One Month Down, Two Months To Go For #ScottSentMe2024

Time flies when you are having fun, right? #ScottSentMe2024 continues to be a source of joy for quilters across the globe who love to travel too. I mean, have you checked out the #ScottSentMe2024 Facebook group? Or have you seen all the exciting posts on Facebook? Well, I sure have been watching and enjoying all that I have seen thus far.

I am hearing that some people don’t want to participate in #ScottSentMe2024 because they are shy about having their photos on social media. To that, I say, “Blah!” Come on! You won’t show your beautiful face for the opportunity to win some awesome prizes. The top prize is 2 awards of $500 to be spent at two quilt shops of your choice! Yes, that is $1000 of found money. You gotta be in it to win it. Won’t it be a shame to see all these great prizes go to someone else because you are a little camera shy? You guys got this! Come on, before it is too late! Don’t let everyone else enjoy all the fun while you are sitting on the sidelines being the shy guy.

As mentioned in previous blogs, I need you to help me by sharing the contest information with your quilting community, guild or your sewing buddies. But also, I need to make sure that all those people participating in Shop Hops right now know about the contest too. Please be sure to share that information with them because they can easily kill two birds with one stone and get an extra bang for their travels and buck. A chance to win two different challenges! A chance to win more prizes!

I want to continue to do all I can to make this contest bigger and bigger each year. Moreover, the more people that know about it, the more participants we will have next year and the year after that and sew on. It would be so cool if we could achieve visits to all 50 states, Canada and as far across the globe as possible especially now that this year’s contest is worldwide! Yes, worldwide!

In closing, let me just say that you should not let anything get in between you and your participation in the #ScottSentMe2024 challenge. You earned the opportunity to have some fun so go get it!


Scott “SentMe2024” Fortunoff from the company that makes fabric fun!

P.S. Don’t forget to tell them that #ScottSentMe2024!

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