Tales Of A Fourth Generation Textile Executive: Family First, Then Fabric

Happy Monday and happy belated Father’s day to all the fathers out there! I hope everyone has recovered from what should have been an amazing day with family and friends celebrating Father’s Day.  I had a lovely day with my family and some delicious Italian food too.  It was Father’s day and I am a father so why not stuff my face with pasta, pizza and so….so much more?  My belly isn’t so happy today.

Even though Father’s day was a special day for me as a father, I have other much more important things on my mind.  For one, I am so sad that my only uncle has to battle brain cancer.  On the other hand, I was so happy that he and my aunt made the trek out to my house to spend Father’s day with the family.  It truly made it one of the most special Father’s Days and I am sure it was special for him too.  The memories will certainly last forever for everyone.

The other thing that is on my mind and eating me up inside is that my oldest son (8 years old) is going to sleep away camp for the first time. Yes, sleep away camp for 49 long days.  Time is flying too fast.  I could literally remember changing his diapers.  Next it will be college.  In any case, emotions have been high in my house of late with my wife, other son and I all struggling to wrap our brains around the void that will exist in our house this summer.  Needless to say, despite being in a little bit of denial, I am an emotional wreck.  Pass the tissues please!

Thanks for listening.  Too hard this week to write a blog about anything else.  Until next week.

Sad Scott

298 words


  • Nancy Wood

    Chuck, I am still learning to navigate my way around FB. Found this page today and started reading the blogs with captions that caught my eye. Sorry to hear about your uncle. An illness in the family really takes a toll on everyone. My youngest sister came down with Alexander’s Disease. Watching her battle this illness was hard, but I am greatful for every moment I got to share with her. With love, prayers, and time we somehow make it through.

    As for your son going off to camp, you’re right time does fly. I can’t believe my sons are grown men already. I still remember so many things we shared while they were growing up. Seems like yesterday! Cherish every moment with them; because to me, the older your children get, the faster the time goes. I always tell my sons they are worth every gray hair on my head (times I worrried needlessly).

    Sincerely, Nancy

  • Joanne Hubbard

    I’m happy you were able to spend Father’s Day with your family, especially your uncle. I’m sure you will cherish the memory of that time together. Regarding your son going away to camp, 49 days sounds like an eternity to me. Heck, I called my nine year old granddaughter today because I hadn’t seen her or talked to her since last week. Of course it bothered me more than her, but she did say she misses me, especially since she knows that I won’t be home until the weekend. I’m sure your son will have a blast; and in the meantime, you can start preparing for his welcome home celebration. Just remember to keep breathing.

  • Roseann Kermes

    NOTHING ever prepares you for helping a loved one through an illness or sending a child away on a fun adventure and having to stay behind. And for the record … it does not get easier the more you do it. The good thing about the day they leave is that they are one day closer to coming home.