Tales Of A Fourth Generation Textile Executive: You Can’t Keep A Good Yenta Quiet!

APRIL FOOL’S blog readers!  You can’t keep a good yenta down.  Did you really think that I was going to end my blogging career like that?  I think not.  When it is time for me to go, when I have nothing more to talk about with respect to our industry, that is when I will pull the plug.  In the meantime, see that picture below?  You know what that is?  That is the pile of irate letters that I received from people protesting that I was going to stop blogging.  It’s crazy!  Who knew?  Not to mention all the phone calls and emails I got too.

That is the crux of what I wanted to report this week especially since we are in high gear at our offices preparing for the ever-important May Quilt Market release.  Speaking of Quilt Market, I continue to hear that more and more vendors and shop owners won’t be attending.  This is very disappointing and unfortunately there appears to be no end to the troubles that we all face with quilt market, its future and its importance.  When is the downfall going to end?  In addition, with the couple of mergers & acquisitions and companies going out of business, that won’t help market either because that too will reduce the booth counts.  Anyway, I will be there with a smile on my face, ready to show our newest lines and to take orders. I will look forward to seeing you too.  If you want to set up an appointment, please email me at scott@jaftex.com so we can get something on the calendar.  You can also email sales manager extraordinaire, Cliff Garfinkel at cgarfinkel@jaftex.com.

Speaking of mergers and acquisitions, I continue to hear that a lot of companies are looking and talking.  They are kicking the tires around. Lots of rumors.  So you should expect to see some more deals coming in the future because where there is smoke, there is fire. Unfortunately, at this time we haven’t found another company to bring in to our organization, but that it not to say that we are not looking.

Hope you had a nice Easter and/or Passover.  Have a great week.


The Yenta Is Back, Scott



  • Regina

    I knew, just knew that had to be an April Fool’s joke!! The cost of blogging for one year seemed a bit high and I could not envision you not screaming and kicking as they pulled the plug on your computer. And my Easter was fantastic!

  • Joanne Hubbard

    It really must have been the tons of mail that brought you back. How could you say no to all your fans? 🙂 Unfortunately, I won’t be at market but I’ll be sure to ask my shop owner friends to stop and say hello.