Tales Of A Fourth Generation Textile Executive: February 2, The Big Day

Today is February 2nd, a very special day for me because it is groundhog day.  No really, why would groundhog day be important to anyone?  Seems like a meaningless holiday to me.  The only time groundhog day had any meaning was when ding dong Mayor DeBlasio dropped the poor ground hog and it died.  I am sure not many people knew about that because they kept it pretty well under wraps.  Anyway, the real reason why February 2nd is such an important day is because that is the day that my first son was born and my life changed forever.  When I say forever, I mean forever. 



Yesterday, I had the pleasure of throwing a 6th birthday party for Aaron.  The party was at some sports place and 35 plus psychotic boys attended.  Needless to say, we survived another one.  I have learned a lot from Aaron and from being a parent in general.  One thing is for sure, no one prepared me for what was in store and the truth is that I don’t think anyone ever could have.  It is both rewarding and super stressful at times.  I can truly say that my weekend is Monday through Friday and my workday is Saturday and Sunday.  A snow day to me is like being called in to work on the weekend.  But seriously, I love both my boys.  Aaron is growing up so fast. He is full of surprises, is so handsome, sweet, smart and kind when he wants to be.  I love spending time with him, especially when he behaves.  

Recently, I was explaining to Aaron that our family business is turning 85 this year. That was pretty neat to him and he wanted to know more about the history of our family business.   During that discussion, Aaron said something to me that I will never forget.  He said that he would like to join the family business one day. And then he told me that he would like to share an office with me.  I melted on the  spot and as I write this, the tears are running down my cheek.  It is times like this that being a parent is awesome and it puts all the daily challenges on the back burner. With that, I want to wish each of you a happy groundhog day and Happy Birthday to my sweet boy, Aaron.  Love you pal!

Sorry that this doesn’t have much to do with fabric, but it is another one of my tales. I would really appreciate if you could suggest some more blog subjects as I am lacking.  I am always looking for ideas and would like to write about things that my readers want to hear about it, so please let me know.  Pretty please.    

Be careful in the snow and pray for me that the trains are running tomorrow! 

Signing Off,

Daddy Scott as Aaron calls me

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