Tales Of A Fourth Generation Textile Executive: Camp Visiting Day & Sibling Love

My Monday blog was so important (CHARITY) that I didn’t want to muddle it up with my camp visiting day report.  Many of you emailed me and wished me luck before I went (thanks!) and even emailed me after to see how it was (thanks again!), so I figured I would mix it up with a mid-week blog report.  

The truth is that there is so much to discuss about visiting day, but I don’t want to bore you with every single detail.  The day is an emotional roller coaster from the beginning to the bitter end for everyone to say the least. Let’s just leave it at this….it was a great day and Aaron is doing amazing. Happy Aaron equals happy parents.

Please allow me to show you some pictures of the most important thing about visiting day because this is truly what it is about.  Please enjoy!

Brothers A&B seeing each other for the first time in 3 weeks.
Big bro holding back the tears and little bro wailing. They were overjoyed to see each other.
Slowly changing from sadness to happiness.
And finally, we have this….brotherly love at its finest.

That is what it is all about folks…the love that 2 siblings have for one another.  During Father’s day, my Uncle Michael was saying that there is no more important relationship than that of 2 siblings and he was so right.

With all that being said, I would like to urge you to reach out to your sibling/s.  Pick up the phone.  Get in the car.  It’s never too late to get back in touch with a sibling because there is always a special place in their heart for you and one in your heart for them.  Life is too short folks. XXOO to my siblings, Jill & Greg.

Let me know how this works out for you!

Sibling Scott!