Resolutions, What Are They Good For?
As we kick off a new year called 2023, like many of you, I am thinking about New Year’s resolutions and hoping for a great year ahead. However, right now, I am struggling to put my resolutions onto paper. I have enough on my plate just dealing with the resurgence of Covid, inflation, poor consumer sentiment, life, work, family, my health and getting by.

In years past, I vowed to stop drinking soda, exercise more and not eat red meat among other forgettable resolutions. With the exception of a few, most resolutions have faded to black and have become nothing more than failures. Who needs that nonsense? The thing is, we don’t need any more failures, headaches or stresses in our lives. We have that area covered really well at this point after what we have endured the last 3 or so years.
In light of the latter, I am forgetting the resolutions this year. Instead, my focus is going to change. The first thing I want to focus on is life after 50 and being healthy. I absolutely can’t believe that I am now 50. I have so many great memories from my past, but just can’t believe that I have reached this big milestone. Where did the time go?

As I continue to age, I realize more and more that I am no longer a spring chicken and that has become even clearer this past year. In particular, my back is really starting to be a problem that I can’t kick and I need to focus on getting it better. So far, I haven’t had much luck. In short, I am starting to understand what people mean when they say that it sucks to get old.
The second focus this year relates to the Jaftex business. As I have probably mentioned before, I am hopeful that this is the year that we can simplify our business and streamline things. For one, we have a lot of people doing the same tasks in our various offices. We need to work on fixing that so we have one person doing that chore for all the companies so the other people can be doing something else productive too. This would certainly make us more efficient and productive.
With respect to simplifying the business structure, this might be a more complicated task, but I am hoping we can make progress on this front. The most major complication of our business structure is that all the companies are owned by my dad, brother, sister and I in different proportions. That unfortunately is keeping us from making the changes we need to make. If we could simplify our business structure, that would be a big win for us and our customers. Unfortunately, it’s complicated and this could potentially get kicked down the road until next year or the year after that. Regardless, it’s on the radar and it’s something we know that needs to change. That in itself is a start.
I am going to try to take 2023 one day at a time while being very careful, cautious and thoughtful. I need to do me and you need to do you because we just never know when our time on this earth will be up. We need to make our own decisions and choose our own paths. Every decision matters. Every decision counts.
As such, I will continue to work as hard as I can to supply quilters around the world with the most beautiful fabrics. I will continue to focus on selling fabric, servicing my customers and helping to drive consumers to quilt shops to help my customers thrive. I will also try to keep making fabric fun and funny. Those tasks will keep me focused too in the New Year. And again, who needs resolutions when we have all this to think about?
The rule books are out the window and this is my plan. What’s yours?
Be safe folks and have an amazing 2023!
Linda Harrower
Happy New Year Scott, and enjoy your 50’s! It’s really a good place to be! I don’t do resolutions, I view a new year as a blank slate, full of possibilities. I work at making that happen , but I begin by looking for joy in each day, and in my small way maybe I can help someone else find joy also.
I have a lot of quilting projects to do this year, and a whole year ahead of me, can’t wait to see the new fabrics!
Gwen E Goepel
Well said! Here’s to embracing/surviving another year!?
Laura Greenfelder
Happy New Year Scott! Glad you have ditched the New Year’s Resolutions, they just set us up for failure and being hard on ourselves. Every Monday give it a go on doing better for yourself. If you have a bad week or weekend, the next Monday you try again. It’s like New Years Day 52 times a years. Small efforts repeated will get you where you want to be!
Laura G
Carol L Richardson
I am a consumer! Your new years blog is spot on in many ways and covers us all!
That is why I like you, you are personable!
Personally, I feel overwhelmed with the flood of beautiful product and designers on the market!
All beautiful, but we can’t afford them all!
Business decisions are tough! They must be made for varying degrees of fluxes during the year!
The community needs you! Your kindness and business acumen. Do what you have to do, until you reach your destination!!!!!
God Bless you all at Free Spirit and Jarred
Happy New Year!
Janet Braddock
Praying for you and your family and also the company…. Life is hard and getting harder. My goals this year will probably be put aside also, but that’s ok, just keep God leading you and your not go wrong. God bless you and thanks for everything you do for quilters ( and want a be quilters ( ME?). Happy New Year.. Janet
Finally getting to read this post. That pretty much says how my year has started. I thought January would be quiet. Lol. But then maybe this is the year I get my business off the ground. My SILvis helping and very determined. One day at a time.
Ida Lawson
My only resolution this year is to try to be healthier and , of course, to keep sewing quilts. Thank you for continuing to supply all the gorgeous fabric ! Free Spirit Fabrics is my favorite manufacturer!.
May 2023 bring you joy, family, good health, and peace of mind.
Chris Sisson
Happy New Year Scott! I quit drinking soda this year too and can’t believe what a difference it makes. I have replaced it with water (which I used to detest!) and feel so much better and am seeing many other positive side effects also. You CAN do it – it is all in your mind! All the best in the New Year to you and your family.
Maree (Liz Ree) Whitley
All the very best wishes for a happy, healthy, and wonderful 2023! I, too, am skipping resolutions and will do everything I possibly can to make this an outstanding year. :~D