Tales Of A Fourth Generation Textile Executive: I Can’t Do This Without You

Happy Monday Friends,

In light of my 2018 resolution to not complain, I am going to make an effort not to complain in this blog post.  That is, in spite of the fact that I have a bone to pick with all of my friends and followers.  For those of my blog followers that don’t know, I have an  Executive Facebook page where I talk about fabric, my companies, the history of our business, the industry, the sewing machine giveaway, charity, my personal life, whatever is on my mind and so much more.  If we aren’t already friends there, please take a minute to be my friend….pretty please.  Doesn’t that sound so cute?  I feel like Mr. Rogers, “Will you be my neighbor?”

There was one executive Facebook post in particular that I want to bring to your attention from December 15 which I have attached below:

When I posted that comment, I had 661 likes.  Today, I stand at around 1050 followers and it looks like I have hit the ceiling.  I think the people at Facebook are doing a Jedi mind trick on me because that number hasn’t moved in weeks, but who is looking?

Anyway, here is the complaining/non-complaining:  It was sad that we couldn’t get to 1250 likes and go upwards from 62 machines given away before the year ended.  I mean, it’s not like I was asking people to give me money or take an hour out of their busy day to help push my agenda.  All that I am asking is that you take a minute to share my page and get all your quilty/fabric friends on board.   Please have them “like” and share so that everyone could hear what I have to say and what I am trying to do to help revitalize our great quilting industry back to where it once was.  Is that so hard?  Is that so wrong of me?  If you ask me, I think it is a very admirable cause and I need to know that you are with me.

What I really want is more people to hear about the sewing revolution and to spread the free sewing machine giveaway to the farthest corners of the US.  I can’t do it without you.  The plan for me is to continue to give away free sewing machines to those suffering through tragedy or hardship for an indefinite period of time i.e. I have no plan to stop as of right now.

So here’s THE PLAN for this to be mutually beneficial:  Share my page with 5 people that you know who are in to quilting.  Share it with your guild.  Share it with your sewing circle.  Just focus on the people that you know would care to hear about my mission and my hopes for a strong future in the quilting industry.

I have at least 50 sewing machines in house to giveaway this year and I am NOT afraid to do lots more.  Let’s call a spade a spade, I gave away 62 in about 4 months, so imagine what I could do in a year.  Please believe in me that when I say “lots”, I mean lots.  Don’t test me!  But, I need more likes and shares and I need more legitimate requests from people that need a sewing machine to help them through their struggles.  The requests have slowed down dramatically of late and that is why I need your help to continue to spread the word and share the love that I have for our great industry as well as those who are down on their luck.  Give me a hand please.  We got this!

Thank you in advance!

Yours Truly Scott

P.S..…Here is where you can find my Executive Facebook page.

P.S.S.… Also, please subscribe to my blog and get notifications when new blogs are posted.  Look up on the right side of this blog to register.

647 words including these.


  • Barbara Esposito, The Quilted B

    Hi Scott – hope you’re sitting down…I am NOT on facebook. There…my dirty little secret is out for all the world to see! I will gladly push your awesome cause on Instagram! I think you might benefit from doing more with Instagram besides jut promoting your awesome fabrics. Just my opinion. That and $10 will get you a coffee at Starbucks.

    Thanks for keeping up the good work. I believe that even if you personally don’t give away another machine (oh but you will!) you have started the ripple.

  • Linda

    I followed your giveaway in the run up to Christmas and was moved by many of the stories. I applaud your generosity and commitment to the sewing revolution! I read your post today and am happily following you directly now both on Facebook and your blog. I’d be interested to know if nominations apply solely to the united states?

  • Bridgette Stein aka 'Giddy'

    I’m not entirely certain if I’m registered on the blog?? I don’t see anything on the right side of my screen, I’m on my cell phone not sure if that makes a difference I usually use my cell phone. I get notifications in my Gmail when there are new post and I click through that link. Any way to find out if I’m registered?

  • Shirley Clark

    I’m on FB a lot, and I promise, I didn’t know you had an Executive FB page. I get notifications when Studio E Fabric posts on FB, and I read your blog posts when I see them.
    I do think FB hides a lot of stuff from us. I continuously see some of the same posts over and over instead of new ones, and I’ve complained about that in several FB surveys that they probably don’t read.

    So anyway, thanks for making a lot of people happy with new machines!

  • Linda Swanekamp

    Scott, I follow and read your blog with every update. I have a problem with Facebook, as it tracks all my movements and continues to merchandise me at every turn. I am intrepid at times encouraging others to jump in and follow on it. I promise to share your story on my blog which at least I have control over what is posted and how it appears. I love what you are doing and support your efforts. It is social media that gives me the fits.

  • Joanne Hubbard

    Good post today! I’ve added information to my blog post today about the revolution and giveaway, and will continue to do so frequently. All of my posts do and will continue to include links back to your blog posts and Facebook page. We need to get this this rolling and gather more people.

    Have a great week!

    • Linda D.

      I have been following Blank for a long time. Not sure how I missed the give away. There are so many deserving folks I can think of that I might have to run my own campaign to help make my decision. From my granddaughter and her friends who love to sew but don’t have the support of their parents or $$ for a machine, Coffee Creek Quilters who are incarcerated and have a program to learn quilting. The volunteers try to give the graduates a machine when they leave the institution in hopes their newfound passion will help them stay on the straight and narrow. There are ladies in my guild who can hardly afford the $30 yearly dues since they have been on fixed incomes for so many years. One I know can take any piece of fabric and turn it into a masterpiece, even old tablecloths. She graciously accepts any supplies she is offered. How grateful I am for my good fortune and for the opportunity you gave me to think of those less fortunate than myself~Looking forward to more blogs!