Happy Holidays To All Jaftex Customers, Consumers and Employees
The years keep flying by way too quickly and all of a sudden, I am 52 years old. Another end of the year is upon us, and with that, today I want to wish everyone in my fabric universe a Merry Christmas, Happy Channukah and Happy New Year!

Next year, Jaftex will be celebrating its 95th year in business which is no small feat. We have certainly come a long way and are still going very strong, but could not have made it here without the help of our employees, customers and the ultimate consumers. As I expressed thanks to many factions of people in my work universe in a recent blog post, today I want to take a moment to wish all those same people a well-deserved great end to the year and a great holiday season with friends, family and fabric.
This year was surely a tricky one in so many ways, none of which I want to get into here and now, or ever. In any case, we survived just fine. Now, it is time to celebrate and move on to the next, 2025! With those celebrations, hopefully, 2025 will come with more positivity, optimism, consumer confidence and creativity. I know that I am optimistic about a better year ahead. You can trust that I will be doing all I can to make it better and more fun. I hope you too make efforts to make the future better because a lot of positivity goes a long way.

So with that, let me say, Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, Happy New Year and thank you to all of you in my Jaftex fabric universe. You are appreciated and loved. Enjoy! See you in 2025! Peace!