#SCOTTSENTME2019 Let’s Do This!
It’s now time to switch gears as August has come and gone and the black and white checkered flag is going up on the Jaftex Facebook Live Shop Tour Challenge 2019. The winner will be announced shortly so stay tuned. With that being said, you can probably figure out who the winner is as it is the shop whose video has the garnered the most views.

For August, you got to sit on your rear ends around your home and enjoy all the fabric-tainment provided to you by Jaftex Corp. and our amazingly brave shop owner partners around the world. For the next contest #ScottSentMe2019, you are unfortunately going to have to get motivated and actually leave your house. But before you do that, you need to make sure that you follow me on Instagram at scott_fortunoff because that will be the central point for the next contest. Most everything will be going on at my Instagram page with a few things here and there on my @jaftexpresident Facebook page and right here on my blog. You MUST be on Instagram to win so come on over there and join the party and get familiar with that amazing social platform.

If you haven’t heard about the #ScottSentMe2019 consumer based challenge, please read the original post with all the contest details and read the rest of this post that contains a few updates. If you have heard, please continue to spread the word to ALL your quilting friends in the US and get ready for some serious fun. I have one very important thing to say: ROAD TRIP, ROAD TRIP, ROAD TRIP!!!!

As you can read in the original blog post, we have some great prizes for the top 5 dogs that visit the most shops in the 3 month time span and have legit proof to show it. Then I started to think about all the people that live in remote locations who have no realistic chance of winning because they are geographically challenged. Then sensitive Scott got thinking that he wanted to give those people a chance to win and the light bulb went off in my head. With that, I am going to somehow select 5 random contest participants to also be winners. These 5 folks will each get a $100 credit to their favorite shop that is a Jaftex customer.

I am sure you already know this, but I wanted to remind you that all these fun contests are being brought to you by my fourth generation family owned fabric companies under the Jaftex umbrella. These companies include: FreeSpirit Fabrics, Henry Glass Fabrics, Studioe Fabrics, The Blank Quilting Corp., 3 Wishes, A.E. Nathan Co., Inc and Fabric Editions. And although there is no purchase necessary to partake in the contest, I would like to kindly request that you seek out and consider purchasing fabrics from these companies. To me, that would show me and the shop owners that we are all here to support one another. It would also show your support of my companies and all that we are doing to help the industry and make this fabric journey so much fun.
Before I wrap this up, I wanted to ask you all to be smart about this contest. Make sure that you car or other mode of transportation is in good shape and has plenty of fuel. You will probably want to reach out to all the shops that you plan on visiting to make sure they are open when you plan to visit, but also to make sure they are still in business. Sometimes you can look on google and find shop ads, but the shops have since closed down. You are not going to want to make that mistake. Please be safe and don’t be reckless as your safety is of the utmost importance and the prizes are not worth your life or being injured.
Let the games begin!
#ScottSentMe2019 Scott
P.S. I am going to take part in the contest too this year so watch out as I am very competitive.
Kara Benavides
Very thoughtful to add prizes for those in rural regions. I look forward to seeing your posts about the shops you visit. Make sure you document appropriately.
Scott Fortunoff
Hi Kara,
No problem. Just trying to give everyone a fair shot at winning something as I do want as many participants as possible. Oh, and don’t worry, my documentation is spot on.
We just signed up to be a participating shop! Is it okay if we put a post on IG that we’re one of the shops participating in the challenge?
Scott Fortunoff
Hi Karen,
Yes, of course you can.
Hi Scott – I notice the discount we are offering does not appear in your listing of participating shops – that field is blank. I re-submitted the form. Can you please add that info to our shop details – Amelia’s Garden?
Thanks much!
Scott Fortunoff
You have to give Vanessa a little time today to approve and post. Stay tuned. Thanks for your patience.
Maree Whitley
Woohoo! This is going to be so much fun! Thanks a bunch, Scott, for the awesome challenge! The first leg of my #ScottSentMe2019 journey had to be postponed due to Dorian, but I’ll do my best to make up for the lost time. ☺
Scott Fortunoff
Hi Maree,
Good point! Please be safe. Hopefully you won’t lose too many days.
I hit my first store today for their Labor Day sale – can’t resist $1.50 fat quarters! Posted on Instagram.
Scott Fortunoff
Hi Diane,
That’s awesome! I saw it. Love your energy.
Good luck.