Tales Of A Fourth Generation Textile Executive: The Sewing Revolution Of 2018

Throughout history there have been various revolutions that have helped to shape the world as we know it.   I am hoping that my grandiose self proclaimed Sewing Revolution is no different.  I just need all of you to get with me by stoking the revolutionary flames.  We can achieve this by embracing the revolution and spreading the art of quilting in whatever way suits us best.  Know that we are all in this together because I am only one person and I can’t be the only force behind what will hopefully be a game changer for the fabric industry.

People keep asking me, “Scott, what do you mean by this Sewing Revolution that you keep referencing?” I have a simple answer for that and it really isn’t about what I mean, but rather it is about how the Sewing Revolution is going to spread like wildfire.  It goes something like this (in no particular order):

  • I am going to keep giving away free sewing machines to those suffering through tragedies in their lives or those living through extremely challenging times.
  • I am going to continue to urge people to teach others how to sew and quilt.
  • I am going to try to convince people to get a new machine and give away their old one to someone that can’t afford one.
  • I am going to keep selling more fabric, of course.
  • I am going to continue to donate fabric to those who can’t afford it.
  • If you say it more and more, people will believe it more and more and then they will embrace it more and more and jump on the proverbial bandwagon with the rest of us.

  • I will keep talking about it until I am blue in the face and everyone else is talking about it also.  It is so easy to embrace because so many people love quilting and fabric.  They just need someone to stir the pot, and at this time that person is me.  Long story short, we cannot allow this great art to wither away and become a lost art.

With that, I ask consumers, shop owners, competitors, sewing machine company owners and everyone else in this great industry, “What is going to be your contribution to the Sewing Revolution?”  Let’s do this and let’s have fun doing it.

That is a good start to the Sewing Revolution 2018.  Why are you still sitting there?  We have a revolution to embrace.  Chop Chop!

Have a great December!

Sewing Revolution Scott

P.S.  In my effort to help the Sewing Revolution along, I am willing to offer people some misprinted fabric rejects that can be used for the sole purpose of teaching people to quilt (I have white on white western prints and I have a 36″ book panel with a typo).  Price would be 50 cent per yard plus freight and all proceeds would go to buying more sewing machines to give away.  Minimum would be 100 yards as these are on large rolls.  If interested, post a request in the comments and I will be in touch.  First come, first served,  while supplies last.

P.S.S.…Please follow my Executive Facebook page.

PS.S.S… Also, please subscribe to my blog and get notifications when new blogs are posted.  Look up on the right side of this blog to register.

555 words including these, right on target!


  • Susie Walker

    OMG Scott…..you rock!!! I love your dedication to keeping sewing alive and well!! I was wondering if I could get some of the misprint fabric? I have a quilting store and have just agreed to be a 4H leader. These kids don’t even know how to thread a machine and some are in junior high. Where did home economics go? It is just crazy……so any help would be greatly appreciated. Let me know what you need from me and please continue this awesome path you are on! I love it 🙂

  • Lois Dow

    You are such an amazing man. There is so much wrong in our Country and you the generosity never ends… Every time I get a chance I pay it forward too… When the floods in Texas I sent fabric to a friend as she lost her home and every piece of fabric,and Sewing Machines… Thank you again… and this is just fantastic…

  • Linda Bocian

    I am starting a sewing “school/class” for Home Schoolers in the New Year. I am stirring the pot… the art can’t be lost, and it will take this new generation to carry on. Home Economic classes in schools are almost non-existing, and where they still happen, no or nearly no sewing occurs. I’m looking for used machines to be donated as well as writing a grant.

    • Scott Fortunoff

      You go Linda. Love your energy and planned contribution to the Sewing Revolution. At this time, I have my hands full, but I am sure if you ask around that you will be surprised that many want to help especially at this time of the year. Merry Xmas and happy new year.

  • Barbara Esposito, The Quilted B

    Keep stirring that pot Scott! One step at a time. Maybe we sewists need to whip up a flag and banner for your revolution!

  • Joanne Hubbard

    I love your commitment to continue this into 2018! I am not a resolution-making kind of gal, but instead I try to set goals and challenge myself for the next 12 months, both personally and professionally. I’m thrilled that my continuing to be a part of the Sewing Revolution is already in the works for next year and I’m excited to see where this adventure takes us all. 🙂

    • Scott Fortunoff

      A guy’s gotta have goals. I am totally committed to keep giving away machines. Let the Sewing Revolution march on.
      Self challenges are as good as goals to me. Good luck!
      To the Sewing Revolution! Cheers!

  • Joy Swanson

    I WANT SOME! I love your enthusiasm for fabric and quilting. I belong to a quilt club which offers free beginning quilting classes to members. We also have a long arm quilting machine and teach members how to use it. The practice quilts from the long arm classes are finished and given as comfort/charity quilts! So, I want to buy a chunk and donate it to my group! Is there some way I can see what my options are? Thanks, Scott for your generosity!