Tales Of A Fourth Generation Textile Executive: 85th Anniversary Photo Blog

This summer has been awfully slow on the blog comment front and to be perfectly honest this summer is wearing me down personally. Therefore, in lieu of a well thought out and detailed blog, I am going to do a photo blog in honor of the 85th anniversary of when my great grandfather, Jacob A. Fortunoff, started Jaftex. Jaftex is the parent company of Studioe Fabrics and several other companies.  As you must know by now, I hope, I am the fourth generation in the business (hint: check the name of my blog).  I will save the detailed and well thought out blogs for when everyone gets back from the beach in September.
My grandfather, Everett, kept this amazing scrap book with so many great pieces of history.  Look at the date…1921 and in pristine condition. Looks like my great grandpa was starting to move up in the world.  Way to go Papa!
Far right is Papa Jack and a couple of his dapper buddies from the textile “mafia” (I am joking).  Look how proud he is pointing at his name on the glass window.  Boy would he be proud if he knew we were still in business with the 5th generation in training.  I love how dressed up they are and especially the hats.  Can you say gangsta!  This picture was taken circa 1936. On the left is Ed Schoenbart and the middle is Max Weiner.
What a great family portrait.  Papa Jack had 3 sons.  Lower left is Uncle Dan who did work in the business for sometime.  Top left is Uncle Gilbert.  Top right is Grandpa Everett.  Far right is Grandma Edith.  Center left, Grandma Ida.  
See the J.A. Fortunoff Cotton Fabrics*Flannelettes sign.  This is one of the old offices at 390 Broadway, circa 1942.  Check out the old fashioned cars.  So amazing!
This quilt market October 2015 we are going to have a Jaftex booth in honor of the 85th anniversary.  We will be having all kinds of demos, giveaways and such there.  Make sure to stop by.  The photo above is a design for some fabric we will be having printed in honor of the special 85th anniversary.
This is another fabric that we are having printed for the quilt market.  It is a logo fabric with the names of all the companies that we have ever owned in the 85 years in business.  This will be the background fabric.
The end, but really just the beginning.  God bless you Mr. JAFtex!  
Sappy Scott with tears running down my cheeks


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