Jaftex Video Challenge … Year Seven…Who’s In?

Instructions & Rules:

  • WHO: This contest is for all US & Canadian Jaftex customers that buy direct i.e., not from a distributor.  In other words, since the prizes will be Jaftex credits, we can only provide credits to direct customers.
  • WHAT:  Create ONE Facebook live video or reel related to your business. Post it on your Facebook business page.  I will share it on my work Facebook business page too:  @JaftexPresident. The video needs to remain up for the entire month of August, starting from the time you first post it.
  • WHY: The goal of the video is to entice new customers to visit your store and buy from you. In addition, immediately following this contest, we at Jaftex host a contest for consumers called #ScottSentMe2024. The #ScottSentMe2024 Challenge is a contest to see how many stores consumers can visit from September 1st, 2024, to the end of November 2024. Your video can help draw new consumers to visit you for the #ScottSentMe2024 Challenge. 
  • WHEN: Thursday, August 1, 2024, to Saturday, August 31, 2024, at 12 pm eastern time. (No videos will be posted on my Facebook page until 9 AM eastern time on Aug. 1, 2024).  Your video will be posted in the order that it is received. Videos will not be accepted before July 31, 2024. Moreover, the videos cannot be made before July 31, 2024. That helps to ensure that no participant gets a head start with the number of views which is one of the bases for winning a grand prize!  
  • HOW:
    • Videotape a short Facebook (FB) freestyle video or reel of anything you deem worth seeing in your shop (Live videos get more attention than pre-recorded videos). Then post the video to your shop’s business Facebook page.  If you don’t have a business Facebook page, this would be a good time to get that going as you CANNOT participate without one. Copy the link to your video from Facebook and email that link to jennifer@jaftex.com. Make sure to include the link as well as all of your company details (Owner’s Name, Shop Name, Business Address, Email Address, Website and Phone Number) so that we can keep proper records. The sooner you submit your video, the more visibility you will get and hopefully more customers too.

Ideas for Filming

  • Shop tour.
  • Humorous.
  • Teach something.
  • Show off a quilt.
  • Show and tell.
  • Introduce yourself and your team.
  • Tell how you got into business.
  • Show a new product.
  • Offer a special item for sale.
  • Talk about your clubs and classes.
  • Introduce a block of the month.
  • Any video that will show your shop in a great light that will make people want to visit.

Filming Suggestions & Advice in No Particular Order:

  • Facebook Live videos or reels must be no more than 5 minutes. However, we will give you grace up to 5 minutes and 30 seconds and no longer. Videos longer than 5 minutes and 30 seconds will not be posted.
  • If your video is longer than the required length, we will let you know that it will not be posted and you will have to do it again or miss out on this great opportunity. 
  • Move the camera around slowly when filming. Consider a selfie stick or other similar apparatus to help hold the camera steady.
  • Speak clearly, slowly and loudly so everyone can hear.
  • Make sure you have strong lighting.
  • Get rid of any extraneous noise like music or loud air conditioners. If you have a wireless Bluetooth mic or ear pods, use them.
  • Consider creating the video when your store is quiet in the early am or the evening.
  • Do a test run or a couple of takes when filming your video so you can properly prepare for ideal product placement and any filming transitions.
  • Make sure your wi-fi is strong where you will be filming.
  • Consider tidying up your shop or making special displays.
  • Feature as many Jaftex Fabrics as possible (The Blank Quilting Corp, FreeSpirit FabricsHenry Glass Fabrics & Co., Inc.Studio E Fabrics3 Wishes Fabrics or A.E. Nathan Co., Inc.). You could also include other company fabrics and products that we distribute (Stof Fabrics Of DenmarkOasis Fabrics or Sykel.)
  • After you post your video, be sure to engage daily with all the people who comment i.e., respond and be social.  We recommend sharing it to your Instagram channel if you have one and also to your stories. This is a great opportunity to engage with your audience and customers to make a potential sale.

Winners & Prizes:

There will be several categories of winners. The Grand Prize Winner will be the video with the MOST VIEWS attained as of noon eastern standard time on Sunday, September 1, 2024. Other categories are listed below. You can only win one of the categories. Therefore, it would be in your best interest to get as many of your fans and followers engaged. Those who have won in the past CAN win again this year!

Grand prize:  Your prize is that you just awesomely promoted your shop. You also did an amazing Facebook video showing off an appealing aspect of your business….and Jaftex fabrics. The Grand Prize winner will receive a Jaftex credit for $1,000 to be used on future orders.

Prize Categories:
Grand Prize Most Views: $1,000 Jaftex Credit
2nd Place Most Views:      $750 Jaftex credit
3rd Place most Views:       $500 Jaftex credit
Most Views 1st Place First Time Participant: $750 Jaftex credit.
Most Views 2nd Place First Time Participant $500 Jaftex credit.
Best Showcase of Jaftex Fabrics:  $500 Jaftex credit.
Most Creative:  $250 Jaftex credit.
Best Acting:  $250 Jaftex credit.
Best Camera Use:  $250 Jaftex credit.
Funniest Video:  $250 Jaftex credit.

The fine print….

I will make all the final decisions as this is my contest.  I reserve the right to make any executive decisions needed to make this run smoothly and be finished according to the determined timeframe.  If participants don’t behave like adults, they will be disqualified. If there is a tie, there will have to be a tie-breaker that I will come up with at that time.

Again, you must be a Jaftex direct customer who purchased fabric from a direct sales rep, ordered online or ordered from a customer service rep in 2024 before the contest began.  You must be in good financial standing with all Jaftex Companies to win….so please get those old bills cleaned up asap.

You need to make sure that you meet all the criteria from immediately above because when I see who the potential winners are, I will have to make sure all these criteria are met.  If all the criteria are not satisfied, I will then pick the next best contestant in the category.

Got Questions?

All questions must be posted in the comments section of this blog, the Facebook post that this blog is posted in on my business Facebook page: @JaftexPresident or the Instagram post that my blog is posted in on my business Instagram page: @JaftexPresident I will answer all @JaftexPresident questions within a day or two.  All questions will be answered in the location where they are asked so everyone can see the questions and answers. These directions are pretty concise if you ask me, so I don’t anticipate too many questions.

Do not email me or call me personally or anyone else in my organization about this contest or you will be disqualified.

Good luck to all!  Thank you in advance for participating and being willing to try something a little different and outside of the proverbial box.  In my opinion, this will be a huge win for all of us, the industry and consumers alike. I ask you all to spread the word about the contest to shop owners and consumers so we can make it bigger than ever.  In addition, please talk about the #ScottSentMe2024 challenge too as now is the perfect time.  I am truly excited for all of you and I can’t wait to watch the videos.  Let’s do this!  Take one!  Go! Go! Go!

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