramarczyk and I’m in vegas 702/6880863. Her Auntie.

  • stephanie Woodward

    God bless you for trying to make some lives a little more whole. I have and EverSewn and love it.
    I’m sure your recipients will too.

    • Scott Fortunoff

      That’s good to know. It is a machine and it is new. Beggars can’t be choosers and I can’t afford to give away $1000 machines indefinitely….wouldn’t that be nice though.

  • Susan Norwood

    Thank you for the blessings that you are giving to others! I’ve been richly blessed by surviving throat cancer, having been diagnosed almost two years ago. Since then, I’ve had two surgeries, two rounds of chemo, 30 radiation treatments, and continue speech therapy at the VA.
    Just after finding out, there was a fire in my apartment complex. Asbestos was found and no one was allowed to take anything from the building so we lost everything. I’ve been sewing for over 45 years and had a ton of supplies and three machines. I’m a service connected disabled veteran, and have a very limited fixed income so I haven’t been able to replace much of anything. There’s a lawsuit pending but so far no court date.
    With PTSD I live with depression, but not having my sewing “therapy” has been horrible (Angela Walters). I did make clothes, quilts, cloth art dolls, home decor items, you name it, and had practiced FMQ for months.
    I’m 60 now and have lost almost two years so I’ve got lots of catching up to do! The Grand’s are still wanting the quilts and dolls I promised them before my illness. I did have the five quilt tops made, but they’re history now too.
    Any consideration you could give me is deeply appreciated. Many thanks for this opportunity!

  • Elizabeth Jones

    I would like to submit my granddaughter’s name to be considered for a sewing machine. She recently graduated from college, is an RN, working at a hospital in Port Arthur, Texas. She was in her first apartment and it was flooded. She has such a giving, sweet spirit that she considered her patients first, did not worry about her own possessions, but agreed to get back to the hospital to work her shift, plus fill in for others who could not get back to work their shifts. She was picked up in a boat and transported to the hospital due to the horrific flooding. She worked many long hours and I am so thankful for her selflessness and willingness to go the extra mile. She would love a new machine. She has never owned one, but has expressed an interest in sewing and crafting.

    Thank you for your consideration.

    If she is chosen I will give you her information.

  • Terrie Arnold

    HI I would love a new machine My machine is around 30 years old retired can’t afford new machine. 479 366 9914. Thank you Terrie.

  • Shirley A Rash

    Hello Scott,
    You are an admirable & generous guy!
    I sure wish I had the ability financially to do what you are trying to do.
    Hello, my name is Shirley Rash & I’m a senior. I’ve been sewing for 64 years since my mother handed me a needle & thread when I was 3!
    What I am “trying” to do is start up a sewing school in my youngest daughter’s old bedroom. She got married & left all her stuff & they’re saving for a Upac.
    One of the main items needed for the school, & the most expensive, is a sewing machine or two capable of withstanding a novice pupil who is learning how to sew. I have a Brother SE400 sewing/embroidery machine I was originally planning to use until I found out that people aren’t kind to a machine.
    I may not be in Florida or Texas or anywhere else that are victims of the terrible storms, but what I’m trying to do is teach people how to sew & pass on my knowledge & experience.
    At the moment I have my “eye” on a Brother CE 1800 machine at Walmart.
    Actually if I got a machine from you, I wouldn’t care if it has any great features like an auto threader, start stop button or speed control because I would be saving my Brother SE400 from being trashed.
    Thanks ahead of time for reading my message.
    Shirley Rash

    • Scott Fortunoff

      You are lucky to have a machine and I admire what you are trying to do, but at this time I am trying to give machines to people with no machine at all. Hope you understand. Please don’t let this derail your plan though.

  • Bennie B.

    Hi Scott! My name is Bennie, I am very new to the quilting world and have fallen in love with it. Our Home flooded (about 6ft of water)with Harvey and I lost both my sewing machines that we had just recently purchased along with just about everything else in the house and both vehicles. We had to be taken by boat from our house, but are so grateful that all our family and pets were safe. I would love to have a machine back to start sewing again and have some normalcy. Thank you for reaching out to people who were affected. Your generosity is a bright spot in difficult times.

  • Kitty Yates

    I am sending this on behalf of my sister. In April they lost home and contents due to a fire. Included in the contents was 20 plus of quilts she had made. She and her husband are in process of building a house and hope to be in by Nov. My Dad was born in this house and so was my sister. Holds a lot of family memories. She is now suffering with singles due to stress. Would love for her to have one of your machines. You are doing a wonderful things for so many. God bless.

  • Stacy Brady

    I live south of Houston, near Liverpool Texas and had 6 foot of water in my house for 6 days. I lost 5 sewing machines, my Janome DC 2014, a treadle Singer, my aunts 1970’s Singer that was in the most beautiful cabinet I’ve ever seen, and 2 non-working vintage Singers. :(.

  • Jo Miller

    Hi Scott, my name is Jo Miller and I am in charge of the Flying Needles Quilt Guild (in Shalimar Florida) Quilt Shows’ quilt walk in February 2018. My task is to go around to local quilt shops and request donations for the show to raffle off at the show. Needless to say, with the devastation in Florida many of our “usual” donators will be unable to help us this year. I am hoping to make this Show a success in spite of the catastrophe many have endured from the hurricane. To put a new machine in the hands of someone in need would give hope to many more. Please consider my request for the machine and/or anything else that may benefit this Quilt Show and those that attend.
    Thank you for your time as I know it is priceless!

  • Brenda Howard

    I live in a Senior Property (low income) in Humble, TX (Houston) I have 6 ladies that want to learn to sew/quilt. Only 3 of them have machines, I have been bringing my “retreat machines” down for the others to use but we still have one lady without a machine at all to use. Being on fixed incomes doesn’t leave much money for them to afford to purchase a machine even a low level entry model. I am furnishing all the thread, batting, fabric, etc from my stash right now. It is such a joy to see them excited about being able to make something when all they normally have to look forward to is playing Bingo on Monday and Thursday! 713-410-7221

  • Brenda Howard

    Thank you for this opportunity, I am the coordinator of the Houston Area Coalition of Quilt Guilds and we have had so many members and whole Guilds lose their homes and meeting places I will share your Facebook post on our Facebook Group for our leaders to see and then share with their members. Thank you again. I will also be posting again for a personal request.

  • Rosalind Griffith

    Hi Scott,

    I think this is a wonderful gift and my heart goes out to all who are affected by natural disasters recently. I feel like my plight pales in comparison.

    I’m the primary care provider for my elderly mother who is now blind and wheelchair bound. For the last several years, I have been struggling with an illness, my doctors can’t figure out what is causing this chronic infection. I’ve been hospitalized around a dozen times, had emergency surgeries 5. The first instance by far the worst left me in a coma for 3 months, and unable to walk and perform most functions by myself. Requiring lots of physical therapy. Happy to say that I am able to walk and do most day to day tasks by myself today.

    But I am left without being able to work outside of the home. And As you can imagine, this is all very expensive. During my recovery, I had started a craft business, very small, to supplement my income while I was teaching myself to sew. We lost our home last year, and what the bank didn’t take, people in my neighborhood saw fit to relieve me of while I was in the hospital. Including my sewing machine. Ive been trying to replace it, even with a small one, but money is just so tight.

    Thanks for reading! And all that you’re doing!!

  • Denise Skaggs

    I would like to Thank you for such amazing gifts.
    I am 52 and never sewed until 2 years ago. My friend said, she knew I had the passion for it. The first year I used her machine. I had made 21 quilts for my grandchildren for Christmas. Last year I made my children theirs. 11 of them, we have a blended family. Then in May 2016, my friend and I decided to join the Quilt of Valor. With the help of my friend, her mother and myself we presented 14 QOV to Veteran’s on Memorial day. Since then we have presented almost 50 quilts. I would love to request one of your precious gifts . It would be such a great asset I could do so much more sewing in my home also. Thank you again for your generousity. Denise. 937-536-6559

    • Scott Fortunoff

      Good work on being so charitable. However, it seems like you do have access to a machine in spite of not owning one. I am trying to focus my energies on those with no access at all. Hopefully you understand. Keep up the good work.

  • Margaret Thompson

    Hi I’m margaret thompson
    I was a victim of the Louisiana 2016 flood. We had 5.5′ of water in our house – lost everything. I had just retired and was getting ready to put my sewing into full swing. Lost all my machines, fabric, thread and most of my notions. Managed to save a lot of my rulers. Needless to say it cost a lot just to replace household things and get back into the house. I would love a machine

  • Nancy Tiede

    This request for a machine is not for me, but for a young novice beginning quilter of 14. She wanted to learn to quilt for a 4-H (county fair) activity. I have a small sewing area at work where I repair clothing for the disabled. This young girl worked her little heart out on weekends and nights with my guidance. As she progressed, I feel that the quilting instructions had given her the bug, and she was hooked. She talked of patterns, and fabrics, and what was the next project. She was able to sew a project for 3 years of county fairs in the 4H division. She actually had received a champion ribbon for a Aunt Amy’s Bullseye made from old men’s shirts that were donated to her. Most of her projects are made with donated fabrics, and scrappy because she is being raised my a single Mom, along with another sister. There’s not a lot of extra money to be purchasing $12. dollar a yard fabric. It is important that you know all her projects were made at my office, because she has no machine. With her last project, disaster struck. I ended up in hospital with surgery, and could not return to work for months. She missed this years county fair, and was so disappointed. I believe if she had her own machine at home, she could be and would be sewing on it every chance she got. I know that we aren’t in your target area, but I believe she sure deserves a machine. Her name is Kaitlain and my name is Nancy. Your offer for free machine is very generous and thoughtful Thank you.

  • Kate Davis

    I am 65 and trying to start over. I have had a health crisis and a spiritual one along side it.
    Left a religious cult and lost most of my family. Shunning. I had to divorce and have very little that I managed to save. I love to sew and hope to be able to support myself as I heal.

    • Scott Fortunoff

      Hi Kate,
      I am definitely interested in trying to help someone who is trying to start over and especially someone who is being shunned. No one deserves that. Send me your phone number to and perhaps you will be selected to get a machine and hopefully get a head start on starting over.

  • Margie Rhode

    Hi Scott, my name is Margie and even though I live in central il I’m going thru some rough times. My 15 year old singer is making a noise that tells me troubles is a coming. I have made over 25 quilts on this machine. My social security doesn’t allow me to buy a new one. I would gladly make some lap quilts for the hurricane victims, thank you for considering me.

    • Scott Fortunoff

      Hi Margie,
      Sorry to hear about your Singer. The good news is that you have a machine, but unfortunately for you I am trying to give machines to people with no access to machines at all…whether they are old, making noise, etc. Sorry.

  • Louise Lisiewski

    I live in a Houston suburb and saw the devastation of Harvey firsthand. Fortunately, our home was spared, but many were not. Since the storm, my husband has volunteered in strangers’ homes helping to rip out carpet, wet Sheetrock, etc. My way of helping, is to sew with a group of ladies. The need for pillowcases and quilts has increased.
    Before Harvey arrived, we made quilts and pillowcases for local charities; VA hospital, women’s shelter, nursing homes, and abused children. Once a year, we also make Christmas stockings to be distributed to the military overseas, children’s hospitals, and women’s shelters. All of this is possible by the charity of others donating their time and fabric.
    A new, lightweight machine would make it possible to help so many more people.
    281 467 4668

    • Scott Fortunoff

      HI Louise,
      Thanks for all that you do, but please note that I am trying to give machines to people that do not have access to a machine at all. You have no idea how lucky you are. Sorry.

    • Louise Lisiewski

      Thanks Scott for what you are doing, but I take issue with your comment. I do know how “lucky” I am. That’s why I work constantly to help others, both with my time and with monetary contributions. My contributions to others did not begin with the arrival of Harvey, nor will it end, when we recover from his devastation.

    • Scott Fortunoff

      I am not here to fight with anyone or insult them. Luck is relative and relative to others without machines, you are lucky in my book. Just one man’s opinion. If you don’t want to be considered lucky, I am sorry and take it back. Have a great day.

  • Carolyn Carter-Nash

    What a blessing to those who are receiving these machines. I myself would love to have one. I belong to a group of Christian ladies that makes quilts, Angel wraps and infant hats for 17 different organizations here in Phoenix, AZ. My machine froze up and can not be fixed. I am at a total loss. Thank you for your time and generosity.

    God Bless you and all who is helping you do this wonderful give away,
    Carolyn Carter-Nash

  • Renee Bednarczyk

    Dear sir, you are doing a wonderful thing for everyone. Thank you. I live in south texas and i borrowed a machine from my neighbor to teach myself to quilt. We got over 20 inches of rain in my area and we lost power and got water in the sewing area and ruined her machine. I am on disability and cannot afford to replace her machine. I would like to ask for a replacement for her machine only. My number is 830 494 1563. Thanks again for your generosity.

  • Joyce Jones

    Years ago when my children were small I was given an old White sewing machine and made most of my daughter’s clothes and few other household items. It died and then I went to work full time and didn’t have time or money to get another machine. Now I am retired and have the time along with (4) small great granddaughters to make things for. I live on Long Island and so far this season we have been spared the worst of Irma and Josie and have only had severe rip tides and ocean wave surges. You are a wonderful person to make this offer, and not only those who have suffered from these horrific storms.

  • misty harvey

    i do not deserve a sewing machine as i have one .its hard to use but it works .i just wanted to thank you for doing this .reading things like this makes my hart heal a little more .a few years my family was betrayed by those we trusted most in our greatest time of need .years later things are still hard ,but the betrayal still hurts the most .it is nice to know there are still kind people around .you have blessed my hart .

    • Scott Fortunoff

      Hi Misty,
      Thanks for your honest. To have a machine is a good thing. I am sorry that you were all betrayed. Hopefully you can move past that and try to see the positive side of things.

  • Susan Yearout

    I think that you are an angel. I don’t need a new one, mine is 27 years and it still works, but I have to say thank you for what you are doing.

  • Karen M

    I got sick in January and had to leave my job now I am doing everything i can to get my home based business sewing aprons going. This past june my husband had a massive heart attack and only 3 weeks later hurricane harvey hit and we took in family from rockport texas who lost everything. We gave them what we could for them to get started again. Now my old sewing machine is starting to act up again and we are living week to week. I just want to make the holidays special for people with a new homemade apron of hugss.

    • Scott Fortunoff

      Hi Karen,
      I am sorry to hear about the tragedy that you are enduring. In spite of your valid plea, I am really trying to give machines to people that have no machine at all….first and foremost. So fortunately for you, you have a machine. I hope you understand.

  • Kathy Krivitza

    I live in western NY state and have never experienced hurricane or fire weather disasters. I have Mom’s sewing machine after she passed away. Also a singer purchased new, a refurbished old Singer in a beautiful wooden sewing table, a Bernina embroidery machine purchased from another quilter as she was getting a fancier Bernina, and a serger. I’m sorry I wasted your time to tell you I have no business entering your contest. And thank you for making me realize how lucky I am. I’m going to go and sew something right now. Thanks.

    • Scott Fortunoff

      You know what? I am glad you posted this because you are so right. Everyone who has a machine is lucky. Hence my efforts to get machines in to people’s hands that do not have one at all. You keep sewing and machine sure to send photos to our social media sites for posting. Have a great weekend.

  • Joanne Rupel

    Thank-you. I would love a sewing machine, I too am disabled. I would like to make items to sell to make a little bit of cash. I would like the machine to make clothes for my self and my hubby.

    Thank-you so much.Joanne

  • Tammy Mcduff

    Hello Scott,
    I want to say thank you for reaching out to this wonderful sewing community to offer help. We lost everything in Harvey – homes, vehicles, campers, sewing machines and 20 years of stash collecting. It has devistated our family. There are 5 families on the property who was left with the clothes on their back only. I praise my Heavenly Father daily for sparing our lives and my grand babies – but this is very difficult. I miss sewing and with another granddaughter due in January, I’m not able to help prepare for her without my machine. I’ve always called my sewing and quilting my therapy – I definitely miss that part of my life as well.

  • Linda smith

    Hi Ive worked for 50 years looking after everybody else at work and at home I have just retired and it’s time to look after me and do what I want so would love to get one of those machines to spend time on a hobby I will enjoy ,make things for others and also myself and combine the two
    Not sure if you send to the UK

  • Jo Ann Harkins

    Hi Scott we lost our home and all our belongings to IRMA I live in Florida I had a Brother quantro 8500d and a 11000 mc jamone I saved for a long long time to buy these machines, now I’m retired and do not have the income to buy another one

  • Patricia

    I would love a sewing machine. But unemployed right now and can’t afford one. I like to make quilts, puppy coats and more.

    My daughter also lost her sewing machine In Harvey.

  • Cassandra Holloway

    Thank you for being so generous! If you have an extra machine after giving to the victims of Harvey and Irma (which I was in Florida for) I would love to give it to my ten year old daughter for Christmas. She’s a A &B student and a great child all together. I’m on a limited income so I have been looking for a cheap used machine for her (trust me it’s hard when your budget is 30 bucks). Please help me make her Christmas wish come true.

    • Scott Fortunoff

      Your request for your daughter is well noted. Since Christmas is a little bit away, I ask that you have your daughter send in a fresh request closer to Christmas time. I am planning to give away machines indefinitely. Thank you.

  • Kellie Acuna

    Hey Scott!!
    I inherited a love for sewing things from sitting on a porch swing as a child with our elderly neighbor, Geneva “E-Bo” Wilson. Geneva would do her pin curls in her hair and do needlepoint every evening. She taught me my first stitches. We went from there to buttons and pillows. I took sewing in high school and loved it. I’ve always wanted my own sewing machine and a few years ago, I finally hit a black Friday sale and got one for $49 (I think), which was all I could afford. I’ve been using that small machine since then. One day, I hope to purchase a machine that also does embroidery (that’s my dream machine). I currently live in Bradenton, Florida and lost a week of work due to Hurricane Irma. I would LOVE to have a QUALITY sewing machine to be able to make gifts for my 4 sons and grandkids for Christmas. I moved to Florida in March due to not tolerating the cold well because I suffer from Lupus, leaving my entire family in Ohio. I have no family here. I work from home so I don’t get out of the house very often and sewing is my stress reliever. Oh yeah, and my 47th birthday is October 12th.

    • Scott Fortunoff

      Hi Kellie,
      Thanks for your submission. However, I am trying to focus on people that don’t have machines at all. You should realize that you are lucky to have one. Happy bday on October 12.
      Have a nice weekend.

  • Lynn D'Arcy

    Hello Scott,
    I will say up front (to save time if Canadians aren’t being considered for your offer) that I am Canadian.
    I am a senior (67) and retired 2 years ago. As most seniors living on a pension, money is tight. My sewing machine that I had for over 40 years (Pfaff) retired as well and has gone to sewing machine heaven. I am without a machine, and my one true love (quilting) has stopped. I had been purchasing fabric and quilt supplies while I was employed, working on having everything ready for when I retired. I knew my pension would barely cover living expenses let alone luxuries like fabric and batting. I want to make preemie baby quilts and quilts for women and children living in safe houses. I would be so blessed to receive one of your machines. If you continued to read (knowing I was from Canada) thank you for your time. God bless you for this generous act of good will. Karma is a circle, what you give out comes back to you.
    thank you,
    Lynn D’Arcy

  • Betty Bastian

    First I come you on your wonderful giving heart. What you are doing is amazing. I would like to be considered for your give away. I am part of an organization that gives away newborn layetts to the under privileged. We are part of the Christ Child group. Our group sews blankets, sleepers, hats, receiving blankets to local hospital in Illinois. We don’t have any sewing machines for our area. Would love to be considered. Thank you!

    • Scott Fortunoff

      Thanks for your submission Betty, but it sounds like your organization already has access to machines and I am trying to focus on those without any access to machines. Sorry. Keep up your good work for the charity.
      Thank you.

  • Morgana

    I would like to nominate my mother, she loves to sew but the machine she had is broken. I had brain surgery in December and she has been helping me pay my bills so myself and my children don’t lose our home and it has spread her very thin and now after hurricane Irma she is spread even thinner. I wish one of these new machines for her as sewing is relaxing to her as it is for me. Please consider my mother and best friend for this honor ❤️

  • Judi R

    I am not in need, thankfully. But so many who could earn a little that would help their families a lot will be helped. Thank you for remembering that we are our brothers’ keeper.

  • Doris New

    First, I would like to say thank you for what you are doing. God will truly bless you.
    I live in Louisiana and was hit by the flood in 2016. We lost everything, the year before the flood I lost my mom and now my dad is in very poor health. Thank you for blessing so many.
    Doris N.

  • Kathy Reed

    Hello Scott, you are a dear to help folks out…I appreciate that!
    My husband and I live in a small home…we both have disabilities. ..his is Altzeimers…mine are 3 forms of arthritis and chronic fibromylsia….
    I am a quilter…for family and friends only…I’m teaching my 11 yr old granddaughter how to sew and she’s been making her own Lil quilts…I can’t afford to buy her one…money is very tight…I’d like to gift her one…she loves sewing
    She lives w us…I’m raising her…my machine is not the best and she’d love to have her own
    Her momma is an angel now in heaven….she’d be so proud of her…I sure am…
    We make lap quilts together for the people in nursing homes…
    It’s always good to give back…
    Thank you for listening. Bless you so much for giving back to others.

    • Scott Fortunoff

      Hi Kathy,
      I would definitely love to give another machine away to a young child. However, it sounds like she already has access to a machine which is a big plus for her. I am trying to focus on people without any access to a machine. So in spite of being compelled by your note, I need to consider others before your granddaughter. That being said, I plan to giveaway machines indefinitely so maybe sometime down the road I will be able to consider your granddaughter. God bless you and your family.
      Have a nice weekend.

  • Rachel Doyle

    Thank you for doing this. I did not lose anything this year, but last year we lost everything. The great flood 2016 for Louisiana. We where pulled out by boat because the water came up over night and fast. With only the cloths on my back. We came back to rebuild only to be screwed over by the contractor. So my sewing stuff was put way on the list of to be replace. Phone 2258927170

  • Kathy Combs

    I am submitting a request for my great niece, Julie Ann. Her parents are divorced, her father remarried and they are now divorced also.
    her step mom let Julie’s half sisters play in her sewing machine (given to her by my mom her great grandma) and they broke it and lost pieces for it.

    Julie likes to be creative and was making toys for kids at Christmas. She was mending her family’s clothing. She comes from a long line of sewists and quilters and wants to be like her great grandma, her grandma, who is in a nursing facility and her Aunts. (We all love to sew and create things!)

    I would love for Julie to have her very own brand new sewing machine! She doesn’t know I am requesting this for her. I sincerely appreciate all you are doing. Everyone lucky enough to receive one is being blessed. You are a blessing to so many by doing this.

    I could go on about more hardships but if you see a true need here please contact me. I will email my phone number if requested. thank you for generosity.


  • Bobbi Muhlenbeck

    Hi Scott~!
    First off, let me say thank you for being so generous to so many in this time of tourmoil and loss~! I, myself, have been blessed not to live in a hurricane area and even feel guilty for posting on here. I make quilts. Christmas, births, deaths AND Quilts for Kids (which is a wonderful organization). I donate them when I can. But that has come to a screeching hault as my machine has gone to those batting clouds in the sky. We need a new roof, that comes first. Priorities. but I would be really esctatic to start back into my projects. Thank you for your extreme generosity.

  • Nance Allen

    Your goodness will not go unnoticed. As someone who masked and gives away almost all of my quilts, I say thank you! The machines will find their new owners to be excited and hopefully passionate about sewing and quilting. I see lots of costumes in their futures, t shirt quilts, and even wedding dresses. Bless you!

    • Scott Fortunoff

      Thank you Nance. To be honest, it makes me feel really good to help people out. So unnoticed or not, I will continue my crusade to spread sewing machines throughout the US. You have a great weekend and thank you for your note.

  • Daisy

    My name is Daisy and I’m a film major who is graduating in a few weeks and could use a machine to make my own costumes. I’ve been in the market for a new machine and thought this year is my year but it hasn’t been. On Dec 29, 2016 my stepdad decided to have his midlife crisis and leave us on our own. This led gave me so much stress and anxiety that an illness i had my whole life surfaced. I was diagnosed with MS after my whole left side of my body going numb. Almost 7 months later I’m back to normal but have to be on weekly injections to help prolong another flare up from happening. I still can’t afford a new machine since I help out with the bills around the house and I hope i am able to win one.