Tales Of A Fourth Generation Textile Executive: Oh Yeah, I Forgot To Write A Post May Quilt Market Blog

Happy Monday,

I can’t believe that it is July 10 and I never posted a blog about the May Quilt Market.  Better late than never though.  I am not going to spend a lot of time chirping about the Quilt Market because I am saddened by the continued downturn taking place before my eyes.  I need to continue to be happy boring Scott and talking about Quilt Market will make that extremely challenging. I can only hope that the October Quilt Market in Houston has a better feel.  Let’s say a prayer together and make that happen….AMEN!  I will be there in my smaller booth with a big smile, as always, and hope you will come and keep me company.  I will make sure to have candy for us to share and water to wash it down.  I don’t share Twizzlers though, so bring your own.

So you know that invite that I put out to the world on my blog to come to dinner with the Jaftex peeps?  Yes, it was real!  In fact, we quickly went from 20 people to 50 in a very few days once I mentioned Ruth Chris and steak.  Some people actually took me up on the offer. Imagine that?  Not only that, but they had a lovely evening…or at least that is what they wrote in all the thank you notes.

The crew schlepped their way over to Ruth Chris and I bet they were all very surprised that us Fortunoff boys could throw a p-a-r-t-y.  The drinks were flowing.  The photographer was photographing all the big hitters in attendance.  I really don’t want to name names because I don’t want to make everyone jealous that was like, “I should have emailed Scott about dinner, but I just didn’t know if he was serious or not.”  Come on people, this kid doesn’t lie.  An April Fool’s joke here or there, but a dinner.  I don’t mess around when it comes to food.  In any case, next time I put out an invite, hop to it.

While eating appetizers and having cocktails, everyone mingled.  After that, we sat for some brief speeches from my brother (the hostess with the mostess), Larry Reichenberg (Henry Glass President), Cliff Garfinkel (Studioe & Blank Sales Manager) and yours truly.  In between, salads were served and then our main courses which of course included a lot of tasty steak.  It was made even more delicious for the guests because it was FREEEEEEE!  After dinner, we really stepped it up a notch with a comedian/magician. We joked in the office that this was going to be like my second Bar Mitzvah, but this time we were pulling out all the stops for our valued customers.

The entertainment was great.  The guy managed to get a lot of the audience involved with his schtick.  To be honest, the guy had me in stitches so bad that I went home with a headache from laughing so hard. After the comedy/magic routine, we all had dessert.  The grand finale is that everyone got to go home with a limited edition Jaftex beach bag with some precuts inside.  That was all she wrote folks.  Thank you to all that attended as we greatly value your friendship and partnership.  If you want to be invited to the next big dinner, you are going to have to keep an eagle eye on my blogs for the elusive invitation.

Have a great week!  I am off to camp visiting day next weekend.  I am not sure which emotions will be in control after the weekend, so Monday, there may or may not be a blog waiting for you to read.  Wish me luck!


PS…here’s a picture of the giveaway bag.  I have a couple left that I might be willing to giveaway if you say the right thing when commenting on this blog.



  • Nancy Snyder

    I have been going to markets since 1981 and I agree with you market has to change with the times and I don’t mean modern quilts. Schoolhouse was designed to show you new tools, products that 1 hour commercial before is a waste of my time. Market should open at 9 we are paying big bucks to go there to shop let us shop

  • Scott Fortunoff

    If you bring me Twizzlers, you will have found the way to my heart and I will be forever indebted to you. With that, I may have something for you in return…surprise surprise Anne.

  • Theresa Dudley-ayers

    I didn’t get to come! But I tried. Your sense of humor cracks me up. I look forward so hearing the real story of market, not just through my eyes. I need that bag, we are celebrating 8 years this fall, moving to a larger space and it would be great to use as a door prize. Thank you for your hospitality

  • Sandy A in St. Louis

    So glad you had a great experience with your dinner here in St. Louis. I’m sorry to hear market wasn’t better than in the past. When I worked retail many years ago, I remember market was going downhill then. It wasn’t as big a deal as it had been in the past and vendors were visiting the office more. Hope it takes an upturn in Houston.

  • Barbara Esposito, The Quilted B

    Thank you for your honest and humorous blog posts! I only recently started following you via Bloglovin and am enjoying every post! I would LOVE one of the market bags, especially if it has some of that yummy candy in it. You can keep the twizzlers…I have my own private stash here at the house!
    Seriously though, thank you for keeping on and for wonderful and fun fabrics! I truly appreciate it!

  • Mary D

    I am glad you enjoyed some aspect of May Quilt Market in St. Louis…. the dinner. Just so you know our weather cooperated for this event even with a slight rain. St. Louis summers can come early here but the weather was great. Exclamation point.

    I felt wowed to have gotten a chance to attend May Quilt Market this year and was so taken in by the whole inspiration in one place aspect. The lighting could have been much better but I met a few makers and made it to a few booths but didn’t get to touch everything or everyone. The experience will last me for awhile.

    Not sure what the right thing is to say but keep writing your blog. You are quite entertaining with your take on things.