Observations From The #ScottSentMe2019 Winner (Part 1 of 3)
Happy Monday to all. I am so excited about the blog posts for the next three weeks. The best part is that I didn’t have to write them which works great for lazy me. The other great thing is that they are so insightful and interesting to hear especially from someone who isn’t a supplier or a shop owner. This is just raw observation from an ordinary consumer with a lot of motivation to see a lot of quilt shops and no pre-existing opinions.

With that, over the next 3 weeks, I am going to share with you a blog post from Catherine Brown who won the #ScottSentMe2019 Challenge after visiting 213 different quilt shops in 3 months. Wow! Just unbelievable and amazing! The blog is too long to post in one shot so I am breaking it up into bite-sized pieces that are still actually pretty large. Here goes:
Did you ever have one of those lazy mornings where you get up, pour yourself a coffee, start scrolling through Facebook, have some random thing capture your attention and lose complete track of time? Most often when that happens it is a complete waste of time; September 1 it was worth every lost minute!

I started quilting just over a year ago. While on a drive to Florida, we stopped for a day in Lancaster, PA and it was there that I fell in love with fabric! I knew nothing about fabric or quilting, but the fabric was so beautiful and how hard could it be to buy a couple of yards, cut it into pieces and sew the pieces together? HA! Live and learn! The cutting and piecing turned out to be easier than limiting my fabric consumption to a few yards! Anyone reading this understands. As a new quilter, I knew nothing about fabric companies or brands or designers… stumbling upon the #ScottSentMe2019 challenge changed that!
In mid-August, I visited Quilts by the Bay, a lovely quilt shop in Digby, Nova Scotia. The store is about 150 miles from my home, but someone suggested it so why not take a day trip if you can? As a result of the visit, I started following them on FB and in early September I watched Debra’s Jaftex Facebook Live Video Challenge submission.
My first thoughts were: Wow… this is great! What is Jaftex? Who is Scott? One search led to another and another and another… and by the end of the day I knew all about the Jaftex Facebook Live Video Challenge and I had watched an amazing number of store videos! We were planning to spend a few weeks in Florida in November and I had somehow managed to convince Best-Hubby-Ever (BHE) to detour through Missouri. Yup …. quite the detour! When I started watching those videos, I knew I could use them to plan store stops along our route. You really can’t judge a shop by their website or FB page, so seeing inside so many shops was fabulous. I found 20 stores that I wanted to visit on our trip.
Somehow, hours later, I ended up reading Scott’s blog: Challenge Excuses are Lame. I had to agree with him, what a wasted opportunity for stores if they didn’t participate. For the first time ever, I commented on a posting. I doubted that the President of Jaftex would even read my comment, but I appreciated those videos enough that I had to say thank you and let him know that consumers were benefitting from them too as they were a great tool for route planning. Then an odd thing happened… he commented back and mentioned that I should check out the #ScottSentMe2019 challenge for consumers that was just starting!
I had already read Scott’s blog with the #ScottSentMe2019 announcement and the prizes sounded great, but it wasn’t something I would ever consider doing. I would never visit enough stores to win and there was no way in heck that I was having my picture taken and posted on social media. I don’t do pictures……ever. Later that day, Scott eliminated my first lame excuse when he announced there would be 5 random winners! Interesting… I would have to give this some serious thought…. my picture in exchange for a chance to win $100 worth of fabric…hmmm…. that might just be worth it. I wouldn’t do it for a guaranteed $100 cash… but the chance for fabric was a different story altogether!
I set up an IG account and started following the challenge. I saw that last year’s winner was first to post and I read a comment that she had visited 46 stores to win the challenge in 2018. 46 stores in 3 months! No offense Diane, but I thought that was outrageous! How could one person possibly visit 46 stores? Of course I had mentioned the challenge to hubby and when I told him the winner had visited 46 stores, I was expecting a completely different response than, “Well, when you think about it, that really isn’t that many over a 3 month span. You could easily get to that many on our drive, but it doesn’t matter because you won’t do the pictures.” Interesting… did I just hear him agree to visit 46 stores? Yes, yes he did… on the condition that he could build in a few ‘pity days’! And so it began… my #ScottSentMe2019 journey!!
To be continued………..
P.S. If you order my blog book and anything else on Amazon from using the link below, I will get a commission from Amazon and that money too will go towards my sewing machine giveaway. Stated the proper way, “As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. “
Scott Fortunoff
Hi Annie,
Thanks for your stimulating comments and ideas. Glad to welcome you here. You can expect posts every Monday in the am. See you next week.
Jacqui Van Meppelen-Scheppink
Wow, what a great blog post…can’t wait for next week :-). I love planning out quilt shop visits when we are on vacation! Looking forward to hearing the rest of the adventures!
Scott Fortunoff
Good Morning Jacqui,
If you like planning quilt shop visits around trips, make sure to get involved with the contest this coming September. We would love to have you. The more the merrier.
Have a great week.
Pam George
This is awesome and has really made me think about getting outside my comfort zone! I, too, do not post photo’s on social media, but may have to re-think that option. Can’t wait for the next segment of Catherine’s journey!!
Scott Fortunoff
Hi Pam,
You don’t post pictures to social media? You do need to think that.
For the next two Mondays you will get part 2 and 3 of the blogs. Enjoy!
Linda Kruusi
Great read looking forward to the rest of the story.
Scott Fortunoff
Hi Linda,
Me too! It gets much better if you can believe that.
Roxanne Schiffbauer-Sposato
Scott I cant believe I have to wait until next week to continue on Catherine’s adventures with her!
It is just so awesome to read her excitement about being a new quilter and going on the #scottsentme2019 challenge. I hope shops that didn’t participate read this and realize what an opportunity they missed out on and choose to follow you and play along next time. Also some quilters could look to Catherine as an inspirational reason to join in next time. This was a win win for everyone. Scott thanks so much for all you do to promote and support LQS.
Scott Fortunoff
Sorry Roxanne, but that is how I keep you on the edge of your seat. In this day of instant gratification, I am not giving in. Until next week.
Sue Hibberts
Wish I was retired so I could travel more and see all and I do mean all the fabric stores I could find. I love quilting and everything about it. I teach quilting to a group of ladies that I have known for over 12 years or more. We have a wonderful time each week learning new challenges. Enjoyed reading this. Thanks Sue
Scott Fortunoff
Hi Sue,
I am sure we all wish we could travel more, but such is life. Guess we need to make the time to do the things we want to do. Luckily, us working people have the weekends.
Have a great week.
Maree Whitley
Oh, Scott and Catherine, this is beyond fabulous! It was so nice getting to know Catherine during #scottsentme2019 and I got so excited when I thought our paths would cross a couple of times along the way. I really hope that we can actually meet in person someday. Participating in this challenge took us to a lot of new to us shops. We made new friends and met some really nice people. We’ve already gone back to several shops that we probably never would have visited if it hadn’t been for #scottsentme2019 and the shop owner video challenge. I’m so happy and thankful that I was one of the lucky random five, too! ☺ I can’t wait to read the next installments about Catherine’s fantastic journey. Thanks, again, Scott for being so awesome and for all that you do for us! ♥
Scott Fortunoff
Hi Maree,
Catherine really did a great job writing the blog post. I barely had to make a change. It’s very interesting to hear about her travels.
Have a great week.