Tales Of A Fourth Generation Textile Executive: What Is The Future Of Our Fabric Industry?

Two weeks ago, I talked about the knowledge I gained at quilt market and this week I wanted to continue discussing the buzz at the show. I am still angry that I can’t write angry blogs.  Am I allowed to still be angry about not being able to write angry blogs?  This is harder than I thought.

Ok, let me get happy boring Scott back.  One second, here he comes.  So back to quilt market.  I am amazed about how fast the world is changing. It is just astonishing and a little scary to be honest.  Well, a lot scary.  So many conversations at market were about what would bring future success when it comes to the fabric business.  Was it digital printing? Technology? Online sales?  Direct to consumer?  Stay the course?  Too bad that no one has a clue at this point, but it looks like the Amazon effect is kicking in allover the place and freaking everyone out.  Will the world ever be the same again?  Not a chance!  Sounds like a good time to retire if you ask me, but unfortunately I am a little young for that.

If I could only see where our business would be in 5 or 10 years, it would be so helpful. LOL.  Will we be in business still?  I must say that the odds are in our favor that Jaftex will be in business since we reached the 4th generation for which the odds of that are less than 1% and that’s a fact.  In any case, I sure hope so, unless we sell out for 100 billion dollars or something close to that.  You are supposed to laugh for, with or at happy boring Scott.  Will we have more companies under the Jaftex umbrella? Will we make it to the 5th generation?  Will the kids (5th Generation) want to work in fabric when it’s not sexy like working at a start up?

What’s the future of the industry?  I wish I knew.  I typically like to make suggestions on my blogs and I am almost always right…oh relax, I am kidding.  Don’t forget that this is happy Scott and all is good in the hood, all the time and everywhere….so get used to it.  I just don’t think I can make that prediction yet.  I need more time.  The future is still unclear, but as soon as it becomes clearer to me, I will be sure to let you know.  If you know or think you know, please share.  It will be insightful to hear where you think this industry will be….I was going to say in 5 or 10 years, but I think I need to be more concerned with the next 5-10 hours.

Have a great week folks!


One Comment

  • Joanne Hubbard

    I’m sure you could write thinly veiled angry letters to help yourself feel better. Try it! It works for me. 🙂 Regarding what to expect, no one has a crystal ball but I agree with you that Jaftex appears to be in a good place right now. Many industries are in a state of flux and are asking the same questions. My suggestion is to keep doing what you are doing; keep your eyes and ears open; and keep the discussion going. I know it’s scary out there, but I have no choice but to try and stay positive. It’s what makes me tick! Have a great week.