Tales Of A Fourth Generation Textile Executive: Speechless

Not so happy Monday folks.  Today I am taking a break from being happy boring Scott.  It is not by choice, but rather out of circumstance, so hopefully you will understand and can make an exception this one time. Last week’s trip unfortunately didn’t turn out as planned.  A little wrench was thrown at me when my uncle (Michael Brod) finally passed away from brain cancer.  I knew it was coming (as did my loyal blog reader’s), but who is kidding who, one is never fully prepared for the death of a loved one.

The thing is that for me (excluding my grandparents), this is the first death that has rattled me to my core and really hit home.  I mean seriously, I am an emotional wreck every time I think about Unc or Uncsy as we liked to call him.  All the memories.  All the love.  And now the void. I am totally speechless.