Tales Of A Fourth Generation Textile Executive: New Year’s Resolutions

At the end of each year, I like to take some time to reflect on the past year and come up with some realistic resolutions.  In some cases the resolutions pertain to my personal life and other times to my business.  To be honest, up until the last couple of years, the resolutions were unfortunately not accomplished.  I wish I could say that it worked out better, but I am sure everyone can relate. However, this year, I am proud to say that the last 2 years were true successes and I would like to try to keep the momentum going.
Two years ago I vowed not to drink soda and I have stuck to this rather well.  In spite of desiring a Coke, diet Coke or ginger ale every once and a while, I have stayed away from these chemical laced beverages.  That being said, the no-soda resolution has really had no direct or noticeable affect on me….or maybe it has.  Who really knows?  In any case, I will continue on with this resolution and stay determined to stay away from the high sugar and carbonated beverages.  

Last year, I vowed to exercise more and in particular run more often.  I am proud to say that I held strong with this resolution too.  In fact, thanks to the running, I probably feel as good as I have felt in a very long time and my weight is getting down to what it was in high school.  I am logging about 15-25 miles a week and going strong.  Barring any injuries, I hope to continue on this path to physical fitness. Quite frankly, there is no better feeling than starting your day with a long distance run or some sort of intensive exercise.  The mental, physical and emotional affects on my being are really remarkable.  It is almost like being medicated.    So what resolution am I planning for this year?  This year’s resolution is both personal and business related.  In this day and age of high paced lives and trying to multi-task, I want to work on my focus.  I want to try to give my full attention to the task at hand or the person that I am speaking with and not try to do other things at the same time.  Attention and focus was never one of my strong suits and at times I really wonder if I have a little ADD.  Either that, or just poor focus. Anyway, the reason that I am picking this resolution is because, this year on two different occasions, I was informed of circumstances where my lack of focus was evident and it didn’t make me look good.
Both examples related to me at the Quilt Market.  Let me start out by saying that it is super difficult for me to focus my attention speaking with one person at the Quilt Market without having darting eyes and being distracted.  The problem is that there is so much going on during the market and I have to police many co-workers, sales reps, family members and also keep my eye out for customers. It isn’t that I don’t want to hear what the person I am speaking with is saying, it is really that I am super distracted and once again trying to multi-task.  I want to apologize to everyone that I didn’t make feel special at market because I was gazing allover the place and not giving you my undivided attention.  It was not intentional at all and I need to try to do better because this attribute is not good for my business.  I had mentioned the complaints that I received to my brother and he actually concurred with me about how hard it is to focus on one thing at market.  It is just the nature of the beast.  So, in there lies my 2016 resolution.  Wish me luck!      

What is your resolution this year?  Have you kept to resolutions from years past?  What types of resolutions do you try to achieve..work related, health related, family, etc.?  I want to hear all about it.

Finally, I wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year!  I also wanted to thank you so much for following my blog.  In fact, this past year we put together a book of my blogs and I have some extra copies that I want to send to the first 10 people that email me at scott@jaftex.com asking for a book.  I appreciate you taking the time to read my blogs and I am very glad that I was able to stir up some discussion this year related to the problems of Quilt Market. 

To 2016 Resolutions,
This Is Staying Focused Scott


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