Scott is MIA Today

MIA – Yes, Scott is “Missing In Action” from the blog today. Pay careful attention to the word ‘action’ though. He is so busy preparing for the launch of new fabric lines on May 1 and Quilt Market in St. Louis May 19-21 that today he missing from his space on this page. Believe me though, he is still in action.

Comment below if you missed him today. (It will make him feel guilty.)



  • Joanne Hubbard

    I checked early this morning and didn’t see his post, so I just thought he was running late and figured that I would relax and read it upon returning home this afternoon. When he wasn’t there this afternoon, I wondered if he was sick again because that flu is a nasty thing that often returns at the most inopportune times. I wished him well in my thoughts and figured I’d catch up with him later tonight or even tomorrow. Now you tell us that he’s MIA and not sick!?! Perhaps he’s taking advantage of the April Fool’s trick he played and thinks no one will notice he’s gone. 🙂 In all honesty, I can’t imagine how you all get everything done that you do and would not be surprised (or blame you!) if more of you didn’t go missing every once in a while. It’s good for your sanity and we’d all understand. 🙂