Tales Of A Fourth Generation Textile Executive: Scott’s Free Sewing Machine Update

Happy Monday everyone.  I am not sure how it happened, but all of a sudden I have lots of new followers to my blog and all of my company social media sites which is definitely a good thing.  I am just joking, I know exactly how it happened and so do you.  I woke up one day and was like, “I should start giving sewing machines away for free to people suffering through tragedy.”  And that’s where it all started….let’s call it:  Scott’s Free Sewing Machines.

3 generations of Fortunoff’s. From left to right (backrow): my nephew (Oliver), my brother (Greg), my other nephew (Benjamin), my dad (Robert) and yours truly. Front row (left to right): my youngest son (Brett) and my older son (Aaron).  Missing my sister (Jill) and her kids (Julia & Evie).  My dad, brother, sister and I are all currently in the business working in harmony.

Speaking of where it all started, I thought this would be the perfect time to plug all of the fabric companies run by my family in case you want to support my family business by buying our beautiful fabrics or by asking your local quilt shop to carry our fabrics if they don’t already.  Please note however that I am not looking for anything in return for the sewing machine giveaway at all, but I would be remiss if I didn’t put it out there for the world to know who is making sewing machines rain from the sky over the US.  Also, when I called some potential free machine winners over the weekend to chat, I was dismayed to know that a few didn’t know much if anything about our companies.  Therefore, I thought it was important, at the least, for everyone to know about our companies and our unique family business.  As you could learn from my blog moniker, I am the fourth generation in the family business which is 87 years old.  Yes, 87!  These are our companies:

  • A.E. Nathan Co., Inc. specializes in flannel fabric and more moderately priced fabrics in general including cotton prints and fleece.  Products are sold in quilt shops and chains that sell fabric.  I am the President.
  • Fabric Editions, Incspecializes in pre-cut fabrics as well as kits.  In addition, Fabric Editions has a line called 3 Wishes and Quilter’s Palette.  Products are sold mostly in the chain stores, but the 3 Wishes and Quilter’s Palette lines are sold in quilt shops too.  The company is in Greenville, S.C.
  • Henry Glass Co., Inc. caters to quilt shops only and is our strongest and most well known brand. Hopefully you know this one!
  • Studioe Fabrics was spun out from Fabric Editions when we purchased it  years ago.  We moved it to New York and I became the President.  Studioe sells to quilt shops only and the brand is gaining in popularity.
  • The Blank Quilting Corp. was purchased in the last 3 years.  Like Studioe, Blank sells to quilt shops only and I am the President too.  I am working hard with my team to grow this brand and make it a household name.
  • Lastly, you should know that our exclusive sales force sells these lines too:
    • Air-Lite Batting.
    • Oasis Fabrics.
    • Stof of Denmark.
    • Sykel Fabrics….think NCAA, Real Tree, etc.

I am feeling so good about Scott’s Free Sewing Machines that I have determined that the giveaway will go on indefinitely.  I hope to giveaway about 40-50 machines this year and next year a minimum of 1 machine a week.  AND THE CROWD GOES WILD!  YEAH!  In my humble opinion, sewing machines are the essential ingredient that will help to grow the fabric industry so at the least I am helping to continue to keep sewing alive for many more generations of Fortunoffs among others.  It’s like the movie Field of Dreams….”if you build it, they will come.”  In our industry, if you bring the machines, they will sew and quilt.  I also believe that sewing begets more sewing and these machines will certainly contribute to the continuity and growth of our great industry.  We need to keep this industry alive, thriving and flourishing.  I am one person, but I am trying to do my part just a little bit at a time.  I challenge my competitors in the fabric industry to do their part as well in helping to grow our industry.

Before I announce the winners for this week, I wanted to let everyone know that I had a chance to test drive the EverSewn machine that I am giving away.  It is so smooth.  You should feel how it handles the turns.  It just purrs like a kitten.  Just messing with you, I don’t know how to use a sewing machine, but I have heard from a bunch of people that they love theirs.  I understand that this isn’t the best or most expensive machine ever made, but I couldn’t be happier about the quality of the machine and I wanted to thank EverSewn for working with me to get these machines in the hands of so many great people.  Thanks!

I am sure everyone is anxious to hear about the free sewing machine winners.  The crazy thing is that I never realized how hard it would be to give away free machines.  I spent much of my weekend between my kid’s sports and birthday parties calling potential winners.  The biggest problem that I am running in to is that a lot people have machines or have access to machines…which is a good thing.  However, for this year, I am trying to focus my energies on giving free sewing machines to people with no access to machines whatsoever.  So if you have a machine that isn’t working at full capacity, that is still a machine in my eyes and it is a lot more than others have. I hope everyone can understand where I am coming from on this front, so please only submit a request if you don’t have a machine at all.  Ok, ok….the winners.

These are the people that touched my heart and I feel most compelled to give a machine this week:

  1. Trish Jurkowski for her daughter Amelia.
  2. Lisa E. Jones.
  3. Morgana Laucer for her mom, Susan.

To be honest, I intended on giving away 7-10 machines this week, but like I mentioned before, so many had access to a machine already and the weekend is only so long.  Many of those people will be getting some fabric from me as a consolation prize.  Finally, finally, I am still searching for Linda Yarrow who was my second winner so that I can get her a machine for the Freedom House where people are rescued from the slave trade.  If you know her, please have her contact me at scott@jaftex.com.

Have a great week friends and keep being kind to others and keep on sewing and quilting!  As someone said to me, “May all my gifts be appreciated and used.”

Free Sewing Machine Scott

1162 words including these words and I hope you read them all.


  • Kara Wallace

    Hi Mr. Scott my name is Kara Wallace i am 20 years old. I plan on creating my own store, if it be God’s will, i would like to become a seamstresses, but i am in need of a sewing machine, fabrics, along with sewing kits ect. Sir i have no job, well i am actually in a leg cast right now, lol anyways i have flat feet so standing for long periods of time it’s extremely painful, which is why i want to become my own boss, and why i can not have a regular job. I can not afford a good one, and have been looking for a free sewing machine. So i ask that you please consider me please. I thank you and pray you have a blessed night.
    -Kara Wallace

  • Tammy P Harrison


    Thank you ever so much for keeping my request for a sewing machine in mind, all of the goodness you do will never be forgotten. Tammy Harrison

  • Jennifer Layman

    hello, don’t know if you are still giving away free sewing machines but I am in need of a machine. the one I had my ex had in storage and when I asked for it was informed his aunt the it in the yard and destroyed it. I make quilts and blankets for my family, repair clothing and hope to make clothes for my grandchildren. I am on ssi disability so I don’t make enough to buy one. if you find it in your heart to give one of your free ones to me it would be so appreciated and put to very good use. thank you very much for considering me. Jeni

  • Christine Corrigan

    Scott, I grew up on Long Island and the most fabulous store and my favorite, was Fortunoff’s in Westbury. My Mom shopped at the first Fortunfoff’s in Brooklyn.

    Relatives? Was devastated when I heard the original store was no longer there.

    And thank you so much for purchasing Free Spirit- as an avid quilter I look forward to be able to still use the high quality fabrics of the designers I love.


  • Brandie Mancil

    Hello Scott . my name is Brandie . how would I go about entering . I was currently homeless but blessed to have found a place to stay for a little while to try to get on my feet and get my children . my children an I have been talking about ways we could help the homeless here in dothan al . my oldest tamber wants to plant a garden in tent city along w fruit trees . my son Alex wants to build a place for them. He’s only 9 and don’t understand they can’t have a solid foundation built in the woods for homeless. But we have some old fabric here I could make covers and quilts with . but we don’t have a sewing machine. And it would make it a lot Easter to have one to put them together. We thank you for your conciteration . an God bless .

    • Scott Fortunoff

      I am sorry to hear about all that you are going through. I am in receipt of your request and you will be added to the pile of requests. Thank you in advance for your patience.

  • Leighton

    How you doing Scott, my name is Leighton l was always a fan of clothing and wanted be a fashion designer, love watching project runway I lost my job due to a heart problem which kept from working now I’m on social security which is hard to buy a machine due to car note and rent no extra money for a machine i have tons of ideas just want to feel like I belong to something again with a machine I can show my talent I thank you for this chance

  • charlotte

    I am a mother of 5 children under 10 years old and 2 step children. we recently moved in the late spring and my sewing machine was 12 years old and got lost in the move. I have not been working since having our last child in April. After kids went back to school i have been looking for a job and started getting offers only to find that no one has room for our two youngest that aren’t in school. we are scraping by but I really want to do something that I love from home if I’m going to be here so much. I would like to help provide by making a little money with sewing projects and crafts. Ive been sewing since my grandma and great grandma taught me at 5 years old. I love it and would like to continue doing it, but do not have the money for a sewing machine now, and probably no time soon. Kids birthdays and holidays are all quickly approaching. I would like to get back on my feet and be abe to make some extra money, make things for my family, and eventually donate some things such as baby hats to hospitals, etc. thanks for letting me enter your amazing giveaway. And I think it is amazing that you have done so well that you are giving back! have a great holiday season!

  • Tina Cochrum

    I do believe Scott has one of the most amazing give away ever! My momma and grandma taught me to sew when I was 6 years old. I have not always had a sewing machine, but was given my great grand mothers old Singer treadle machine when my momma passed away three years ago. It is the machine I learned to sew on. My friend and I sew lap quilts for a local nursing home and a Military Veterans home. She does not have a machine. I would love to nominate her for a new machine so we can finish more quilts faster. We are currently working to finish over 100 quilts before Christmas for nursing home residents. Thank you.

    • Tina Cochrum

      Please send z sewing machine to my friend Angie Webster if possible. She has no machine and is helping me make lap quilts for 81 nursing home patients. I am sewing as fast as I can!
      Angie Webster
      618 339 0266

      Grateful for all you do.

  • Barbara Esposito, The Quilted B

    Keep on being awesome! Someone commented to me about the machines you are giving away not being all fancy schmancy. You know I gave them a piece of my mind! When you have nothing, a generous gift is a blessing! And I love that you are propagating an age-old craft. We do too much work on our computers and phones, and not enough good old fashioned creating! Yep…awesome! That’s you and your family of textile companies!

    • Scott Fortunoff

      Wow Barb….rude! Glad you gave her a piece of your mind. If you read my blog, I clearly state that this is not the best machine ever, but it is free and I have promised to giveaway a minimum of 40-50 a year indefinitely. You ask that person how much they have donated to charity/society this year. I am insulted. Some people are just never happy and that sounds like one of them. If you would like, I could provide her with the emails of the winners and she can see what it means to them and then maybe she will realize that she should keep her opinions to herself or step up and do better. Scott

    • Morgana

      Wow that is crazy someone would say that about something someone as charitable as Scott is doing. As one of the winners I can say with a full heart that this giveaway is incredible and that the machine that is being given with love will be used and adored with as much if not more love. I’m glad you told them about themselves some people need to be taken off their soap box. ❤️

    • Scott Fortunoff

      Thanks Morgana. That really ruined my day yesterday. Some people are just never happy. What can I say? Thank you for confirming my opinion as to how I thought the recipients would feel about getting the machine. You have a great weekend.


    i love your last comment. it is always our wish that our work will be appreciated. i think this should be on a t-shirt!!!!
    how wonderful that you are giving machines to those who NEED them. just another way to infect someone with the QUILTING/SEWING BUG!!!

  • Shirley Clark

    Congrats to the winners! You are so generous. I’m still searching for someone that lost and needs a machine. I have lots of sewing friends so it takes time, but I know there’s probably a lot of people that just haven’t been able to get on social media because of the phone service/power being out.

    Hugs to you!

    • Scott Fortunoff

      Don’t worry Shirley as this offer isn’t going away any time soon. In fact, I am going to run it indefinitely because it is bringing me such positive energy and karma. Funny how this works. I am not sure who feels better, me or the winner?

  • Darlene

    Dear Scott, Thanks for the sewing machine giveaway. I love my machine and spend many hours in sewing therapy. I have thought about those in Texas, Florida and now Puerto Rico who lost their homes. A sewing machine is not at the top of the list to replace but it can be so important. I have donated fabric and blocks to quilt drives to help in recovery efforts. Thanks for the good news and your great family.

  • Jamy

    Hi Scott, my name is Jamy I live in Orlando fl. since I was a child my desire was to be a cloth designer, but my dad chose a different career for me, Now Im a stay home mom thinking to make my childhood dream a reality.. In order to buy a sewing machine I have to save money for 1 year, my husband is the only one working right now, I have 5yr old daughter she loves to dress her dolls she asks every day to make dressesfor her and her dolls, I would love to make dresses for her dolls, for her, for me and to make and extra income. Having a sewing machine for me is like my dream come true! God bless your generosity!

  • Lisa E. Jones

    Good Day Mr. Scott Fortunoff – What a wonderful photo of the some of family members. Wow so many generations linked through the joy of the family business – amazing! Let me say there are no words for the blessing you have given me. Thank you so much for allowing me to be one of the recipients. Congratulations to everyone else, may you have many blessed hours of sewing. Also I look forward to keeping you up to date as I pay it foward someday. Thank you again!

    Lisa E. Jones

  • Joyce Carter

    Scott, I just wanted you to know what a wonderful thing you are doing. In fact, I think it is awesome. I am an elderly woman, and I use my machine every day. I don’t know what I would do without it. I find peace and joy just sitting at my machine doing something. So thank you for giving these machines away to others so that they will have the joy that I have. I think you are awesome too.

  • Trish Jurkowski

    Thank you Scott for the sewing machine for 13 year old Emelia. She was SOOOOO excited after talking to you the other day and she is SOOOO excited about all the things she can create. This has inspired her and she said to me “maybe someday I can do an internship in his business!” We look foward to remaining in contact with you and showing you all the things Emelia will create thanks to your generosity!

    • Scott Fortunoff

      That’s amazing. Can’t wait to see her face when she gets the machine. Maybe she will intern for us. Is she ready for NYC? Can’t wait to see what she makes. Have a great week.

  • Morgana

    Scott! You have made my day and will make my moms day also!! Thank you thank you thank you. It was a joy speaking to you this weekend and I loved reading an expanded explanation of your families business here in your blog post. I am so glad you had a great (but busy) weekend with your family!!
    You are a gem ❤️

    • Tammy Harrison

      Dear Scott
      My name is Tammy Harrison and I just heard about about you. I used to sew all the time when my children were little, I made all of my daughters little bubble outfits, my son’s summer shorts and all PJs, blankets, pillows as well as my dresses and girls dresses for Church and curtains and other household and various other items. Needless to say that those days are well behind me because they grew up, and the machine that I bought in 1982 from Sears no longer exists. I find myself now in poor health with no income. I would like to be considered for a sewing and maybe a quilting machine so that I could earn a little by making things to sale, dresses, curtains, quilts and other things again. Thank you for your consideration. Tammy Harrison

  • Ruthlynn Savoy

    Thank you for doing this for people in need. I have shared your sewing machines offer on my Facebook page. Luckily, no one from my small circle of people/sewers is in need. But you never know what effect a ripple can make. I am a quilter and an instructor and understand the need for good fabrics and good sewing machines. Thank you for sharing your time and effort to help others crafters. And thank you for sharing your fabric company information as well. I have used many Blank Fabrics in my quilts. Well made, holds color after many years and great patterns for quilting. Keep up your great work!

  • Renee Bednarczyk

    Great picture! Congrats to the winners and you should be commended Scott! You are doing alot to help people and you should feel good about that. Thank you for the information on your companies. I’m loving all the fabric on the site. Take care.

  • Tana Mueller

    Good morning from TEXAS! Great Fortunoff family photo, looks likes a great way to end the summer!
    Many thanks to Ever Sewn for supporting your cause. Looks like a wonderful portable machine. Congratulations to all the winners! I look forward to everyone sharing photos of their new machines and their projects. Lot’s of great NEW fabric lines from all five companies to keep those machines humming! Many Hugs

    • Ebone Stanton

      Good evening Mr. Scott,
      I was a victim in texas a few months back, im a single mother of 3; currently residing with family in Arkansas, due to us loosing everything! Its been hell trying to build and get back on our feet. Im interested in your giveaway, because i made sewing a hobby; and loved making custom pieces for my kids. Im currently trying to get back into sewing and maybe taking it on as a business, to provide, build, and teach my children. Sewing is a passion in my life that taught me how to think and be creative, my grandmother taught me when i was a young girl and enjoyed it ever since. Being greeted with a new sewing machine would be amazing and would give me a chance to recreate my illusions and creativity on fabric.

      E. Stanton