#ScottSentMe2022 Is Almost A Wrap
Like many things in life, all good things must come to an end. That is the case with the most recent iteration of #ScottSentMe. As we approach the end of November 2022, #ScottSentMe2022 is just about to wrap.

Would you believe that this is the 5th year of #ScottSentMe? I can’t believe it. It’s pretty great that we were able to make it this far with what started out as a half-baked idea to have consumers visit quilt shops and shout out, “ScottSentMe.” Which was usually followed by, “Whose Scott?” LOL! Basically, the idea was to help drive consumers to quilt shops just like what a shop hop does. I love to be able to help my customers by actually helping to influence consumers to visit their shops. To me, that is a winning game and I want to play that game for the rest of my career.
From what I am hearing from my #ScottSentMe field reporter (CB), it seems that this year was actually a step back in the contest to some extent. In the past few years, the winners have visited over 200 shops. Unfortunately, this year, we will be lucky if we get a few or any over 100 shop visits. It’s kind of a shame, but as I like to say, “It is what it is.”

To me, the lack of turnout is a sign of the times. Those times being times of much higher fuel costs, inflation and some overall dismal consumer sentiment. Am I disappointed? A little, but to be honest, I was shocked that people visited over 200 shops in years past. To me, as long as people are playing, I am good to go and will continue to run this contest.
With that, thanks to all the consumers that got involved with the challenge this year. Thank you also to all the shops that made an effort to help spread the word too. Without further ado, I look forward to seeing you all next year for #ScottSentMe2023!
Happy Holidays to all!
P.S. if you are not already a member of the #ScottSentMe2022 Challenge Facebook group, please register here to see what all the chatter is about.
Pamela Meyers Arbour
Thank you for continuing this effort. I only shop online now as probably do a lot of other consumers. I mostly buy from Quilted Twins. Maybe you could include online fabric shops as well that carry your fabrics?
Debbie Roseman
It is awesome that you do this contest. I personally am guilty of more online quilt shopping rather than going in person to the shops. I wonder if this has something to do with the lack of turnout. I still purchase lots of Jaftex fabrics though, just through the online shows.
Maree (Liz Ree) Whitley
Thank you, Scott! I always have the best times visiting shops, especially during ScottSentMe. :~D
Dianne Shorter
Where do #scottsentme2022 participants post shop totals?