Resolutions, What Are They Good For?
As we kick off a new year called 2025, (Jaftex is turning 95 fyi) like many of you, I am thinking about New Year’s resolutions. However, right now, I am struggling to wrap my arms around new resolutions. I have enough on my plate just worrying about inflation, war, tariffs, uncertainty, poor consumer sentiment, industry drama, life, work, my employees, my family, my health and my next blog post.

In years past, I vowed to stop drinking soda, exercise more and not eat red meat among other forgettable resolutions. With the exception of a few of those resolutions, most resolutions have gone by the waist-side and have become nothing more than failures or short-term changes that lacked follow-through. Who needs that nonsense? The thing is, we don’t need any more failures, headaches or stresses in our lives, especially of the self-made sort. We need to make life easier and more fun as we only get one chance in this crazy world.
In light of the latter, like last year, I am forgetting the resolutions. I am just not bothering. Instead, my focus is going to change. The first thing I want to focus on is life after 52, being healthy, making good choices, being a good citizen and being a great father. But also, I want to have fun, travel and spend plenty of time with my family, friends and dog.

As I continue to age, I realize more and more that I am no longer a spring chicken. Last year, I struggled with back issues that I have finally gotten under control. This year, I am struggling to embrace that some things are not as easy to do as they used to be. In other words, I need to embrace my age and come to terms with my body’s limitations so as not to injure myself and make matters worse. Unfortunately, injuries don’t heal as quickly as they used to.
This became a reality recently when I decided to go water skiing with my son. Even though I still could water ski like I used to be able to, the aftermath of putting my body through that was pretty grueling. It hurts to even think about all the soreness to muscles that haven’t been used in quite some time. Sadly, that might have to be the last time that I water ski.
The second focus this year relates to the Jaftex business. As I have probably mentioned before, I am hopeful that we can continue to simplify our business, streamline things even further and complete a rebranding overhaul. This past year we sold part of Jaftex to our employees through an ESOP. With that, we made the first step to simplify the business by making Jaftex one big company rather than having so many different divisions. With this first step, we can now make various other changes to improve and simplify the business. Also, we recently hired a new branding and marketing person. With that, I am hopeful that we can complete a successful rebrand this year as well as a website relaunch to celebrate the 95th Anniversary of The Jaftex Corp.
This year is also going to be the year that I take back a little bit of my life. One change on that front is that it is time to slow down my blogging. I have been doing this since 2012 and it’s time to refocus my energy to other areas. The truth is that writing all the blogs on a weekly basis is a time suck that has run its course. I can’t bear to spend another Sunday night writing a blog post while missing valuable family time.
I am going to try to take 2025 one day at a time while being very careful, cautious and thoughtful. I need to do me and you need to do you because we just never know when our time on this earth will be up. We need to make our own decisions and choose our own paths. Every decision matters. Every decision counts. So think long and hard before diving in.
As such, I will continue to work as hard as I can to supply quilters around the world with the most beautiful fabrics. I will continue to focus on selling fabric, servicing my customers and helping to drive consumers to quilt shops to help my customers thrive. I will also try to keep making fabric fun and funny. I will also continue to be a good corporate citizen by donating fabrics and sewing machines to great causes and people in need. Those are the sort of tasks that will keep me focused in the New Year. And again, who needs resolutions when we have all this to think about?
The rule books are out the window and this is my plan. What’s yours?
Be safe folks and have an amazing 2025!
Lanny Steele
Hi Scott, you do a great job on your blog. I always find information that I need. I also have been in business a very long time. The mall that I’m located in is going to be under great renovation they are adding a waterpark to my building. many walls are coming down. We will see how we all manage through big changes like this and yes, family comes first. Have a fabulous day. I wish you well happy new year.
I wish I had a plan. I’m trying to survive. If I can make it to Feb. 1, we should hopefully, be good to go. But getting there is the answer, and yes, I totally get the loss of family time. I’d just like a vacation that’s not a trip for work. I’ll have to plan that in or it won’t happen. Thankfully, I don’t have small children at home, but definition or even idea or concept of relaxing doesn’t seem to be in my dictionary.
Scott Fortunoff
Hi Rachael,
Happy New Year! Hey, I know the feeling. Take it one day at a time. You got this.
Take care.
Mary Freerks
Happy New Year! Thank you for all you have done for the quilting community! Take care of yourself and your family!
Scott Fortunoff
Hi Mary,
Happy New Year to you too! Thanks for your kind words. Looking forward toa great 2025!
Cait Merdzinski
Thank you for putting yourself out there. At my age I am seeing my oldest grandchildren getting married! In College, and this Nana has always made sure they had the freedom to spread their wings…but watching them fly..well, a big gulp here.. is bittersweet. Our youngest daughter has 3 children that are 3, 5 and eight! And I think I just want them to stay young…but I know we have to be there with them and no judgment, or suggest and refer to parents..I’m saying this because I want to let you know work is a must but family no matter what comes first. I was in the medical field in my career and was driven…i see my children and their families and I am so proud,grateful for all of them..
Scott Fortunoff
Hi Cait,
Amen to that! Thanks for the wisdom. I will gladly take it.
Have a great 2025!
Rebecca Stepter
I’m still making beautiful purses, tote bags and quilt blocks out of the remnants sold by the pound in North Carolina. I’ve made a few trips from Michigan just to load up our Thule carrier with your generous bargains! I am deep cleaning our home after the passing of four parents and a sibling in preparation for our first grandchild!
Next December I hope to decorate for our family Hanukkah and Christmas celebrations with our grandbaby & children!
Beyond that we focus on health & NEVER make resolutions! Today we prepare black eyed peas, greens & cornbread like my Appalachian ancestors did!
Scott Fortunoff
Hi Rebecca,
Good luck with the new grandbaby! Glad to hear you aren’t a fan of resolutions like me. Let’s just have a great 2025! Make the best of it.
Joyce Ann Minnis
My wish for you in 2025 is good health and many years to drive the boat. If you have to give up the water skis hook and intertube to the back and enjoy the ride. Many thanks for all your hard work and continued support of the quilting industry. It’s a new year and a new beginning.
Many Blessings,
Scott Fortunoff
Thank you Joyce for the good wishes. Wishing for a great 2025 for you too!
Carmen Rodriguez-Ware
Happy Healthy New Year
I am new to your blog and wow.. what a great blogger you are Scott! I feel honored to have found you at this juncture in your life! Thankyou for being so honest and transparent with your ” in the moment” feelings.
I have felt more reflective this New Year .It just feels like reflection and introspection is a better fit in 2025.
Maybe New Years Resolutions are falling out of vouge and giving space to a gentler more mindful approach to ringing in the New Years Resolutions… let’s hope!
One day at a time.
Scott Fortunoff
Hi Carmen,
Happy New Year again! Glad you found me. You are going to have to go back in history to see all the older blogs as I am slowing down on my blog posts. It’s been a while and it’s time for some new.
Thanks for following nonetheless. Have a great week.
Camille Sarivole
Hi Scott, congrats on 95 years. It’s wonderful that Jaftex is still a family business. Not the case with most families. As we all age, we begin to suffer health issues. We moved from Mass to Florida 2 years ago mainly due to trying to improve health issues. Well that plan went sidewards. We do love it here and the weather is the best. However, healthcare is not like it is in Mass or NY my original hometown. It’s taken a lot of research and time to find the physicians that meet my approval. That’s because I’m an old RN and I do a deep dive into finding the right people. I am blessed in a way as I beat cancer 2x. But now I’m dealing with sight issues. I’ve recently been diagnosed with a degenerative eye condition that requires an 8 week course of eye drops at a cost of $118,000. I do have a good health plan. I will probably loose some vision as these drops are only 69% curable. The worst part is before being diagnosed I bought a new Babylock Solaris machine. You know the cost of these beasts. I haven’t been able to concentrate on learning the use of this machine which is so frustrating. I couldn’t even make my new son-in-law a Christmas stocking. However, yesterday I was watching a YouTube from a fabric shop and she introduced Kaffe’s new line and I fell in love. He has always been my favorite designer. So, my Nee Years resolution is to return to Flash Sewing Center in Naples where I do all my sewing supplies and machines to continue guide classes and create new projects. My family is my initial love and it’s more difficult to be with them now that we are so far. We still have one daughter in Mass along with our only 2 grandsons who will be graduating college this year. I don’t fly which makes it more difficult to see them more frequently. So, whatever plans I had a few months ago are all out the window. It’s back to my sewing room which had been neglected and create more beauty. And of course my love of Jaftex fabrics is my one and only favorite. We all have to regroup as this world is changing direction. I know you and your company will make the right decisions this year. You will never disappoint your family, employees or customers. Keep up the positive thoughts and ideas. ❤️
Scott Fortunoff
Hi Camille,
So nice to hear from you. Sorry Florida isn’t working out as well as hoped, but it still sounds pretty good.
Good luck with the eye treatment. I can’t believe it will cost $118k. Crazy! Crazy times we are living in. Hoping things get easier in 2025, but hope isn’t a plan so we will see how it all plays out.
Wishing you a great 2025!
Sandi Zier
I think your goals are realistic ones, our children grow up so fast and then they leave and we hardly see them. Nothing is as easy as it was years ago, being in my mid 60’s now… I tell you to take care of your back, your knees and your heart…. Delegate is a great word and motto to help you achieve that. Your doing a great job, as quilters we appreciate all you do to keep us informed with your brands. Happy New Year!
Scott Fortunoff
You hit the nail on the head Sandi. They grow up fast. We grow old fast and everything starts to hurt…my back is definitely part of the problem. Yes and I hope to delegate some more. For someone like me with OCD, that’s easier said than done, but it’s getting easier as I get older. Have a great year.
Katie Wyatt
I know you gave great thought to the contents of this blog post, and in the end, you did come up with a good and viable game plan that will work for you.
As I’ve said in the past, your heart of gold is a rare gift that makes the world a brighter and better place … so embrace one day at a time and if I may quote Mark Twain “Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter”.
Wishing you a healthy, happy and fun 2025!
Scott Fortunoff
As always Katie, thanks for your kindness and being such a good friend of team Jaftex. We appreciate you and wish you a great year.
Clare Neff
I’m with you, Scott, 💯. Make plans, not resolutions! In the past year and a half, 3 great employees joined my shop, giving me a little more time for my family. Two years ago, my partner and sister decided to move on and suggested I should close the shop. That’s not my plan, so 2025 is the year we liquidate the inventory and split the proceeds so I can continue. It won’t be easy, so the first part of the year is going to be tough, I’m hoping the shop and I can both survive and make the rest of the year fun and filled with all things quilty. Be strong – stick to your plan! BTW, congratulations on 95 years! May 2025 bring even more successes!
Scott Fortunoff
Hi Clare,
Good luck with that plan. You got this! Let me know if I can be of any help.
Have a great year! To your daughter too!
Elizabeth Foster
Thanks Scott for making fabric fun! I am doing social media considerably less these days, but I still rely on your posts to keep up with the latest happenings in the quilting world – especially all the upcoming lines of gorgeous fabric! Wishing you and your family blessings in the New Year♥️
Scott Fortunoff
Being on social less is probably a good thing. I wish I could do that, but that is easier said than done. Be safe and have a great year.
Christi Hull
A great approach to 2025! You inspire us every day, Scott. Thank you for all you do, especially sharing the fabric biz with us!! Congrats on 95 years! That’s phenomenal!
Scott Fortunoff
Aww. Thanks for the kind words Christi. Glad I can still inspire. Have a great year.