Good morning!   How are you today? I hope you are withstanding all the crazy storm madness which has thankfully slowed down a bit it seems. This too shall pass, so hang in tight and don’t forget to breathe.  Can you hear me alright? Okay then, let’s get this contest going.

People keep asking me what I am doing about helping those in Texas, Florida and surrounding areas who have been adversely affected by the storms. That is a great question that I too keep asking myself and I think I have finally found the answer. Yeah, I could make donations as I have already done. I could send blankets and food which I have already done too. But most anyone could do those sort of things. But you know me, I like to beat to my own drum and do my own thing. With that, I am going to go out on a limb and try something, well…..unique. Call me crazy, but here goes.

As I mentioned in a very recent blog post, I was going to give away the sewing machines that my good friend Joanne Hubbard donated. By the way, Joanne is my BlogFF (BFF). I digress. So yeah, the sewing machines. Aside from offering the machines from Joanne, Brewer is generously donating a machine for the giveaway from their Eversewn brand. But that just isn’t enough for me.  You know what I am saying? That would be around 5 machines and I want to do more….way more. Why the heck not? People are suffering and I want to do what I can to ease the pain, even if it is just a little bit and helps to put a smile on someone’s face. I am sure you are wondering what am I going to do. So let me tell you already and stop blabbing away.

I called my new friend Philipp Ueltschi, the Brand Manager of Sewing Machines at Brewer (his brand is EverSewn), and he kindly agreed to sell me machines at a special discounted price for my self proclaimed great cause. These are machines that retail for $200-$400. After I give away the 5 or so machines that I already have, I am going to start giving away BRAND NEW machines on a weekly basis for an indefinite time period. Yes, you are hearing me correctly. Now hear this one more time! I am going to buy machines, a lot of machines, and give them away for F—R—-E—-EEEEEE to people that lost their machine in the storms, never could afford to buy their own machine in the first place or a young person that wants to learn how to sew. I am open to other reasons as to why someone should earn a new machine. One more time, let’s say it together because it sounds soooo freaking good. Free. I can’t hear you. You can do better than that. One more time. FREEEEEEEEEE. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!  Now you got it!

For starters, I am seeking requests from people in Texas, Florida and surrounding areas who have been adversely affected by the storms. I would like the pleas to be short and to the point. Maybe 200-250 words maximum as to why I should gift you a machine. I unfortunately don’t have time to read a novel so keep it tight. Or, you can even send me a photo with a caption that you think demonstrates why you OR SOMEONE ELSE should earn a free machine. Please enter all pleas into the comments section of this blog post. If you could figure out how to attach a picture to the blog, please do so. If not, email me the photo in some form with the caption. The top pleas will be selected by me and I will reach out to that person to confirm all the details and make sure all pleas are legit….no offense of course, but the scams are endless these days. By the way, this is not a scam, joke or trick. Make sure to include your city, state and email address so I can contact you for other info.  This contest is for people in the US only.  Make sure to be careful to enter all the info into the computer correctly because if your email address is wrong by even a single letter….NO SOUP FOR YOU! (Seinfeld Reference)

In addition to the free machines, I will be sure to include some other goodies…..maybe some fabric, maybe some notions, maybe some batting, it will be a surprise, but it will be “beast” as my son likes to call it and that is a good thing no doubt.

With that, let the requests start flowing in. And yes, please have fun when submitting your requests. Send any and all questions to, but please don’t drive me crazy because I do have a regular full time job and it isn’t President Of Giving Free Sewing Machines Away if you know what I mean. No phone calls. You will be sure to know through our social media venues and my blog who the winners are as I announce them. Please know that this is my contest and I make the rules and all the final decisions. That’s just how it needs to be.  I am also giving myself permission to post details of all requests and pleas so if something is very private or you don’t want your name used, please make sure to let me know.

Good luck! Please make sure to share this with anyone you know who might be eligible to win especially in Texas, Florida and surrounding areas.  The last thing I want to say is that I can’t wait to see the faces of the winners when they find out that they are getting a new machine from me. That to me is priceless. Therefore, if you happen to be a winner, make sure to post a picture of your smiley face and your new sewing machine on any or all of my company’s (Studioe Fabrics, The Blank Quilting Corp. or Henry Glass Fabrics) Facebook, Instagram or other social media arenas.

Sewing Machine Scott

1024 words (did the best I could)


  • Leigh Ann McWherter

    Proof positive that there are still wonderful people left in this world that still think of others and not just themselves. Whether I am picked are not, I want to say thank you. I live in Pearland, Texas, a suburb of Houston. I would like to put my name in the hat on behalf of my daughter. She has always struggled in school, but fell in love with her fashion design class last year and was found to be incredibly talented. Unfortunately, we are not able to afford a sewing machine for her to continue her love on her own. In 2015, her dad was diagnosed with heart problems which landed him in the hospital, not once, but twice with surgery involved. Then, at the beginning of this year, he was diagnosed with a very aggressive cancer. Again, off to the hospital for surgery. Thank the Lord, so far, so good. But hospital bills have piled up. Then came Hurricane Harvey. While we were so much more blessed than many, we did have damage to our home that we haven’t been able to get repaired as the deductible is quite high. I know there are many in much worse situations than we are, but I would love to be able to gift one of your wonderful machines to my daughter that otherwise won’t be possible. Thank you for your consideration. God Bless.

  • Cheryl Terry

    Hi Scott, unfortunately we were hit by Irma in Manatee county FL. We live in a 55+ community. Our roof over was torn off then 1/2 of the original roof got ripped off. Besides our roof we lost our carpeting, paneling and insulation. Everthing else seemed to have dried out. In the last four weeks we’ve managed to get a new roof and insulation back on. I did not loose a sewing machine in this storm. I’m not asking for a sewing machine, cause I can get an older one giving to me. What I’d like people to know is, most people affected by hurricanes don’t have hurricane insurance because of the cost of that insurance. We just pray we don’t get hit! Unfortunately it was our turn. We’re hoping for FEMA to help us out with some of the cost. So far, we haven’t heard anything back. What you and your connections are offering is awesome. Again I can get by with a older machine. Quilting is pretty much straight stiches! Happy sewing everyone!

    • Scott Fortunoff

      Well I pray you don’t get hit either. I hope FEMA takes good care of you as best as they can. Thanks for your kind words. Keep your head up because this too shall pass.

  • Johanna Thompson

    On August 20, 2017, me and my fiance started renting my first house at the age of 20 and then on August 22,2017 after 15 hours of labor and an emergency C-section, I had a beautiful 9lb 9oz baby girl named Sharon. I was so excited to be able to start sewing up blankies and jammies like my grandma did for me. After only 2 weeks of living in the house we were robbed late at night. They threw a brick threw the window that landed in the baby swing that Sharon usually slept in. They ended up breaking glass all over Sharon’s bed, swing and clothes and stole over $3,000 worth of items. So instead of being down and sad I’m trying to craft my way through the struggle and a sewing machine would make it better.

    • Scott Fortunoff

      Wow Johanna. Well, that really sucks, but I am glad no one was injured. That is the most important thing. Congratulations on having the baby…that is amazing. 9 lbs 9 oz…very impressive. Anyway, I would love to consider you for a free sewing machine. Please send me your phone number address and I will certainly give your request strong consideration. Please just be patient. Keep you head up. Good luck

    • Johanna Thompson

      Yay!!! Thank you for your consideration!! I sent you my info and I’m super excited for this chance!!

    • Scott Fortunoff

      Hi Sharon,
      I need a little more than this to gift you a sewing machine. Have you had to endure tragedy? Why should I give you a machine over someone else? I will give your request some consideration after you elaborate. Thank you.

  • Deb Birkett

    Hi Scott,
    I am an avid sewer, and I work with families that are at or below poverty level (That have children under the age of 5). I have wanted to share my sewing with these families for years. If you’re ever made anything you know that feeling of making something for someone you love. Well, I want to share that feeling with the families I work with. I came across a video on facebook. What a great thing you are doing, helping others get back to ‘normal’ or just a little healing while they do what they love best. If you can help me help some of the families at my work that would be great. thanks so much, let me know more,

    • Scott Fortunoff

      Hi Deb,
      Thanks for your comments. In order for me to help you out, I need your families to make the request on my blog on their own. They definitely sound eligible so please explain to them how to apply.

  • Elizabeth Kelley

    Hello from Harvey Hit Southeast Texas. I’m not looking to win a machine (although it would be nice) just wanted to say what a very generous gift you are bestowing on people and to say Thank You!
    Yes, I did lose everything including 2 sewing machines in my house with 5 ft of water from Harvey but I did save my few quilts and those of my late Mother and Grandmothers. I also saved the large hand quilting frame gifted to me from my late Aunt. And I’m glad for that.
    I started hand quilting a long time ago standing with a frame hung from my grandmothers ceiling. I inherited this quilt ceiling frame only to lose it in Hurricane Rita. And had been teaching myself to machine sew on my Brother SE400 for the past year. Only to lose it in Harvey. I will bounce back and with a bigger sewing room too!
    You are a good soul!
    Hugs from Texas!

  • Judy Smith

    Scott, I think this is such a wonderful thing you are doing. I saw your blog post a few weeks ago, but I live in Ohio and am very thankful that I have not experienced the tragedies that are occurring in other parts of the states. Today, on facebook, I read a post from a fellow quilter who is a member of the Moda Blockheads group. Her name is Linda Phillips. She shared a picture of the last block she had completed beside a picture of her home that had burned to the ground in the Santa Rosa Fires. She was working a night shift at a hospital when the news came and had no time to get to home to rescue anything including her 2 dogs. She has lost everything. Many members (hundreds, I believe) are sending her fabric from their stashes, myself included. She has been so gracious and stated she wasn’t looking for donations but that quilting is what will help her heal. I do not have her email address or phone number. I have shared your blog on the group page hoping she will see it and write to you directly, but I am sure she has many things to attend to right now. I would love for her to be chosen to receive a new machine. I do have her address and could get more information from her in the event that you would consider her for a free sewing maching. Thank you so much for your consideration.

    • Scott Fortunoff

      I am sorry to hear about this. I will need contact info from her so we can speak. Also, please know that there is no major rush as I plan to giveaway machines indefinitely. Thanks.

    • Judy Smith

      Scott, thank you so much for your kindness and generosity to all of these people who have suffered such devastating losses this year. It gives me renewed hope and faith in mankind when so much of our country seems so divided and full of hate. We should all share love and kindness such as you are demonstrating.

  • Linda

    I don’t need anything..just a sewer from Canada saying “wow” for your generosity to all those sewers who are lost without their machines..I know I would be. Bless you for caring.

  • Nancy Wood

    Hi Scott,
    I’m new to face book and blogging, so I hope I am doing this right.
    received my first and only sewing machine in 1975 when I graduated from high school and have used it much over the years (curtains, covering chairs, etc.). Recently, I had some serious stomach issues and then fell tearing my right meniscus. These left me out of work for some time. While off I had my sewing machine cleaned and repaired by a reputable sewing machine repair shop, but it is still not working properly. — My first son got married this year and I would like to carry on a family tradition started by my Grandmother. She made each of my seven siblings and me a quilt for each of our weddings. Oddly enough, as the aforementioned siblings retire, many of them have taken up Grandma’s tradition of quilting.
    I know there are many deserving applicants, but please consider that I had to retire early due to my illnesses and am on a fixed income. Having a sewing machine is almost a dream to me now.

    • Nancy Wood

      Hi Scott,
      Sorry for any inconveniences you have had trying to get a hold of me. I don’t know why you were told my number was out of service. Also, thank you for providing the area codes you use, as I usually don’t pick up calls I don’t recognize. As for your speaking with my son, he apologized to me several times because he forgot that you might be calling. I am still in need of a machine and hope I will hear from you.
      Nancy Wood

  • tonie hulsing

    The wind and rain from hurricane Nate caused a limb to break the window in my sewing room rain water filled my sewing machine which was sitting under the window and now it won’t work I tried to see if I could get fixed and was told it was not worth fixing. I am on fixed income and can not afford to buy a new machine, I even went to the local thrift store and could not find one. I rent this house and had no renters insurance. I would love to have a new machine and I hope you will consider me for a new machine

  • Kathy Boice

    My Granddaughter, Danielle Block lives in Michigan and has three small children. She does not have a sewing machine and needs one badly to sew and to mend clothing for her son age 6, daughters ages 4 and 2 months. She struggles to make ends meet and would love to be able to sew. I posted your facebook post to her, but she cannot always have service for her cell phone. She does not have email. She has no income and is a single Mom. Please consider her for a sewing machine. I taught her how to sew when she was younger and really wants to make some quilts for her kids as Michigan’s winters are very cold!

  • Bridgette 'Giddy' Stein

    Shortly after the hurricane I posed this very question to my QOV facebook group… I’m so happy someone steps up and does something good like this. I am in the flood area around Houston I’m very fortunate that my house did not get flooded but all I could think about our volunteer Quilters that would not be able to do what they do if they don’t have a sewing machine. Watching the Hurricane ride over our state and the flooding to continue for over a week and my first thought was on those who lost everything that’s a big number right now in Texas I has been a volunteer for quilts of Valor for 6 years and firmly believe the time we spend sewing and creating presentation quilts for our soldiers is as therapeutic for us as it is our soldiers. So I hope Many quilters for any organization are blessed to receive help from someone in our industry. Thank you for what you are doing!

    • Scott Fortunoff

      Hi Bridgette,
      Thanks for your note. Please realize that in order for me to give people machines that they need to post their request in the blog comments of any of my blogs. Please share this with them so they can apply.

  • Sarah Hassinger

    GA didn’t make the news after Irma, but flood damage was so bad our county was closed off to returning evacuees for three days. We lost EVERYTHING we own to two feet of contaminated water left by Hurricane Irma. Everything includes my much loved and much used sewing machine. More loved than the sewing machine are photo’s that can never be replaced.

  • Morna McEver

    Scott, Just love what you are doing. It’s a real example of the caring and generous nature of our industry. Thank you. Proud to part of this industry. I’ll repost your blog on our ICAP Facebook Page in hopes that others in need will see it.

  • Miriam A Henderson

    It just breaks my heart to read these posts, especially those affected by Hurricane Harvey, as I was a victim of this horrible disaster. My small community, outside of Houston, sat inside of the eye wall (NOT EYE) enduring wind gusts of 75-150 mph, and heavy rains, for three days, before he came back through, headed back into the Gulf. I too lost my own little world of sewing and quilting. I had two sewing machines, a serger, an INNOVA quilter, 50+ bolts of fabric, etc., but I still have my life. Even though I lost it all, I’m ready to try and rebuild what was taken from me.
    IF anyone deserves a sewing machine it would be the quilting ladies of Rockport, Texas. This town LOST EVERYTHING!!! Rockport was the direct hit of Harvey. They have NO high school, very few businesses, and I’m sure their quilt museum is gone. Piecemakers By The Bay
    1515 North Live Oak
    Rockport, Texas 78382
    I’m not too sure if they have a building to quilt or hold meetings; not too sure if they have phone service, but if anyone deserves a machine (or two), it would be these very sweet ladies of South Texas.

  • Cheryl Hovey

    My daughter is awaiting her disability. She is raising 3 little ones plus she suffers from chronic depression along with several physical dibilating conditions. She wants to learn to sew as she sees the ways sewing has helped me & she wants to get good enough at it to sell her creations & support her family. I help her all I can but I’m on a limited income & can’t afford a machine for her.
    Her name is Shelley & number is 8163414486

  • Cindy Ellmaker

    I would love to win a machine. I teach quilting from my home. But I would not be keeping for myself. We have gone thru a harsh summer here in Montana due to fires across the state. I know many families have lost their homes, in turn losing a beloved sewing machine/ or friend as many of us refer to them. I would donate to one of the fellow quilters from MT that are in need. I use my machine as therapy at times, so I know many a quilter does also. Thank you for doing this. A wonderful cause. I am in Helena, MT

  • pattiemelt

    My request is for a friend who lives in Rockport TX. She lost just about everything in the hurricane. She has been able to have her condo rebuilt but almost all of her belongings are gone, including all of her craft/sewing things. She is a wonderfully creative person and has done so much for others during her own recovery. To top it off, I found out that she lost her mother last week. I would love for her to have a new sewing machine, if for no other reason than as a reminder that good things also happen in this life.

  • Lydia Cox

    Scott, I no longer know how I learned of your generous offer. I am NOT submitting a request at this time, but will be passing information of it on to Mennonite Disaster Service’s (MDS) Bi-National Office, for dissemination via our Project Directors, who may well learn of exactly the people you want to reach with your offer. We are a faith-based, Voluntary Organization Active in Disaster (VOAD) providing free volunteer labor to assist those who are the neediest, most overlooked, and who typically fall between the cracks, or are not eligible for normal channels of assistance after disasters. Typically we work to aid the elderly, disabled, single parents and others with dire needs. I am presently in Bloomington, TX for the next 4 weeks (arrived 1 week ago), then another volunteer will take my place doing my job of office support for the volunteer crews that come to us from all over the US & Canada, who give up a week or two to help others as we believe scripture calls us to do. Typically, we remain for several years at disaster sites, continuing well after a particular disaster fades from the news, helping the people and communities rebuild and recover, building relationships, and restoring hope. We are hoping, and praying, the local people in this community will be able to set up their long-term recovery committee (LTRC) to seek and accept funds for materials, to assess & verify clients needs, and to enable those needs to be met and homes to be repaired or rebuilt by volunteers with labor we can provide. MDS arranges for free labor (mostly Amish, Mennonite, Brethren, and other Anabaptist groups), but does not cover costs of materials or supplies for the repairs/rebuilding, so we are anxiously awaiting, and supporting the community with resources, to learn what they need to do so we can stay to assist beyond the clean up of trees & debris, & tarping of roofs–which is our current focus. MDS has been responding to disasters in the US, Canada, and US territories since 1950, and are well respected by FEMA, Red Cross, United Way, Salvation Army and others, who are national VOADs. You can learn more about us at Last I had time to look, the town I’m in, Bloomington TX, has been highlighted 4-5 times on their front web page with stories & a video. If not on the front page now, go to Region 3, then “Where We are Working.” A local County Commissioner has said of the homes here in this community, that these were like the straw houses in the Three Little Pigs Story–it doesn’t take much to blow apart “straw houses.” I’d read he also reported, of the estimated 800 homes here, 500-600 were badly damaged. There is lots to do here!!! MDS is also in Florida, where they have done MANY projects over the years, as well as many other states and communities where previous floods, fires, tornados, mud slides and more have occurred over the last several years. Having worked with many disaster organizations after Katrina, I can’t say enough good things about how MDS operates at EVERY level! I’m grateful my own health has improved to allow me to participate once again in “Rebuilding HOPE!” the MDS way! Thanks for all you are doing, in your arena! God Bless you!

  • Susan Shaw

    I’m NOT in FL or TX but neighboring OK. My machine died. I have fibromyalgia and need a hobby to keep my sanity. I love to piece and would love to quilt for charity (and I quilt for my granddaughter). I am a survivor of incest and breast cancer and have PTSD. I need to do something to help others to help myself. Thank you for a chance to get a machine. I have some fabric.


    Scott- we unveiled Charlotte at the sewing bee- you will be in receipt of the first items sewn on her… Sharon Jeans- (holding charlotte) is a big big fan of Blank Fabric! Thank you from all of us! we are off and running on creating..

  • Scott Fortunoff

    Hi Amy,
    Thanks for your note. So the thing is that I am trying to give the machines out to those suffering from tragedy and also those without access to a machine. Since it sounds like you have access, I think there are others who are more in need than you at this time. I am sorry.

  • Laura K Wilson

    Good morning,
    I was also affected by Hurricane Harvey. Our home received 18 inches of flood water. The sewing/playroom was the first to go under and the last to be cleaned out. All of my projects and materials on the floor or in the lower drawers were lost. I got my machine out as quickly as I could, but I haven’t set it up to see if it is working or not. It makes me heartsick to think about it because I had just paid it off. A new machine would lift our spirits. My daughters also sew as much as little girls can. My email is and I’m in Groves, Tx.

    • Scott Fortunoff

      I am sorry to hear about what you are going through. That being said, I am trying to give away machines to those without any access to machines at all. I suggest that you try and get the machine fixed before requesting a new one from me. A lot of people don’t have a machine at all and those are the people that I want to focus on at this time. Thank you for your understanding. Have a great weekend.

  • Sharon lattis

    Hi! What a great thing you are doing! I would love to have a machine. I am 60 years old and am raising my 2 grandchildren by myself. They are 6 & 8 and I have been blessed with having the privilege of raising them. We are poor in finances but rich in so many other things. I took early retirement in order to live and care for them the way they deserve. I don’t have a machine … I had one but sold it. I do handwork now like grandmothers flower garden and other quilt patterns I can do by hand. I do miss not having a sewing machine. Thank you so much.

  • Carol Taylor

    My friend, Cathy Lempa, in Beaumont, Tx, had water up to the ceiling. She and her husband had to be rescued. They lost everything. Cathy had to relocate. Her husband had to go to a nursing home and Cathy is moving into an apartment. She has recently had to go into a wheelchair as a result of polio when she was a child. Cathy is the most positive, upbeat person, She is amazing. She is looking at all this as a new adventure. She is a passionate quilter who makes wonderful quilts full of color and joy. I would love to see her win one of your sewing machines.
    I am Carol Taylor and my # is 409-658-8391

  • Jennifer Doornbos

    Hi Scott
    I saw this posted on our guild page. I am in China, Texas. My area was the one hit with the record flooding. I lost virtually all in my house. I lost my first sewing machine as well as my Mom’s. Fabric I had collected for years all gone as well as yarn I’d purchased for projects. The one thing I did get to save was my grandmother’s sewing basket. Water stood in my house for 4 days. I’ve never seen anything like this ever. You basically loose all. I even had to put my good mare down due to the stress she was under. I was not like some who lost all sorts of fancy sewing machines and many vehicles. I lost a little ole Singer I learned on. It was a hobby where one could create and leave a highly stressful job behind. 409-719-6562
    Thank you for what you are doing and thank you for your consideration.

  • Sandra Akins

    My Daughter is disabled (epilepsy) after removal of a non-malignant brain tumor 23 years ago. She can’t hold a job, it seems to make her body too stressed and tired and increases the frequency and severity of her seizures and she ends up in the hospital for several days. She cannot afford a sewing machine but wants one very badly so she can make clothing, curtains, quilts etc. for herself and her friends. I am retired and living on my social security and cannot afford to get her one. This would give her something to do and brighten her life tremendously if she is chosen to be one of the recipients of your kindness.

  • Donna McGraw

    I don,t need a new sewing machine –but Someone in our sewing group could really use one. She does knitting right now as hers is broke and can,t afford to get it fixed. She has been hit with some very sad circumstances as of late. Lost her son a couple months ago,and is still taking it hard. She would love to get back into sewing again. by the way–she is our quilt inspector at sewing–She is 101 years young and has done a lot of donations to various groups in her lifetime. She would –in my opinon
    she would deserve it, and appreciate it very much.

    • Scott Fortunoff

      This is very kind of you and all things being equal she would be a good candidate. However, at this time I am focusing on people who are facing tragedy. I would consider going to a local sewing machine shop and perhaps you will find a kind sole to fix the machine out of the kindness of their hearts. You just never know. Good luck.


    my heart is bursting with gratefulness… Scott Fortunoff has sent us fabric from Blank fabrics to help teach sewing! thank you Scott for your kindness! — because our Center for Hope is still being used by FEMA we have not had an opportunity to open our hearts to teach so I posted this to our local message boards here in town:

    “” Looking for ONE person (woman, man) who has been effected by Harvey that would like to take a beginner sewing lesson- Monday Oct 2, at the library- no children please- if you dont know how to sew and would like to try and see if you like it, i have a donated machine and fabric, and if you can spend from 10-2 with my group, I will teach you some basics and you can make a project (microwave bowls- quick table runner- placemats) please TEXT me only at 936-433-7206 – must have group meets one Monday a month, there might be more time avail. and room to add for additional sewers… Mary (I will be cross posting this)

  • Cunningham

    First I want to thank you for doing this! Thank you very much!
    I’m not asking for myself, I’m asking to receive a sewing machine for a family who I know that could improve their household income through this. They have five young children and struggling hard. I know the mother knows how to sew, but she hasn’t a sewing machine.
    Compared to the people who got hit by the Hurricane we all are well off, but some of us still struggle to make a living.
    Again, thanks for doing this, whoever is a receiver will be very happy.

  • Terry Shuford

    Wow! Scott you are certainly a servant of God! What an outreach, your kindness and donations provide not only a tool for others but hope for them, and the ability to pay it forward.
    Thank you, after all the reason we are on this earth is to help others!
    I have many machines, I repair sewing machines in my business, and when given the “Holy nudge” I have passed along machines to those that do not have one.
    I have been blessed with the comfort of sewing for others and get great joy by helping a beginner love the process of creating. Thank you and know you are appreciated for your desire to introduce this wonderful craft to others.

    • Scott Fortunoff

      Thank you! A lot of my requests are from people that need their machines fixed. Maybe you could pay it forward by offering to fix some machines gratis. You will feel amazing for doing it.

  • Suzanne Lyons Cook

    As a person that loves and lives to sew this is truly an awesome thing to do for people still in shock from their losses! May it replace the tears of loss to a smile for the future. A selfless gift of kindness to others that is needed in our country at this time.

  • Mary Bakke

    Dear Scott,

    I have lived at 32766 Bimini Ln., Big Pine Key, FL 33043 for 22 years. I retired in 2005 and starting quilting as a hobby. Quilting became my passion. I have made many quilts and when I ran out of family and friends, and children of all my grandchildren, I started making quilts for charities, strangers, or to the local volunteer firehouses for auction to raise funds or to anyone in need after a house fire.

    Sadly my home was damaged during Hurricane Irma, and four neighbors homes were devastated. Neighbors are helping neighbors rebuild this close knit community of only 14 homes. Having a new machine and some fabric to work with during this stressful time of rebuilding our homes would be a blessing. Recovery will take a long time but having time to sew at night would be great therapy for me and a quilt or two for my neighbors as we rebuild our homes and lives.

    Thank you for thoughtfulness and generous offer to help others. Sorry I couldn’t figure out a way to attach photos.

    Mary Bakke
    32766 Bimini Ln.
    Big Pine Key, FL 33043
    Cell: 305-509-0678

  • Bernadette McKenzie-Gayle

    Hi I live in Fl.we lost power die to Irma, now that I am ready to start sewing my Kenmore would not work and I have bags of Baby blanket and burpie to work on so my quilt guild can donate. Please consider me, I need your help,Thank you.

  • Karen Marcus

    I live in Lady Lake FL and experienced Irma with flooding and tree damage. Luckily the house wasn’t damaged. I am asking for my grandson Aiden who suffers with autism but has learned to hand sewn small items. Since his attention span is short I was surprised by his interestin sewing. He is extremely creative and would love to help him learn more about how to sew and make larger sturdy projects. He is 8 years old and an elementary school student. I would love to have a machine to teach him the basics and let him create. Thanks for all the wonderful support you are giving to the communities in need. Every single gesture is much appreciated by many.

  • Blessie Bennett

    Hello! My husband knows I love crafts and sewing so he has been bugging me to enrol in the sewing class of hobby lobby close to us but I keep saying next time. We are just a newly wed and I’m used to working so I was having hard time adjusting because taking care of him and our house is the priority for now. Now that I feel I’m ready we started making big plans. We just got a house for us, still need some furnitures and a bigger car for our growing family so I just thought of trying my luck here. Brand new curtains in my house that I myself can make will be great!

  • Laura Casmore

    I am writing for myself. This starting over with my Quilting stuff is hard. Throwing away contaminated items and watching years of stuff and lots of money be thrown in a pile on the side of the road was hard. I have lost 90% of my quilt room and thanks to family and friends I was able to wash and save some of my fabrics. My stress reliever of Quilting is at a stop right now…no tools, little fabric and need to get my machine serviced to see if it is working properly. Yes there is sunshine behind dark clouds, I patiently will continue to trust God and wait for the sunshine. A new machine would be nice. Please consider me for this gift. 4092016658

  • Nicolett Roberts

    You are extremely generous! My daughter would love it if you would consider us! My mother is a huge quilter as is one of her aunts and she would love to learn but our machine got dropped in our move and had to be thrown away. Haven’t been able to make room in the budget yet for one.

  • Stephanie Hogan

    Hi there! I will start by saying that our family was not affected by the floods as we live in Michigan. We have however been affected by our own crisis. I am the mom of five beautiful children. Our son is the oldest and then we have quadruplet 12 year old daughters. Unfortunately, this last July, one of our daughters passed away. As parents, we are doing our best to deal with our own grief as well as help our children. One of our daughters LOVES to design clothes and is constantly wishing for a sewing machine but it just isn’t in the budget. I know a machine would be get so much use in this house by all of us. Abby would be unstoppable in her creative outlets with a machine and what a great outlet for all of their emotions! If you are choosing to stick with Florida and Texas, I totally understand. Thanks for the consideration of my girls and I.

  • Rachael Worley

    I’m in League City, Texas, not far from Galveston Bay and just south of Houston. We were very blessed to live on a second floor apartment and suffered no loss there of our belongings, and the worst we got was water in one of our cars that took a trip to get it detailed and a complete tune up done. My daughter, Hannah, is nine (she’s one of our eight kids – his, mine, ours, and adopted). She loves all things fashion, and wants to design clothes that are modest and trendy when she grows up. I really want to be able to teach her how to use a sewing machine now while she’s young. This girl, she’s small but mighty, and she works hard every day, despite a lot of disabilities she faces with learning. So proud of my Hannah Banana.

  • Clevie Evans

    Hi Scott. First let me say I LOVE THIS! Thank you so much for what you are doing to help! I am retired, and in the past year started making small pillows with pockets, and cozy lap blankets with pockets. I give them away to friends, family and complete strangers who need something to hold close for comfort &/or support. They may also need to have near them a phone, a tissue, chap stick, or something sentimental. Hence, the pocket. I cannot afford on my income to buy a sewing machine, so I make everything my hand. Although I live in N.C., I have been thinking since Irma hit, about making pillows for Florida & Texas. But, WOW, a sewing machine would help me crank out my donations SO MUCH FASTER!! Please consider me! I am happy to send you pictures if you’d like!
    Thank you for all that you are doing! Sincerely! Clevie Evans 919-449-7100

  • Jan Manley

    Thank you Scott for your generosity in helping those affected by the storms to regain some normalcy in their lives. I will definitely be buying more Studio E fabric in the future!
    God Bless!

  • Lynn Gerhard

    I am writing for my friend, Mary Behnke, who lost everything in the recent flood. This is her second time to lose it all, as her home flooded after hurricane Ike, too. This time they are forced to abandon their home and start over. Mary is an accomplished quilter, and I was able to save a lot of her quilts, and some fabric, but her sewing machine and tools were a total loss. She had water up to 6 feet in her house. Since she doesn’t have access to the internet right now – I thought I would apply for her.
    She lives in Orange, Texas – where almost everyone was affected by the storm.
    My home, in nearby Beaumont, was not damaged so I was able to help muck out and wash fabric, but I am not able to replace her equipment.
    Thank you for what you are doing. You are truly an angel.
    Lynn Gerhard

    • Scott Fortunoff

      Morning Lynn,
      This is very kind of you. Glad to hear that you are ok, but of course I am sad to hear about your friend Mary. Your plea is being considered. Have a great weekend.

    • Lynn Gerhard

      Yea for Mary! and blessings to you Scott. You are truly a generous and loving person. You are putting a ray of sunshine in the lives of many – and as a side – some loyal new customers for Blank quilting products.
      Lynn Gerhard

  • Mary

    I love this contest! What a great way of giving back. Do you sell sewing machines? If so, what is your website? Would love to get a quilting machine in the future.

    Thank you for caring so much for those who have lost so much.

  • Pamela Boughey/321-704-7097

    Thank you for you loving and caring heart.

    My name is Pam. I live in Sanford, Fl. We experienced part of Irmas rath and she was fierce. Thank god above our home wasn’t severely damaged and we are truly blessed. We have three medical people in our home, one needing a cpap machine nightly, one born disabled, another having severe migraines due to chiari malformation. We don’t have extra money and hubby is the sole provider, so purchasing a generator for the storm was not fisable for us. After day two of no power, hubbies uvula swelled and he began having problems getting air. Thank goodness, I was able to assist him. Then our disabled son passed out numerous times due to the heat as well as being sick prior to the storm. Our home was in medical crisis nearly everyday. Special needs shelter were only accepting the special needs person plus a care giver, meaning someone would be left behind, so we had to chose to do the best we could and fought through it.

    During this time we would load up coolers during the day and travel around our community. We did this keep cool, but also to pass out gatorade and water to linemen risking their lives to help us. We spotted a lady whom was cooking for people and passing out free meals, so we returned home, emptied our freezer and brought her meats to help feed others. I strive to teach all my children that life isn’t about our needs, but about the needs of others around us.

    This storm taught me a lot. It also made me feel as if I’ve failed. September is children’s cancer awareness month. I generally dedicate my time and sew pillow cases, blankets as well as hospital gowns through out the month. It’s part of spreading love, cheer and hope to those whom truly need to feel their lives matter. During this storm, I’ve had to focus on my family and I feel like I’ve let a lot of others down whom truly need blessed.

    I’m not writing asking for machine, it would be nice I’m writing to say thanks for blessing people’s lives. My little brother sewing machine has taken me many places in not just helping my family, but also blessing the lives of sick children, adults, homeless children, homeless adults and abused women. Life isn’t about what all you have, it’s about caring for the ones around you and I thank you tremendously for blessing others lives. I hope your machines take them down paths that blesses others around them.

    Thank you

    • Scott Fortunoff

      Wow Pam. When I hear stuff like this, it really puts life in to perspective. You sound like a truly amazing woman. I was ready to give you a machine until you told me that you weren’t asking for one and you already had one. You are truly an amazing person. Please continue to take good care of your family. Thinking of you and hoping your days get easier and you family heals.