Tales Of A Fourth Generation Textile Executive: A Gem From My Grandfather

Happy Monday Folks,

Fortunoff family tree from my grandfather. I penciled in the most recent additions. This chart will help you keep track of who my grandfather is talking about throughout.

I am so excited about this blog post.  It really isn’t a blog though.  Rather, this is 11 pages of Jaftex Corp. and Fortunoff family history in the words of my grandfather,  Everett, that I recently discovered.  It is a true gem.  I wish he were alive to read all my blogs and see all the social media stuff going on.  He would absolutely love it.  In any case, get on some good glasses or a magnifying glass and grab a bottle of something (grandpa preferred Vermouth) and take a walk down the textile memory lane.  Please enjoy the story and my grandfather’s sense of humor.  (If it is too hard for you to read, please make a note in the comments and I will forward you a clearer version.)

Grandpa Everett as a baby in 1915.


Grandpa and his mom, Ida.

Grandpa in our showroom at 49 west 37th Street where our office currently is located.

I truly hope that you made it to the end and enjoyed this as much as I do.  I so cherish this and will protect it with my life for the fifth, sixth and so on generations.


Sentimental Scott

Too many words to count this week.

P.S..…Here is where you can find my Executive Facebook page.

P.S.S.… Also, please subscribe to my blog and get notifications when new blogs are posted.  Look up on the right side of this blog to register.


  • Marilyn

    Hi Scott, I was looking at the Geek Chic collection and came across your post of your family tree. What a surprise! In the 50s and early 60s, I knew some of your family members. They were Gil and Isabel Fortune and their sons Jeff & Dean of St. Petersburg Beach, FL. I knew that Gil’s name had originally been Fortunoff and that the family was in the garment industry in New York. Gil & Isabel owned the Alden Motel on St. Pete Beach and my best friend’s parents managed it. Jeff was a year ahead of me in school. My friend, Jonnie, & I would take care of Dean while Gil, Isabel & Jeff raced in area regattas. I also stuffed envelopes for them regarding their other businesses. I now live in Greenville, SC and am happy that some of studio e manufacturing is still done in this area. I hope you and your family keep it going for many years to come.

    • Scott Fortunoff

      Hi Marilyn,
      It’s so amazing the stuff that you learn because of social media and this is just one more of those things. So interesting and really cool that you came across this. Small world. Take care of yourself.

  • Barbara Esposito, The Quilted B

    Ah Scott…what a treasure! I think my favorite part was about the camp songs, bot clean and racy! And thanks for the score card…It helped keep all the players straight for me. Thank you for sharing such a cherished part of your family. May there be many, many more generations added to the tale!

  • Debbie

    I enjoyed reading more about your family.

    I am requesting to be considered for a free machine. I do not do this because I know there are many worthy of a machine. My Brother CE 4000 started to make a not so good noise last night as I was sewing a uniform scrub top for my daughter. I make all of her uniform scrub tops and some for her coworkers (those I make at cost, because as nursing aids in an extended care facility they do not make a lot of money). I called today to see what it would cost to be serviced, the only shop close to my home wants $80 to even look at it, I do not have that money as I am of Social Security. Thank you for considering this request.

  • Liz W

    I loved this read of your Family History. I wish my grandparents had done the same. Lesson learned and my husband and I are in the process of writing our own history now. My husbands family also had a 3 generations old family business.

  • Mary

    Wonderful historical story of your family and I’m sure you will continue to pass it along to future generations. I find my life journey blessed by my ancestors historical stories also. I am because of what their were and I am grateful always. Their sacrifice, tenacity, suffering, struggles and passion for life has always been a guiding light and reminder that I too must work for a better world for all children. Thank you for sharing your family history with us.

  • Donna Marshall

    Hi Scott,
    I enjoyed reading this. My question is ; What happened to Isabel Lehrer? Did she die young? Did she not marry? Do you have any information on her? What about Seth Abramson? Was he from a another family?

    • Scott Fortunoff

      Hi Donna,
      Those are good questions. Isabel Lehrer just turned 98 and is in amazing shape. I see her often. She didn’t remarry. Seth Abramson unfortunately passed away.
      Glad you enjoyed.

  • Joyce Jones

    How fortunate you are to have a Grandfather who passed the family history on in writing . What a beautiful heritage you have. Be proud and cherish it. You now have to continue it so that it can be passed onto the next generations. Thank you for sharing.