Tales Of A Fourth Generation Textile Executive: Summer Is Here….Finally

Summer begins for me today (Sunday, June 14) as today marks the end of baseball and soccer season for my son, Aaron.  I truly can’t wait until both of my boys have sports….then I will just have no life.  These are the joys of having boys!

It happens that baseball falls smack in the middle of Saturday and soccer right in the middle of Sunday.  How convenient!  NOT!   I am now the owner of my own weekends which will be really nice while it lasts.  Yippee!  In honor of Summer really beginning, I cut off all my hair.  Well, not all of it, but a lot.


The thing is that sometimes we get so caught up in our busy schedules and lives that we don’t take a second to come up for air and smell the roses.  I am definitely guilty of being a slave to my outlook calendar as the days flow in to weeks and weeks flow in to months.  It is sad, but true.  

However, this time around, I am going take a step back, make some fun plans and set some goals for my Summer.   Time to take some control….while I can. 

Are you a victim of this same problem?   Are you so caught up with work, that life is just passing you by?   If so, it is time to put your foot down and take control of some part of your life while you can.

Don’t let it all pass right in front of your eye.  I know I am going to try not to do that because life is just too short.  It will probably be much harder than it sounds, but nothing is easy anymore.  Amen to that.  I hope you can heed my advice.  Have an amazing Summer and make sure to do some things that you want to do for yourself, your mind and your soul.

Summer Scott   

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