COLORFUL is the word most often used to describe the new “Peppered Cottons” from Studioe Fabrics. The word was used so often and with such enthusiasm that we decided to name the new challenge COLORFUL!

The Colorful Peppered Cottons Challenge was just announced yesterday. We are just looking for creative projects and we put no restriction on what it is….your project can be anything!  Just have fun and bring the creativity.  The only restriction is that the project does need to use the Peppered Cottons fabric for at least 75% of it and recognizable Studioe fabric for the rest or all Peppered Cottons for that matter.

Peppered Cottons are Studioe Fabrics’ version of the ever so popular shot cottons, but with a twist. The twist is that the manufactured weight is a quilters’ cotton weight which gives it the hand of a soft cotton. The reason that colorful is so often emphasized is that the first 25 colors of the line are an amazing blend of on trend colors with fun names like Saffron, Begonia Leaf, Morning Glory, Paprika, Rain and Fog. The colors are just as rich as they sound. The line was the brain child of veteran quilt guru, Pepper Cory, in conjunction with Studioe’s lead stylist, Megan Downer.

With the quick sell out of the first full print run of 25 colors, the next container of goods could not get here soon enough. They be arriving at the warehouse in Seneca, South Carolina around the end of September so get ready for them to hit your store. In addition, there will be 10 NEW colors launched at the October Quilt Market in Houston with those goods shipping before the end of the year.

Scott Fortunoff, our fearless leader, was not surprised at the success of Peppered Cottons, but was a little bit surprised at the rapid sellout of the first run. At the Spring Market he made calls to get started on the next shipment and it doesn’t arrive soon enough especially with this contest brewing.  Unlike reprints of a quilting line, the time it takes to produce the Peppered Cottons is long….almost 2 months.

What is so fantastic about this challenge is that the first prize is $500 in cash and $250 in retail value of Studioe fabrics. We know that appeals to everyone and the bonus is that quilt shops and online stores can win too! We will ask consumers where they bought their fabric on the entry form and if they are one of the top three finalists, the shop will also win up to 15 bolts of Peppered Cottons. This is a win-win all the way around. We hope it will inspire shop owners to encourage their creative customers to enter the challenge since they will become the beneficiaries indirectly if their customer wins.  Spread the word!

Studioe Fabrics will also host a gallery of the entrants on their website so everyone can see the creative uses of the fabric. To get more information on the challenge, visit www.studioefabrics.com and click on the Colorful Peppered Cottons Challenge icon at the top of the page.

Coming soon….Next Installment of Tales of A Fourth Generation Textile Executive.