Let’s Talk About #ScottSentMe2023

It’s on familia! The #ScottSentMe2023 challenge is in full swing as we near in on the end of week one of fun and excitement. With that, let me bring everyone up to speed on #ScottSentMe2023 today as it is still not too late to get involved if you are a consumer or a shop owner. The truth is that it is never too late to get involved until we reach December and then it is officially too late as the challenge will then officially be over.

Even if you own a quilt shop and didn’t opt-in to the challenge here, that doesn’t mean that your shop isn’t fair game to be visited for the challenge. Every single store that sells fabric is fair game for a #ScottSentMe2023 visit. Read those last two sentences again, please. However, if you are a shop owner and do want to opt-in and offer an enticing promotion to get more potential visitors to your shop, you must sign up by Thursday, September 15, 2023. It only takes about two minutes to complete this form.

To all the consumers out there, it has been great to see a bunch of your photos posted using the hashtag #ScottSentMe2023 on both Instagram and Facebook. I love the enthusiasm and I love that so many of you dove right in the second that the challenge started. I must say that this year feels different. I am anxious to see lots of participants going to over 100 shops. Hopefully, the kicker will be activated when over 10 people visit 125 shops or more.
I also have seen several posts about #ScottSentMe2023 participants who are helping to get more shop owners involved with the challenge. That is greatly appreciated as we need to keep building up this challenge every year so it can be even better next year and the year after that and the year after that.
That’s your #ScottSentme2023 update. I can’t wait to see how this plays out. And the million dollar question is, how many shops will the winner visit this year? What do you think? Personally, I think this is going to be over a 200-visit year.
Have a great week and be safe! And most importantly, don’t forget to tell them, “SCOTT SENT ME!”