Scott’s Free Sewing Machines Update

It’s so hard for me to say ‘no’ to people when I speak to them on the phone about Scott’s Free Sewing Machines (SFSM).  People are so honest.   People are hurting.  People are proud.  People are doing the best they can under the circumstances.  Maybe these sewing machines will make them a little happy.  But, what if it makes them really happy?    Kind of like medication.    What if it changes their life for the better?  What if?  As my dad likes to say, “I don’t do what ifs?”

Anyway, I like to hope.   It’s sad to see and hear what’s going on in many of these peoples’ lives.   I know it’s all relative, but I would be hurting badly if I were in a lot of the SFSM recipients’ shoes. In any event, I am happy to announce more well-deserved winners this week, here goes:

Kaitlin Rhodenbaugh– Given at the request of Nancy Tiede who was teaching Kaitlin to sew, so she could have her own machine.

Alesia Steinberger – Hurricane survivor who sews for charity.

Sharon Lattis – Grandparent who is raising grandchildren, retired without a machine.

Michele Mcdonald-Lost everything in Texas storms.

Rachael Worley-For one of her (8) adopted kids who wants to learn to sew. 

Lindsey Jarvis– A mom that I met in Kansas with a very sad life story.

Tiffanie Kimball Dougal-A mom with 5 daughters she home-schools and who survived storms in Texas.

Shelley Christopher-Homeless woman who just got into housing with her disabled husband. 

Renee Bednarczyk-Had borrowed a machine and it was ruined in Texas.

Susan Shaw-Very ill woman without a sewing machine. 

Hogan Family – Sent machines for the other two sisters in the family who lost their sister. 

To keep you updated on SFSM, here are some points and pointers:

I am still looking for a woman named Linda Yarrow, who sent me a very compelling comment on the blog.

I am not in the sewing machine business and unfortunately can’t fix machines for you.  Ask you local handyman to try and fix it for free or figure out another creative way to get it fixed, but don’t give up on it because your sewing machine is an integral part of your life.

Please post your sewing machine requests only in the comments section of any blog on the Studioe Fabrics website for Tales of a Fourth Generation Textile Executive.  Please try to avoid emailing me at my work email.

Please be patient with me as I work through all the requests.  There is a lot of ground to cover and I still have a day job and once again the job is not President of Giving Away Free Sewing Machines.  That one never gets old for me.  LOL.

Please continue to share my giveaway with anyone who may be worthy.  The giveaway is going to go on indefinitely or until I stop getting requests.  Thank you for your support and kind messages.



  • Jennifer Sharp

    I maybe to late to post about someone in need of a sewing machine. But it can’t hurt to post & try. My Mom is in desperate need of a sewing machine. As a child my Mom always was sewing as there was 6 of us kids, so she was always sewing clothes. Now that everyone is grown (all 6 kids) & live here & there, Mom takes care of my grandparents full-time. My Mom has No Life other then a Caregiver, she does for everyone 24/7 and nothing for herself. She lives in Kentucky about 12 hours north of me so I don’t see her often. But Mom always is asking what I am sewing and she gets so excited when I finish a project. She dreams of the day she will be able to afford a sewing machine again, but she doesn’t get paid to take care of my grandparents. My Mom Ginger would be forever grateful to be gifted a sewing machine. I know she would sew Beautiful things just like she did when I was a child. Sewing would help her as it has helped me with being a Caregiver… Being a caregiver is the hardest job I have ever had (husband has had cancer & disabled) and Mom has said how hard it is for her as well. But sewing is like Therapy for me, it seems to take all the problems of the day from all the doctors appointments away. The stress & worry disappear while my sewing machine is stitching up whatever it is I am working on.

    Thank you

  • Irene

    I could ask my Granddaughter Tegan be considered for this generous offer but, NO. I do ask you consider someone from Rockport TX. I have no idea who but, this small area in Texas as well as many communities never mentioned in all of the news coverage after Harvey can and went. Who would know of a deserving person? The minister of First Baptist Church, Rockport.
    The Rockport schools lost almost everything so you can image what damage the homes received. I am sure there is at least one person who sews lost their machine and fabric (flood waters do nasty things to household items)
    So, I ask you consider someone from the Rockport TX area
    Thank you

  • Susan Brown

    Hey Scott!!!! I was with Elizabeth(Jenny to us)Kelly when she got your call!! I wanted to say THANK YOU!! for making my sweet friends day, week & probably the next few months…it is a great thing you are doing!! We have seen & received so much generosity from strangers since the flood. We(Jenny & I) are usually on the other end doing the helping & are totally not accustomed to being the ones in need of help!!
    She suggested I send you my info as well as our family lost everything also…I was only just beginning to get into sewing, and my sewing machine had only been out of the box for 2 months. If you could help that would be great!!

  • Sherry Bodkins

    Hi Scott. A friend send me a link to your blog and suggested I request a machine from you. The machine would be for my grand daughter Artamis. She is 7 years old, and I’ve been raising her for the past 5.5 years. She’s in 4-H, has attended several 4-H sewing camps and workshops. She loves to sew! She entered a little pillow and a bag she made in this years fair and won blue ribbons. Access to the 4-H machines is limited, and they are not in the best of shape. It would be great if she had her own machine so she could continue to sew at home, using a machine she can be confident on. I’ve sewn for years and would love to share this talent with her. Thank you for taking time to consider my request.

  • Linda M Gervin

    Dear Scott,
    My name is Linda ,I live in Ocala Fl.I am on disability due to a back injury a few years back when i worked for walmart as an overnight stocker.
    I am on an extremely low budget.I cannot afford a new machine,as im on social security disability.Recently we had the hurricane here in florida ,i was very lucky my home was not damaged but i did lose power for 5-6 days ,and had to replace everything,and there was alot of cleanup from fallen branches and debris.,My favorite pastime is sewing and embroidery,and currently my machine is not working,and due to the cleanup cost and replacing food in freezer and fridge there is nothing left over..So to breakdown my exact income,I recieve 921.00 per month,497.85 goes to my lot fee,electric is usually around 130-and recently got a bill for to used for food.I would greatly appreciate being considered for a sewing machine,as i love sewing,and keeps me busy ,without stressing my back issues.My phone number is and if you need a verification letter as to my income from social security i can provide that as well.Thank you for taking the time to read this .

  • Michelle Stoeffler

    Hello to a Scott! What a generous heart you are! I’m a middle school art teacher outside of Austin, TX and my school is title 1, meaning high poverty. I run an after school sewing club and use a sewing machine on “fun fridays” but spend a lot of time troubleshooting then sewing. If you can spare one, we will send you a virtual Texas sized hug! -Mrs. Stoeffler

  • Kate alicea

    What a generous man!
    I volunteer helping to teach kids to sew at a school who encourages “equity & justice in education”. Our kids have come so far in a short time! We just started hand sewing a few months ago, moved on to machines & by last week had created several quilts for a POW museum in town. I know you only give machines to people without access to machines – we do have machines – but only a couple are in good working order & allot if the class has to wait until a machine frees up or someone can fix their machine. I’m taking a chance! or if you have any ideas on ways we can get new machines your input would be appreciated! Thank you for what you do – learning to sew can change lives!

    • Scott Fortunoff

      Morning Kate,
      Your cause is good. Send me your phone number and address and I will see what I can do for you. And yes, learning to sew can change lives! I agree with you 1000% and I am obviously trying to change lives one sewing machine at a time.

  • janet baldridge

    I found out when Harvey went through that my machine couldn’t swim. or the fabrics for that fact. I have to start all over. I sew everyday, at least did.

  • Elizabeth (Jenny) Kelley

    Thank you! thank you! thank you!!
    That isn’t enough for the good you are doing! As a winner of a machine I am speechless and in awe! So glad you are helping folks who’ve lost their machine or don’t have access to one!
    You are truly a wonderful person & it was fabulous speaking with you! I can’t wait to get this beautiful sewing machine and pay it foward!
    Hugs & Love from
    Hurricane Harvey Hit Texas!

  • June Taylor

    My youngest daughter works hard, and is doing a great job raising to little boys. Tryston the oldest is 8 and has Downs, he is ADHD, has OCD, and sensory issues. His medication is costly to say the least. She has been seeing their Halloween costumes by hand. I want to get her a sewing machine for Christmas, but hubby had a stroke in January, and his work abilities are not what they were. May take a while to save up to get her one. I wrote once but not sure I sent it correctly.

  • Nancy Wood

    Chuck and the above mentioned renewed quilters:
    Congratulations to all of you who have won sewing machines!!! May you lock your sadness up in your stitches and find a new quilt of contentedness.

  • Chalasin Cerigo

    Warm greetings my daughter is a disabled high school graduate and has taken classes to learn to sew,she wants to make blankets for the differnt charities and clothes for herself as she has alot of fabric given to her but not a sewing machine she can use at her home, she lives in assisted care and would love to teach the girls there as well how to sew, she would love her own machine, as i cannot afford to provide it for her

    My email address is
    Thank you for your time

  • Paula

    Hi Scott, What a compassionate and generous man you are. I am disabled as of 2 years ago but before that happened I would drive to my sisters house an hour away and use her machine. It made me so happy to make things for my grandchildren. I unfortunately no longer have a car so I can’t get to my sisters house. I really miss sewing and think it would help with the depression that comes along with being disabled. Many blessings to you.

  • Pattie Mahler

    Scott, thank you for your kind and generous offer. Long story short I was disabled early on in my nursing career. My spouse lost much of his eyesight to a surgical mishap 5 yrs ago, 4 yrs ago his job of 18 yrs was outsourced. He now works 7 days a week 5 days 25 hrs, in human services 50 miles away and 2 nights a week at the local walmart. Nobody wants to hire a 50 something IT person with 30 yrs experience who is visually impaired. Our income is 1/3 what it used to be and we cover the basic necessities we just keep doing what we have to do. I am a quilter. Gifts are now made by me. I am in the middle of 4 quilts for Christmas gifts and my current machine has jumped it’s timing. I just spent $100 on repairs in late July. 2 Authorized repair facilities have laughed at me stating it’s not worth repairing, The machine is worn out and no longer repairable at this point. The unfortunate thing is there is no money in the budget for a new machine. While our income is limited. I have built a decent cotton fabric stash over 20 yrs. This has enabled me to make dog collars and leashes and crate mats to send to facilities that take in animals from Irma, Harvey and any other natural disaster. While our income is much smaller than it once was, I still believe in doing what you can to help those who have been through such tragedies. I would love to continue doing this. Thank you for considering me of a new machine. My sewing room is my happy place, however with a non working, irreparable machine, it’s not a very happy place at the moment.

  • Tanya Crawford

    Hi I lost my mom in a house fire December 2, 2016, she gave me a sewing machine last year that is about 40 years old I think, it’s on its last leg, she had another sewing machine at her house for me that was broken and was trying to find someone to fix it, we both sew for people that have babies and for the nursing home that her momthee is in that has altzimers and dimenthia she does not know that her daughter is gone,

    • Scott Fortunoff

      Hi Tanya,
      Thanks for submitting this request. The problem is that I am trying to focus on people without machines at all. Based on what you are saying, you do have a machine in spite of it not being in the best shape. Therefore, at this time, I can’t help you. Perhaps I can reconsider at a later time. Sorry.

  • Karen Harris

    I am disabled and on very small ss. I lost my machine to a tree from hurricane Irma. Seeing was what keep me going. It would mean the world to me to get a machine so I could make quilts again

  • Cassandra Holloway

    Hi I’m a struggling mother of 4. My ten year old daughter Kailey wishes to have a sewing machine for Christmas. Sadly that’s not in this year’s Christmas budget. She is an A and B student who I feel would be deserving of a machine. She is wonderful when I comes to helping me with her baby sister who has health problems. She’s my second set of arms with a lot.

  • Tammy Cothran

    Your kindness and thoughtfulness is so needed right now in this time. So many people forget what true heartfelt kindness is. I have seen so much tragedy and experiences so much loss the last few years that I sometimes wonder how I keep going. I got back into Quilting with just a small basic cheap machine. I did a handprint quilt for my in-laws. It was ofntheir kids and all the grandchildren. What makes it most special is that all the handprints were collected from Florida, Ohio, South Carolina, and even our son that was deployed on his 2 round in 2 years. We then hand delivered it (13 hour drive) as a surprise for Christmas. Tears flowed. Smiles were beaming. And laughter was heard. I have made 5 quilts since then for my kids and sister. Now working on my grandsons quilt since he is living with us. He wants to learn to sew but I only have the small machine. I would so love (and appreciate) another machine.

    • Scott Fortunoff

      Hi Tammy,
      This is a sweet story. The problem is that I am only giving to people that have no access to a machine at all as opposed to people that already have a machine. Therefore, I am unfortunately unable to help you at this time.

  • Patti Walker

    Hi Scott,
    I think what you are doing for others is wonderful and you have such a giving spirit. I too have had a setback, and am unable to afford a sewing machine. I am a two-time cancer survivor; the latest this year. Recently, upon my Aunt’s passing away, I was given all her fabric. My plan was to start making gifts for family and friends instead of buying them. I was in the process of shopping for a sewing machine, I was diagnosed with lung cancer. My medical bills have prevented me from continuing my dream of handmade gifts. My first cancer ended my career as an RN, sadly. I commend you for your kindness to those in need. You are such a blessing! Patti

  • Barbara Esposito, The Quilted B

    As Mr Rogers’ mom said, “look for the people doing good”. We who read your blog do not have to look very far. Keep on doing good.

  • Renee Bednarczyk

    Sold my mom’s old Bernina about a month ago. Monday her house burned down in Napa. She lost all her sewing machines, her new longarm, all her quilts and fabric. She got out with her cat and dog. That’s it. What a shock. Jer name is Pat Surrell. She lives in San Jose CA. I messaged her, in hopes she contacts you. She is in the facebook group quiltvilles open studio.

  • Sharon lattis

    Thank you thank you!!!! I think my grandchildren are more excited than I ever expected. When I told them I won they reacted with so much joy …. like it was every holiday at once. My granddaughter said will you make me a pink blankie? My grandson wants a Minecraft quilt.
    I appreciate this gesture of kindness so much! I can’t tell you how much it means. Thank you so much. I will definitely send pictures.

  • Jeannie Zimmerman

    Good job Scott. How fortunate for you to be able to do this. PSA for everyone else, do not ask Scott for sewing lessons. Just saying.

  • Renee Bednarczyk

    Thank you once again, I cant seem to stop thanking you!! Is there anything I can do to help you out with FSMS??? Maybe handle incoming lists, etc? Please let me know.