Tales Of A Fourth Generation Textile Executive: What A Great Country We Live In!

I hope your July 4th weekend was full of fireworks, parades, barbeques, carnivals, picnics, concerts, sports games (go USA Women’s Soccer) and other special times with family and friends.  I had an exhausting, but amazingly fun, long weekend with my family. I did take some time to reflect on what a great country we live in. The land of the free and the home of the brave. A place where we have the freedoms that other’s around the world unfortunately do not have.  Sure, we pay taxes and have to deal with Obamacare and some other nonsense, but for the most part, we are really lucky.

With that, I wanted to say how appreciative I am for all of the brave people that defend our country and defend our lives on a daily basis.  Their braveness and courage cannot go unnoticed.  So next time you see one of these brave souls, how about shaking their hands and saying thank you for all you do for our country?  I know I will.

I would be remiss if I didn’t discuss any fabric in this blog entry.  So here we go.  American Anthem by Studioe was released in May.  It has 17 skus and ships in December of 2015.  Check it out!       

American Anthem by Studioe

Ask your Studioe sales rep to see this line today.  

Thanks for listening!  God Bless America!

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