#ScottSentMe2023 Is Nearing The End…..Wahhh!
Would you believe that we are nearing the end of the 3-month journey that I like to call #ScottSentMe2023? (My challenge to consumers to see how many quilt shops they can visit in the months of September, October & November). Well, I hate to break it to you, but if you include today, there are only 4 days left to play. I know…..you feel like I feel…..very sad! But seriously, you all know that you can still cover a nice bunch of shops in 4 days. So keep the party….I mean the car rolling. You never know, your visits these last days could be the difference between you winning or not.

I am very pleased with how the challenge is running this year. To be honest, I think that we turned the corner so to speak. The word is finally out in a more meaningful way than ever and people want to be involved with #ScottSentMe2023. You can see for yourself how much the Facebook group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/scottsentme2023/members/) grew this year. We are at almost 3200 participants. I feel that a culmination of events helped to make this happen.

For starters, we were able to get a hold of lots of “quilter” email lists and that helped to spread the word. We also had the awesome team at Shop Hop Inc. help to spread the word to all their people. Also, my team made an extra effort to advertise, market and promote the contest more than ever. Lastly, I think it was just time for this contest to get to the next level. With that, I want to thank consumers, shop owners and my team for their efforts this year. You guys rock! You all did awesome so thank you! Let’s just say, I am anxious to see what happens in 2024! Aren’t you?
Before I go, I wanted to query the group to see how many shops you think the winner will visit this year? I am going to take a gander at 227 shop visits for the winner. I am wondering if the winner will beat the high of around 210 visits reached in an earlier year. I think the answer will be yes. I also wonder if the kicker prize will “kick” in. That would be awesome, but unfortunately, I have a feeling that won’t happen this year. If it does “kick” in, I will gladly eat my words. There is no one who wants the kicker to “kick” in more than I do because that means that the contest is really rocking and shops are being visited….a lot. That’s my goal in life….more shop visits.

We (I say “we” because I visited shops myself) are all winners because we got to be out enjoying the quilting world. We got to see the country. We got to travel with friends, spouses and relatives. What is better than that? With all the madness going on in the world, my little contest is a modicum of light for us all to enjoy. All participants should be proud whether they visited one ship or 227. Nice effort all around. I can’t wait to see you all again next year.
Before I go though, I wanted to remind people of the prizes that are up for grabs.
- There will be 10 winners! Yes, 10!
- First prize: Two $625 credits for you to shop at (2) of your favorite quilt shops (must be a Jaftex direct customer). $1,250 value.
- Second prize: Two $425 credits for you to shop at (2) of your favorite quilt shops that (must be a Jaftex direct customer). $850 value.
- Third Prize: A $600 credit for you to shop at your favorite quilt shop (must be a Jaftex direct customer). $600 value.
- Fourth Prize: A $300 credit for you to shop at your favorite quilt shop (must be a Jaftex direct customer). $300 value.
- Fifth Prize: A $200 credit for you to shop at your favorite quilt shop (must be a Jaftex direct customer). $200 value.
- SIXTH-TENTH PRIZES: 5 consumers will be picked at random to receive a $125 credit to be spent at their favorite quilt shop (must be a Jaftex direct customer).
- After the winners select their shop(s) of choice to earn their prize, I will be in touch with the shop owner about a proper way to arrange the credit and the winners can go crazy buying up the whole place! I know, “Thank you, Uncle Scott!”
- If 10 or more consumers go to over 125 shops then we will have a kicker prize. The kicker prize will be a $1,000 shopping spree split as $500 each between two shops (must be a direct Jaftex customer).
Lastly, I wanted to remind everyone that you must be able to show proof of all your visits in order to win. Stay tuned for a query from my team on Facebook and Instagram about how many shops you visited. Thereafter, be ready with the proof to show that you are one of the top dogs.
Thank you all for making fabric fun! I hope you made some awesome memories and got some awesome fabric too…..from the Jaftex Companies (Blank Quilting, FreeSpirit, Henry Glass, Studio E, A.E. Nathan & 3 Wishes).
The Scott Sent Me Guy!